Chantal Van Audenhove

About Chantal Van Audenhove

Chantal Van Audenhove, With an exceptional h-index of 47 and a recent h-index of 36 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, specializes in the field of implementation research in care and welfare.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

The effects of different types of organisational workplace mental health interventions on mental health and wellbeing in healthcare workers: a systematic review

Mental health and work: a European perspective

Electronic Patient Reported Outcomes in follow-up after palliative radiotherapy: a feasibility study

The use of electronic Patient Reported Outcomes in follow-up after palliative radiotherapy: A survey study in Belgium

Implementing a complex mental health intervention in occupational settings: process evaluation of the MENTUPP pilot study

Acoustic stimulation as a promising technique to enhance slow-wave sleep in Alzheimer’s disease: results of a pilot study

A Qualitative Study on the Barriers for Social Workers in Flanders (Belgium) to Provide Palliative Care and How to Overcome Them at the Micro, Meso and Macro Level

Defining the content of a website on advance care planning in dementia: a focus group study with family and health professionals

Chantal Van Audenhove Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Chantal Van Audenhove Skills & Research Interests

implementation research in care and welfare

Top articles of Chantal Van Audenhove

The effects of different types of organisational workplace mental health interventions on mental health and wellbeing in healthcare workers: a systematic review


Mental health and work: a European perspective

Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences


Chantal Van Audenhove
Chantal Van Audenhove

H-Index: 32

Electronic Patient Reported Outcomes in follow-up after palliative radiotherapy: a feasibility study


Sofie Isebaert
Sofie Isebaert

H-Index: 16

Chantal Van Audenhove
Chantal Van Audenhove

H-Index: 32

The use of electronic Patient Reported Outcomes in follow-up after palliative radiotherapy: A survey study in Belgium

PEC innovation


Sofie Isebaert
Sofie Isebaert

H-Index: 16

Chantal Van Audenhove
Chantal Van Audenhove

H-Index: 32

Implementing a complex mental health intervention in occupational settings: process evaluation of the MENTUPP pilot study

BMJ open


Acoustic stimulation as a promising technique to enhance slow-wave sleep in Alzheimer’s disease: results of a pilot study

Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine


A Qualitative Study on the Barriers for Social Workers in Flanders (Belgium) to Provide Palliative Care and How to Overcome Them at the Micro, Meso and Macro Level

The British Journal of Social Work


Chantal Van Audenhove
Chantal Van Audenhove

H-Index: 32

Joachim Cohen
Joachim Cohen

H-Index: 38

Anja Declercq
Anja Declercq

H-Index: 22

Defining the content of a website on advance care planning in dementia: a focus group study with family and health professionals

BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making


Chantal Van Audenhove
Chantal Van Audenhove

H-Index: 32

Het gebruik van psychosociale ondersteuning door medewerkers in de gezondheids-en welzijnssectoren: Hoe de drempels overkomen?


Chantal Van Audenhove
Chantal Van Audenhove

H-Index: 32

Outcome assessment of a complex mental health intervention in the workplace. Results from the MENTUPP pilot study

International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health


Implementation and evaluation of a multi-level mental health promotion intervention for the workplace (MENTUPP): study protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial



Promoting employee wellbeing and preventing non-clinical mental health problems in the workplace: a preparatory consultation survey

Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology


Advance Care Planning Website for People With Dementia and Their Family Caregivers: Protocol for a Development and Usability Study

JMIR Research Protocols


Chantal Van Audenhove
Chantal Van Audenhove

H-Index: 32

Developing a framework for evaluation: a Theory of Change for complex workplace mental health interventions

BMC Public Health


Best practice recommendations on the application of seclusion and restraint in mental health services: An evidence, human rights and consensus‐based approach

Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing


Tim Opgenhaffen
Tim Opgenhaffen

H-Index: 2

Chantal Van Audenhove
Chantal Van Audenhove

H-Index: 32

Support from healthcare professionals in empowering family carers to discuss advance care planning: A population-based survey

Palliative Medicine


Joachim Cohen
Joachim Cohen

H-Index: 38

Peter Hudson
Peter Hudson

H-Index: 44

Chantal Van Audenhove
Chantal Van Audenhove

H-Index: 32

Is pre-bereavement collaboration between family caregivers and healthcare professionals associated with post-bereavement emotional well-being? A population-based survey

Patient Education and Counseling


Good collaboration with professionals as predictor for emotional wellbeing of bereaved family carers: Presenter (s): Vincent van Goethem, Ghent University, Belgium

Patient Education and Counseling


Supporting employees with mental illness and reducing mental illness-related stigma in the workplace: an expert survey

European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience


Caleb Leduc
Caleb Leduc

H-Index: 2

Chantal Van Audenhove
Chantal Van Audenhove

H-Index: 32

Ella Arensman
Ella Arensman

H-Index: 43

A Mixed-Method Study on the Palliative Care Capacity of Social Workers in Flanders (Belgium): A Call to Expand Their Role

Health & Social Care in the Community


Chantal Van Audenhove
Chantal Van Audenhove

H-Index: 32

Joachim Cohen
Joachim Cohen

H-Index: 38

Anja Declercq
Anja Declercq

H-Index: 22

See List of Professors in Chantal Van Audenhove University(Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)

