Cesar A Hincapié

About Cesar A Hincapié

Cesar A Hincapié, With an exceptional h-index of 22 and a recent h-index of 19 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universität Zürich, specializes in the field of Epidemiology, Musculoskeletal health, Manual medicine, Clinical trials, Evidence synthesis.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

What gets measured gets managed: A scoping review of musculoskeletal research conducted within practice-based research networks

Swiss chiropractic cohort (Swiss ChiCo) pilot study: feasibility for a musculoskeletal cohort study conducted within a nationwide practice-based research network

Is blinding in studies of manual soft tissue mobilisation of the back possible? A feasibility randomised controlled trial with Swiss graduate students

Involving patients and clinicians in the development of a randomised clinical trial protocol to assess spinal manual therapy versus nerve root injection for patients with …

Use of electronic patient records and encrypted email patient communication among Swiss chiropractors: a population-based cross-sectional study

Post-concussion symptoms and disability in adults with mild traumatic brain injury: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Blinding assessment of manual therapy interventions of the back in Swiss graduate students: a blinding feasibility randomized controlled trial

Advancing understanding of the epidemiology of musculoskeletal pain and injury

Cesar A Hincapié Information



Clinician Scientist Dept Chiropractic Medicine and Balgrist Univ Hosptial



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

Google Scholar

Cesar A Hincapié Skills & Research Interests


Musculoskeletal health

Manual medicine

Clinical trials

Evidence synthesis

Top articles of Cesar A Hincapié

What gets measured gets managed: A scoping review of musculoskeletal research conducted within practice-based research networks


Viktor Von Wyl
Viktor Von Wyl

H-Index: 24

Cesar A Hincapié
Cesar A Hincapié

H-Index: 14

Swiss chiropractic cohort (Swiss ChiCo) pilot study: feasibility for a musculoskeletal cohort study conducted within a nationwide practice-based research network

European Spine Journal


Viktor Von Wyl
Viktor Von Wyl

H-Index: 24

Cesar A Hincapié
Cesar A Hincapié

H-Index: 14

Is blinding in studies of manual soft tissue mobilisation of the back possible? A feasibility randomised controlled trial with Swiss graduate students

Chiropractic & Manual Therapies


Thomas Radtke
Thomas Radtke

H-Index: 16

Cesar A Hincapié
Cesar A Hincapié

H-Index: 14

Involving patients and clinicians in the development of a randomised clinical trial protocol to assess spinal manual therapy versus nerve root injection for patients with …

Research involvement and engagement


Cesar A Hincapié
Cesar A Hincapié

H-Index: 14

Use of electronic patient records and encrypted email patient communication among Swiss chiropractors: a population-based cross-sectional study

Chiropractic & Manual Therapies


Cesar A Hincapié
Cesar A Hincapié

H-Index: 14

Post-concussion symptoms and disability in adults with mild traumatic brain injury: a systematic review and meta-analysis


Cesar A Hincapié
Cesar A Hincapié

H-Index: 14

Blinding assessment of manual therapy interventions of the back in Swiss graduate students: a blinding feasibility randomized controlled trial


Thomas Radtke
Thomas Radtke

H-Index: 16

Cesar A Hincapié
Cesar A Hincapié

H-Index: 14

Advancing understanding of the epidemiology of musculoskeletal pain and injury


Cesar A Hincapié
Cesar A Hincapié

H-Index: 14

Correction: Feasibility of a new clinical journal club implementation and its association with knowledge, attitudes, and application of evidence-based practice among …

Chiropractic & Manual Therapies


Cesar A Hincapié
Cesar A Hincapié

H-Index: 14

The Swiss chiropractice practice-based research network: A population-based cross sectional study to desribe a new musculoskeletal primary care research resource


Cesar A Hincapié
Cesar A Hincapié

H-Index: 14

Viktor Von Wyl
Viktor Von Wyl

H-Index: 24

WHO guideline for non-surgical management of chronic primary low back pain in adults in primary and community care settings


Certainty of the Global Burden of Disease 2019 Modelled Prevalence Estimates for Musculoskeletal Conditions: A Meta-Epidemiological Study


Robby De Pauw
Robby De Pauw

H-Index: 14

Cesar A Hincapié
Cesar A Hincapié

H-Index: 14

Improving rehabilitation research to optimize care and outcomes for people with chronic primary low back pain: methodological and reporting recommendations from a WHO …


Systematic review to inform a World Health Organization (WHO) clinical practice guideline: benefits and harms of needling therapies for chronic primary low back pain in adults


Management of Adults with Chronic Primary Low Back Pain: Introduction to the Special Series of Systematic Reviews to Inform a World Health Organization (WHO) Clinical Guideline

Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation


Cesar A Hincapié
Cesar A Hincapié

H-Index: 14

Systematic review procedures for the World Health Organization (WHO) evidence syntheses on benefits and harms of structured and standardized education/advice, structured …


Paulo Pereira
Paulo Pereira

H-Index: 14

Cesar A Hincapié
Cesar A Hincapié

H-Index: 14

Feasibility of blinding spinal manual therapy interventions among participants and outcome assessors: protocol for a blinding feasibility trial


Cesar A Hincapié
Cesar A Hincapié

H-Index: 14

Minimal clinical datasets for spine related musculoskeletal disorders in primary and outpatient care settings: a scoping review


Pierre Côté
Pierre Côté

H-Index: 0

Cesar A Hincapié
Cesar A Hincapié

H-Index: 14

A Bayesian analysis integrating expert beliefs highlighted the value of eliciting informative priors to better understand how new evidence should change what we believe: a use …


Cesar A Hincapié
Cesar A Hincapié

H-Index: 14

See List of Professors in Cesar A Hincapié University(Universität Zürich)

