Catherine Bertrand

About Catherine Bertrand

Catherine Bertrand, With an exceptional h-index of 20 and a recent h-index of 15 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Université de Franche-Comté, specializes in the field of Hydrochimie et instabilité de versant.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Forecasting landslide motion with EXplainable Machine Learning models: the use case of Séchilienne landslide (French Alps) to identify the relevant predicting variables

The OMIV service: acquiring and sharing long-period instrumental time series for documenting landslide activity

Ambient noise shear-wave tomography for shallow landslide structural models retrieval from dense 3D seismological arrays.

Inventory and characterization of recent (< 100 years) gravitational activity of the Queyras DSGSDs-South French Alps

Hydrogeological modelling of the Viella landslide (Hautes-Pyrénées) for hazard understanding

Landslide investigation using Remote Sensing and Geophysics

Identification of the origin and type of flow in a karst under cover (Barrois limestone; Meuse): contribution of hydrochemical and geophysical coupling

Geophysical inversion and machine learning of dense 3D seismic and resistivity models for imaging deep landslide structures

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Catherine Bertrand Skills & Research Interests

Hydrochimie et instabilité de versant

Top articles of Catherine Bertrand

Forecasting landslide motion with EXplainable Machine Learning models: the use case of Séchilienne landslide (French Alps) to identify the relevant predicting variables


Catherine Bertrand
Catherine Bertrand

H-Index: 13

The OMIV service: acquiring and sharing long-period instrumental time series for documenting landslide activity

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Ambient noise shear-wave tomography for shallow landslide structural models retrieval from dense 3D seismological arrays.

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Catherine Bertrand
Catherine Bertrand

H-Index: 13

Inventory and characterization of recent (< 100 years) gravitational activity of the Queyras DSGSDs-South French Alps

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Catherine Bertrand
Catherine Bertrand

H-Index: 13

Hydrogeological modelling of the Viella landslide (Hautes-Pyrénées) for hazard understanding

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Catherine Bertrand
Catherine Bertrand

H-Index: 13

Landslide investigation using Remote Sensing and Geophysics

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Stéphanie Gautier
Stéphanie Gautier

H-Index: 10

Catherine Bertrand
Catherine Bertrand

H-Index: 13

Identification of the origin and type of flow in a karst under cover (Barrois limestone; Meuse): contribution of hydrochemical and geophysical coupling


Catherine Bertrand
Catherine Bertrand

H-Index: 13

Geophysical inversion and machine learning of dense 3D seismic and resistivity models for imaging deep landslide structures


Catherine Bertrand
Catherine Bertrand

H-Index: 13

Dominique Rousset
Dominique Rousset

H-Index: 6

Ecological role of karstic groundwater in peatlands in the context of climate change. The case study of the Frasne peatland (Jura Mountains, France)


Marc Steinmann
Marc Steinmann

H-Index: 14

Catherine Bertrand
Catherine Bertrand

H-Index: 13

Groundwater fast drainage dynamics in the Barrois limestones; evidences from an MRS monitoring


Catherine Bertrand
Catherine Bertrand

H-Index: 13

Restoration and meteorological variability highlight nested water supplies in middle altitude/latitude peatlands: Towards a hydrological conceptual model of the Frasne peatland …



Marc Steinmann
Marc Steinmann

H-Index: 14

Catherine Bertrand
Catherine Bertrand

H-Index: 13

Increasing the Understanding of the Viella Landslide Functioning Through Geophysical Data Fusion


Characterization of nested water supplies in a mid latitude/altitude peatland using long-term monitoring data before and after restoration. The case study of the Frasne …

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Marc Steinmann
Marc Steinmann

H-Index: 14

Catherine Bertrand
Catherine Bertrand

H-Index: 13

Dense 3D electrical resistivity tomography to understand complex deep landslide structures

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Kusnahadi Susanto
Kusnahadi Susanto

H-Index: 1

Catherine Bertrand
Catherine Bertrand

H-Index: 13

Long and short time evolution of deep seated gravitational slope deformation int the Queyras massif/south east France

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Catherine Bertrand
Catherine Bertrand

H-Index: 13

Statistical hydrology for evaluating peatland water table sensitivity to simple environmental variables and climate changes application to the mid-latitude/altitude Frasne …

Science of the Total Environment


Numerical code for solving the geochemical mixing model and making diagrams in Nevers et al., to be published in E-surf ("" Landslides as geological hotspots of CO2 to the …



Catherine Bertrand
Catherine Bertrand

H-Index: 13

Landslides as geological hotspots of CO2 to the atmosphere: clues from the instrumented Séchilienne landslide, Western European Alps

Earth Surface Dynamics


Delphine Charpentier
Delphine Charpentier

H-Index: 10

Catherine Bertrand
Catherine Bertrand

H-Index: 13

See List of Professors in Catherine Bertrand University(Université de Franche-Comté)