Carolina Loch

Carolina Loch

University of Otago

H-index: 18

Oceania-New Zealand

About Carolina Loch

Carolina Loch, With an exceptional h-index of 18 and a recent h-index of 16 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Otago, specializes in the field of Evolutionary oral biology and dental morphology.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Before and after: COVID‐19 impacts on dental students' well‐being, clinical competency and employment opportunities

Remineralization potential of dentifrices with calcium sodium phosphosilicate and functionalized tri‐calcium phosphate in the deeper incipient carious lesions: An in vitro study

Variation in enamel prism size in primate molars

A Comparison of the Enamel Remineralisation Potential of Self-Assembling Peptides

Case study of user experience-driven design in a new local anaesthetic dentistry jet injection device

Tooth wear and dental pathology in Amazon River dolphins (Inia geoffrensis) and tucuxis (Sotalia fluviatilis)

Tooth chipping patterns and dental caries suggest a soft fruit diet in early anthropoids

An Exploration of Mineral Density, Elemental and Chemical Composition of Primary Teeth in Relation to Cord‐Blood Vitamin D, Using Laboratory Analysis Techniques

Carolina Loch Information



Senior Lecturer in Oral Biology



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

Google Scholar

Carolina Loch Skills & Research Interests

Evolutionary oral biology and dental morphology

Top articles of Carolina Loch

Before and after: COVID‐19 impacts on dental students' well‐being, clinical competency and employment opportunities

European Journal of Dental Education


Carolina Loch
Carolina Loch

H-Index: 10

Remineralization potential of dentifrices with calcium sodium phosphosilicate and functionalized tri‐calcium phosphate in the deeper incipient carious lesions: An in vitro study

Clinical and Experimental Dental Research


Carolina Loch
Carolina Loch

H-Index: 10

Manikandan Ekambaram
Manikandan Ekambaram

H-Index: 14

Variation in enamel prism size in primate molars

Archives of Oral Biology


Carolina Loch
Carolina Loch

H-Index: 10

A Comparison of the Enamel Remineralisation Potential of Self-Assembling Peptides

international dental journal


Case study of user experience-driven design in a new local anaesthetic dentistry jet injection device

Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand


Tooth wear and dental pathology in Amazon River dolphins (Inia geoffrensis) and tucuxis (Sotalia fluviatilis)

Latin American Journal of Aquatic Mammals


Carolina Loch
Carolina Loch

H-Index: 10

Tooth chipping patterns and dental caries suggest a soft fruit diet in early anthropoids

American Journal of Biological Anthropology


Carolina Loch
Carolina Loch

H-Index: 10

An Exploration of Mineral Density, Elemental and Chemical Composition of Primary Teeth in Relation to Cord‐Blood Vitamin D, Using Laboratory Analysis Techniques

Journal of Bone and Mineral Research


Kārlis Bērziņš
Kārlis Bērziņš

H-Index: 6

Carolina Loch
Carolina Loch

H-Index: 10

A new fossil dolphin with tusk-like teeth from New Zealand and an analysis of procumbent teeth in fossil cetaceans

Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand


Ambre Coste
Ambre Coste

H-Index: 0

Carolina Loch
Carolina Loch

H-Index: 10

The better to eat you with: morphological disparity and enamel ultrastructure in odontocetes

Scientific Reports


R Ewan Fordyce
R Ewan Fordyce

H-Index: 28

Carolina Loch
Carolina Loch

H-Index: 10

Skulls, Teeth, and Sex


Carolina Loch
Carolina Loch

H-Index: 10

R Ewan Fordyce
R Ewan Fordyce

H-Index: 28

Experiences and perceptions of New Zealand oral health students’ rapid move to online learning

New Zealand Dental Journal


Variation in enamel mechanical properties throughout the crown in catarrhine primates

Journal of Human Evolution


Thomas Loho
Thomas Loho

H-Index: 4

Carolina Loch
Carolina Loch

H-Index: 10

Variation in enamel and dentine mineral concentration and density in primate molars

Archives of Oral Biology


Carolina Loch
Carolina Loch

H-Index: 10

A new dolphin with tusk-like teeth from the late Oligocene of New Zealand indicates evolution of novel feeding strategies

Proceedings of the Royal Society B


Severe enamel defects in wild Japanese macaques

International Journal of Zoology


Carolina Loch
Carolina Loch

H-Index: 10

Genomic evidence for homoploid hybrid speciation in a marine mammal apex predator

Science Advances


Longitudinal changes in juvenile and adolescent body mass indices before, during, and after the COVID‐19 lockdown in New Zealand

American Journal of Human Biology


Carolina Loch
Carolina Loch

H-Index: 10

Gina Mcfarlane
Gina Mcfarlane

H-Index: 3

Enhancing the student learning experience: Co‐teaching biochemistry and clinical sciences within the dental curriculum

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education


Tao Wang
Tao Wang

H-Index: 17

Carolina Loch
Carolina Loch

H-Index: 10

Tooth chipping patterns in Archaeolemur provide insight into diet and behavior

American Journal of Biological Anthropology


Carolina Loch
Carolina Loch

H-Index: 10

See List of Professors in Carolina Loch University(University of Otago)

