Camila Aparecida de Menezes

About Camila Aparecida de Menezes

Camila Aparecida de Menezes, With an exceptional h-index of 10 and a recent h-index of 10 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universidade de São Paulo, specializes in the field of Digestão anaeróbia, biohidrogênio, biometano.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Integrated production of hydrogen and methane in a dairy biorefinery using anaerobic digestion: Scale-up, economic and risk analyses

One versus two-stage codigestion of sugarcane vinasse and glycerol: Assessing combinations at mesophilic and (hyper) thermophilic conditions

From start-up to maximum loading: An approach for methane production in upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor fed with the liquid fraction of fruit and vegetable waste

Relating biomass composition and the distribution of metabolic functions in the co-fermentation of sugarcane vinasse and glycerol

Biomethane recovery through co-digestion of cheese whey and glycerol in a two-stage anaerobic fluidized bed reactor: Effect of temperature and organic loading rate on …

Two problems in one shot: Vinasse and glycerol co-digestion in a thermophilic high-rate reactor to improve process stability even at high sulfate concentrations

Bioconversion of pretreated sugarcane vinasse into hydrogen: new perspectives to solve one of the greatest issues of the sugarcane biorefinery

Thermophilic anaerobic co-digestion of glycerol and cheese whey–Effect of increasing organic loading rate

Camila Aparecida de Menezes Information



Doutoranda em Engenharia Hidráulica e Saneamento EESC/



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Camila Aparecida de Menezes Skills & Research Interests

Digestão anaeróbia



Top articles of Camila Aparecida de Menezes

Integrated production of hydrogen and methane in a dairy biorefinery using anaerobic digestion: Scale-up, economic and risk analyses

Journal of Environmental Management


Camila Aparecida De Menezes
Camila Aparecida De Menezes

H-Index: 4

Edson Luiz Silva
Edson Luiz Silva

H-Index: 24

One versus two-stage codigestion of sugarcane vinasse and glycerol: Assessing combinations at mesophilic and (hyper) thermophilic conditions

Science of The Total Environment


From start-up to maximum loading: An approach for methane production in upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor fed with the liquid fraction of fruit and vegetable waste

Journal of Environmental Management


Camila Aparecida De Menezes
Camila Aparecida De Menezes

H-Index: 4

Marcelo Zaiat
Marcelo Zaiat

H-Index: 39

Relating biomass composition and the distribution of metabolic functions in the co-fermentation of sugarcane vinasse and glycerol

International Journal of Hydrogen Energy


Biomethane recovery through co-digestion of cheese whey and glycerol in a two-stage anaerobic fluidized bed reactor: Effect of temperature and organic loading rate on …

Journal of Environmental Management


Two problems in one shot: Vinasse and glycerol co-digestion in a thermophilic high-rate reactor to improve process stability even at high sulfate concentrations

Science of The Total Environment


Bioconversion of pretreated sugarcane vinasse into hydrogen: new perspectives to solve one of the greatest issues of the sugarcane biorefinery

Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery


Thermophilic anaerobic co-digestion of glycerol and cheese whey–Effect of increasing organic loading rate

Process Safety and Environmental Protection


Characterization of Fruits and Vegetables Waste Generated at a Central Horticultural Wholesaler: A Case Study for Energy Production Via Biogas

Industrial Biotechnology


Camila Aparecida De Menezes
Camila Aparecida De Menezes

H-Index: 4

Marcelo Zaiat
Marcelo Zaiat

H-Index: 39

Producing hydrogen from the fermentation of cheese whey and glycerol as cosubstrates in an anaerobic fluidized bed reactor

International Journal of Hydrogen Energy


Enhanced fermentative production of 1, 3 propanediol by employing ethanol industry wastewater

Bioresource Technology Reports


Camila Aparecida De Menezes
Camila Aparecida De Menezes

H-Index: 4

Edson Luiz Silva
Edson Luiz Silva

H-Index: 24

One waste and two products: choosing the best operational temperature and hydraulic retention time to recover hydrogen or 1, 3-propanediol from glycerol fermentation

Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering


Camila Aparecida De Menezes
Camila Aparecida De Menezes

H-Index: 4

Edson Luiz Silva
Edson Luiz Silva

H-Index: 24

Anaerobic biodegradation of biodiesel industry wastewater in mesophilic and thermophilic fluidized bed reactors: enhancing treatment and methane recovery

Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology


Camila Aparecida De Menezes
Camila Aparecida De Menezes

H-Index: 4

Edson Luiz Silva
Edson Luiz Silva

H-Index: 24

A new side-looking at the dark fermentation of sugarcane vinasse: Improving the carboxylates production in mesophilic EGSB by selection of the hydraulic retention time and …

International Journal of Hydrogen Energy


Homoacetogenesis: New insights into controlling this unsolved challenge by selecting the optimal C/N ratio, C/P ratio and hydraulic retention time

Process Safety and Environmental Protection


Improved dark fermentation of cane molasses in mesophilic and thermophilic anaerobic fluidized bed reactors by selecting operational conditions

International Journal of Energy Research


Controlling methane and hydrogen production from cheese whey in an EGSB reactor by changing the HRT

Bioprocess and biosystems engineering


Simultaneous hydrogen and ethanol production in a thermophilic AFBR: a comparative approach between cellulosic hydrolysate single fermentation and the fermentation of glucose …



Camila Aparecida De Menezes
Camila Aparecida De Menezes

H-Index: 4

Edson Luiz Silva
Edson Luiz Silva

H-Index: 24

An alternative for value aggregation to the sugarcane chain: Biohydrogen and volatile fatty acids production from sugarcane molasses in mesophilic expanded granular sludge bed …



Camila Aparecida De Menezes
Camila Aparecida De Menezes

H-Index: 4

Edson Luiz Silva
Edson Luiz Silva

H-Index: 24

Tratamento de esgoto por disposição no solo: vegetação suporte de forrageira

Revista Brasileira de Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação


Camila Aparecida De Menezes
Camila Aparecida De Menezes

H-Index: 4

See List of Professors in Camila Aparecida de Menezes University(Universidade de São Paulo)