Céline Miani

About Céline Miani

Céline Miani, With an exceptional h-index of 18 and a recent h-index of 15 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universität Bielefeld, specializes in the field of Public Health.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

MANFOKUS: Männlichkeit (en) im Fokus: Auf dem Weg zu einer geschlechtergerechten Versorgung (2021-2023). Policy Brief.

Abortion stigma among abortion seekers, healthcare professionals and the public in high-income countries: A mixed-methods systematic review protocol

‘That Sounds to Me Like You Are Making This Too Complicated…’: Reflections on a Social Media Recruitment Effort for a Study on Masculinities and Contraception

Out-of-hospital births: A small but growing phenomenon in high income countries: A viewpoint

Health workers training related to respectful maternal care: preliminary results of IMAgiNE EURO project in 12 countries

A critical review: developing a birth integrity framework for epidemiological studies through meta-ethnography

Effectiveness of behavior change interventions for smoking cessation among expectant and new fathers: findings from a systematic review

Operationalising masculinities in theories and practices of gender-transformative health interventions: a scoping review

Céline Miani Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




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Céline Miani Skills & Research Interests

Public Health

Top articles of Céline Miani

MANFOKUS: Männlichkeit (en) im Fokus: Auf dem Weg zu einer geschlechtergerechten Versorgung (2021-2023). Policy Brief.


Emily Finne
Emily Finne

H-Index: 12

Céline Miani
Céline Miani

H-Index: 12

Abortion stigma among abortion seekers, healthcare professionals and the public in high-income countries: A mixed-methods systematic review protocol


‘That Sounds to Me Like You Are Making This Too Complicated…’: Reflections on a Social Media Recruitment Effort for a Study on Masculinities and Contraception

Qualitative Health Research


Céline Miani
Céline Miani

H-Index: 12

Out-of-hospital births: A small but growing phenomenon in high income countries: A viewpoint

Journal of Asian Midwives


Céline Miani
Céline Miani

H-Index: 12

Christiana Macdougall
Christiana Macdougall

H-Index: 2

Health workers training related to respectful maternal care: preliminary results of IMAgiNE EURO project in 12 countries

European Journal of Midwifery


A critical review: developing a birth integrity framework for epidemiological studies through meta-ethnography


Céline Miani
Céline Miani

H-Index: 12

Effectiveness of behavior change interventions for smoking cessation among expectant and new fathers: findings from a systematic review


Operationalising masculinities in theories and practices of gender-transformative health interventions: a scoping review


Céline Miani
Céline Miani

H-Index: 12

Masculinities in focus: how can the consideration of gender roles pave the way for gender-transformative healthcare services and improve health for all?

Population Medicine


Verletzte Geburtsintegrität während der COVID-19-Pandemie in Deutschland: Erfahrungen von Gebärenden mit der geburtshilflichen Versorgung



Ilaria Mariani
Ilaria Mariani

H-Index: 7

Céline Miani
Céline Miani

H-Index: 12

Violated birth integrity during the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany: experiences of women with maternity care

Bundesgesundheitsblatt, Gesundheitsforschung, Gesundheitsschutz


Experiences of giving birth during the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative analysis of social media comments through the lens of birth integrity

BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth


Céline Miani
Céline Miani

H-Index: 12

Corrections to “Quality of facility-based maternal and newborn care around the time of childbirth during the COVID-19 pandemic: Online survey investigating maternal …

The Lancet Regional Health–Europe


Self-reported mental well-being of mothers with young children during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany: A mixed-methods study

Women's Health


Céline Miani
Céline Miani

H-Index: 12

Decomposing intersectional inequalities in subjective physical and mental health by sex, gendered practices and immigration status in a representative panel study from Germany

BMC Public Health


Céline Miani
Céline Miani

H-Index: 12

Covid-19 pandemic: A gender perspective on how lockdown measures have affected mothers with young children

Covid, crisis, care, and change


Céline Miani
Céline Miani

H-Index: 12

Quality of facility-based maternal and newborn care around the time of childbirth during the COVID-19 pandemic: online survey investigating maternal perspectives in 12 …

The Lancet Regional Health–Europe


Funding: The study was financially supported by the Institute for Maternal and Child Health IRCCS Burlo Garofolo, Trieste, Italy.

European Journal of Public Health


Céline Miani
Céline Miani

H-Index: 12

Factors associated with exclusive breastfeeding at discharge during the COVID-19 pandemic in 17 WHO European Region countries

International breastfeeding journal


Individual and country‐level variables associated with the medicalization of birth: multilevel analyses of imagine euro data from 15 countries in the who european region

International Journal Of Gynecology & Obstetrics


See List of Professors in Céline Miani University(Universität Bielefeld)