Bruno Tremblay

Bruno Tremblay

McGill University

H-index: 44

North America-Canada

About Bruno Tremblay

Bruno Tremblay, With an exceptional h-index of 44 and a recent h-index of 29 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at McGill University, specializes in the field of ice climate.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

On the sensitivity of sea ice deformation statistics to plastic damage

Using Icepack to reproduce ice mass balance buoy observations in landfast ice: improvements from the mushy-layer thermodynamics

Smoothed particle hydrodynamics implementation of the standard viscous–plastic sea-ice model and validation in simple idealized experiments

Predictability of the Minimum Sea Ice Extent from Winter Fram Strait Ice Area Export: Model vs Observations

Variability modes of September Arctic sea ice: drivers and their contributions to sea ice trend and extremes

Preconditioning of summer melt ponds from winter sea ice surface temperature

Disentangling Dynamic from Thermodynamic Summer Ice Area Loss from Observations (1979–2021): A Potential Mechanism for a “First-Time” Ice-Free Arctic

Teardrop and Parabolic Lens Yield Curves for Viscous‐Plastic Sea Ice Models: New Constitutive Equations and Failure Angles

Bruno Tremblay Information



Associate Professor Adjunct Research Scientist Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

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Bruno Tremblay Skills & Research Interests

ice climate

Top articles of Bruno Tremblay

On the sensitivity of sea ice deformation statistics to plastic damage

The Cryosphere


Antoine Savard
Antoine Savard

H-Index: 0

Bruno Tremblay
Bruno Tremblay

H-Index: 24

Using Icepack to reproduce ice mass balance buoy observations in landfast ice: improvements from the mushy-layer thermodynamics

The Cryosphere Discussions


Smoothed particle hydrodynamics implementation of the standard viscous–plastic sea-ice model and validation in simple idealized experiments

The Cryosphere Discussions


Bruno Tremblay
Bruno Tremblay

H-Index: 24

Mohammed Islam
Mohammed Islam

H-Index: 2

Predictability of the Minimum Sea Ice Extent from Winter Fram Strait Ice Area Export: Model vs Observations

Journal of Climate


Variability modes of September Arctic sea ice: drivers and their contributions to sea ice trend and extremes

Environmental Research: Climate


Bruno Tremblay
Bruno Tremblay

H-Index: 24

Preconditioning of summer melt ponds from winter sea ice surface temperature

Geophysical Research Letters


Gunnar Spreen
Gunnar Spreen

H-Index: 25

Bruno Tremblay
Bruno Tremblay

H-Index: 24

Disentangling Dynamic from Thermodynamic Summer Ice Area Loss from Observations (1979–2021): A Potential Mechanism for a “First-Time” Ice-Free Arctic

Journal of Climate


Teardrop and Parabolic Lens Yield Curves for Viscous‐Plastic Sea Ice Models: New Constitutive Equations and Failure Angles

Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems


Introduction to the Special Issue on Polar Predictions


Hai Lin
Hai Lin

H-Index: 10

Bruno Tremblay
Bruno Tremblay

H-Index: 24

Pathways of Pacific Waters and associated heat transport in the Canada Basin from observations


Bruno Tremblay
Bruno Tremblay

H-Index: 24

Damaging viscous-plastic sea ice

Authorea Preprints


Antoine Savard
Antoine Savard

H-Index: 0

Bruno Tremblay
Bruno Tremblay

H-Index: 24

Impact of Kara Sea landfast ice extent on the stability of the pan-Arctic halocline

Authorea Preprints


Yuqing Liu
Yuqing Liu

H-Index: 4

Bruno Tremblay
Bruno Tremblay

H-Index: 24

Variability of summer-time Arctic sea ice: the drivers and the contribution to the sea ice trend and extremes

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Bruno Tremblay
Bruno Tremblay

H-Index: 24

Sea ice kinetic energy dissipation with different yield curves

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Yuqing Liu
Yuqing Liu

H-Index: 4

Bruno Tremblay
Bruno Tremblay

H-Index: 24

The impact of large scale atmospheric and cyclone variability on the sea-ice edge in the Labrador Sea

AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts


Surface salinity under transitioning ice cover in the Canada Basin: Climate model biases linked to vertical 2 distribution of freshwater

Geophysical Research Letters


The Effects of Non-Normal Flow Rules on Fracture Angles in Viscous-Plastic Sea Ice Models

Authorea Preprints


Canada Basin hydrography in the CESM-LE and observations: implications for vertical ocean heat transport in a transitioning sea ice cover

Authorea Preprints


Bruno Tremblay
Bruno Tremblay

H-Index: 24

Erica Rosenblum
Erica Rosenblum

H-Index: 5

Future Sea-Ice Decline Predicted to Bring the Arctic Nations Closer Together

Authorea Preprints


Sea Ice Rheology Experiment (SIREx), Part I: Scaling and statistical properties of sea-ice deformation fields

Authorea Preprints


See List of Professors in Bruno Tremblay University(McGill University)