Björn Philips

About Björn Philips

Björn Philips, With an exceptional h-index of 19 and a recent h-index of 15 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Stockholms universitet, specializes in the field of psychodynamic therapy, psychotherapy process and outcome, mentalization.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Internet-Delivered Affect-Focused Psychodynamic Therapy for Adolescent Depression: Treatment Principles and Clinical Application in the ERiCA Project

It turned into something else: patients’ long-term experiences of transitions to or from telepsychotherapy during the COVID-19 pandemic

Comparing Transdiagnostic Treatments: Unified Protocol vs. Affect Phobia Therapy and the Role of Negative Effects

Transdiagnostic Internet interventions: A breakthrough in psychological disorders?

Therapeutic alliance is calming and curing—The interplay between alliance and emotion regulation as predictors of outcome in Internet-based treatments for adolescent depression.

“Good job!”: Therapists' encouragement, affirmation, and personal address in internet-based cognitive behavior therapy for adolescents with depression

“I didn’t have to look her in the eyes”—participants’ experiences of the therapeutic relationship in internet-based psychodynamic therapy for adolescent depression

Therapist-guided internet-based psychodynamic therapy versus cognitive behavioural therapy for adolescent depression in Sweden: a randomised, clinical, non-inferiority trial

Björn Philips Information



Associate professor of clinical psychology



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

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Björn Philips Skills & Research Interests

psychodynamic therapy

psychotherapy process and outcome


Top articles of Björn Philips

Internet-Delivered Affect-Focused Psychodynamic Therapy for Adolescent Depression: Treatment Principles and Clinical Application in the ERiCA Project

Journal of Infant, Child, and Adolescent Psychotherapy


It turned into something else: patients’ long-term experiences of transitions to or from telepsychotherapy during the COVID-19 pandemic

Frontiers in Psychology


Björn Philips
Björn Philips

H-Index: 13

Andrzej Werbart
Andrzej Werbart

H-Index: 17

Comparing Transdiagnostic Treatments: Unified Protocol vs. Affect Phobia Therapy and the Role of Negative Effects


Björn Philips
Björn Philips

H-Index: 13

Transdiagnostic Internet interventions: A breakthrough in psychological disorders?


Björn Philips
Björn Philips

H-Index: 13

Therapeutic alliance is calming and curing—The interplay between alliance and emotion regulation as predictors of outcome in Internet-based treatments for adolescent depression.

Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology


Fredrik Falkenström
Fredrik Falkenström

H-Index: 21

Björn Philips
Björn Philips

H-Index: 13

“Good job!”: Therapists' encouragement, affirmation, and personal address in internet-based cognitive behavior therapy for adolescents with depression

Internet Interventions


Claudia Bernhard-Oettel
Claudia Bernhard-Oettel

H-Index: 17

Björn Philips
Björn Philips

H-Index: 13

“I didn’t have to look her in the eyes”—participants’ experiences of the therapeutic relationship in internet-based psychodynamic therapy for adolescent depression

Psychotherapy Research


Björn Philips
Björn Philips

H-Index: 13

Therapist-guided internet-based psychodynamic therapy versus cognitive behavioural therapy for adolescent depression in Sweden: a randomised, clinical, non-inferiority trial

The Lancet Digital Health


A one-session treatment of PTSD after single sexual assault trauma. A pilot study of the WONSA MLI project: A randomized controlled trial

Journal of Interpersonal Violence


Björn Philips
Björn Philips

H-Index: 13

Axel C Carlsson
Axel C Carlsson

H-Index: 29

Loss of rituals, boundaries, and relationship: patient experiences of transition to telepsychotherapy following the onset of COVID-19 pandemic

Frontiers in Psychology


Andrzej Werbart
Andrzej Werbart

H-Index: 17

Björn Philips
Björn Philips

H-Index: 13

Transdiagnostic self-help treatments for anxiety and/or depression: A full-factorial RCT investigating psychotherapeutic modalities, discussion boards and treatment length


Björn Philips
Björn Philips

H-Index: 13

Adverse effects in internet-based cognitive-behavior versus psychodynamic therapy


Alexander Rozental
Alexander Rozental

H-Index: 21

Björn Philips
Björn Philips

H-Index: 13

Lessons learned from'TRAbee'–a large full-factorial designed study (n= 2400) targeting depression and/or anxiety


Björn Philips
Björn Philips

H-Index: 13

TRAbee: Internet-delivered transdiagnostic self-help treatments for anxiety and/or depression: Preliminary results from a full-factorial designed randomized control trial


Björn Philips
Björn Philips

H-Index: 13

The depression: Online therapy study (D: OTS)—A pilot study of an internet-based psychodynamic treatment for adolescents with Low Mood in the UK, in the context of the COVID …

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health


Peter Martin
Peter Martin

H-Index: 11

Björn Philips
Björn Philips

H-Index: 13

Health care consumption and psychiatric diagnoses among adolescent girls 1 and 2 years after a first-time registered child sexual abuse experience: a cohort study in the …

European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry


Björn Philips
Björn Philips

H-Index: 13

Axel C Carlsson
Axel C Carlsson

H-Index: 29

The role of the working alliance in psychological treatment of substance use disorder outpatients

Psychotherapy Research


Björn Philips
Björn Philips

H-Index: 13

Fredrik Falkenström
Fredrik Falkenström

H-Index: 21

Delayed healthcare access among victims of sexual abuse, understood through internal and external gatekeeping mechanisms

Nordic journal of psychiatry


Björn Philips
Björn Philips

H-Index: 13

Axel C Carlsson
Axel C Carlsson

H-Index: 29

Sudden gains and large intersession improvements in internet-based psychodynamic treatment (IPDT) for depressed adolescents

Psychotherapy Research


Fredrik Falkenström
Fredrik Falkenström

H-Index: 21

Björn Philips
Björn Philips

H-Index: 13

What research evidence is valid for psychotherapy research?

Frontiers in psychiatry


Björn Philips
Björn Philips

H-Index: 13

Fredrik Falkenström
Fredrik Falkenström

H-Index: 21

See List of Professors in Björn Philips University(Stockholms universitet)