Bee Koon Poh

About Bee Koon Poh

Bee Koon Poh, With an exceptional h-index of 41 and a recent h-index of 33 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, specializes in the field of Nutrition, Public Health, Body composition, Physical activity, Basal metabolic rate.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Association between adherence to 24‐h movement guidelines and sociodemographic factors among Malaysian preschoolers: Findings from SEANUTS II Malaysia

Exploring the Landscape of Nutrition Label Reading Among Adolescents: A Scoping Review Protocol.

Worldwide trends in underweight and obesity from 1990 to 2022: a pooled analysis of 3663 population-representative studies with 222 million children, adolescents, and adults

Exploring disparities in malnutrition among under-five children in Nigeria and potential solutions: a scoping review

Kajian Rintis Penilaian Literasi Digital: Kesediaan Guru Prasekolah Menggunakan Platform Pembelajaran dalam Talian untuk Pendidikan Pemakanan.

Cross-Cultural Adaptation and Validation of the Malay-Translated Version of the Food Neophobia Scale for Malaysian Young Adults

Diminishing benefits of urban living for growth and development of school-aged children and adolescents in the 21st century

Correction to: Teachers’ and Parents’ Perspectives on the Feasibility of a Preschool-Based Behavioral Intervention to Prevent Obesity: An Embedded Qualitative Study within …

Bee Koon Poh Information






Citations(since 2020)


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i10Index(since 2020)



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Bee Koon Poh Skills & Research Interests


Public Health

Body composition

Physical activity

Basal metabolic rate

Top articles of Bee Koon Poh

Association between adherence to 24‐h movement guidelines and sociodemographic factors among Malaysian preschoolers: Findings from SEANUTS II Malaysia

American Journal of Human Biology


Exploring the Landscape of Nutrition Label Reading Among Adolescents: A Scoping Review Protocol.


Exploring disparities in malnutrition among under-five children in Nigeria and potential solutions: a scoping review


Kajian Rintis Penilaian Literasi Digital: Kesediaan Guru Prasekolah Menggunakan Platform Pembelajaran dalam Talian untuk Pendidikan Pemakanan.

Malaysian Journal of Health Sciences/Jurnal Sains Kesihatan Malaysia


Cross-Cultural Adaptation and Validation of the Malay-Translated Version of the Food Neophobia Scale for Malaysian Young Adults

Quality of Life Research


Correction to: Teachers’ and Parents’ Perspectives on the Feasibility of a Preschool-Based Behavioral Intervention to Prevent Obesity: An Embedded Qualitative Study within …

Early Childhood Education Journal


South East Asian Nutrition Surveys (SEANUTS) II-a multi-country evaluation of nutrition and lifestyle indicators in children aged 12 years and below: rationale and design

Public Health Nutrition


Bee Koon Poh
Bee Koon Poh

H-Index: 26

Dian Novita Chandra
Dian Novita Chandra

H-Index: 4

Teachers’ and parents’ perspectives on the feasibility of a preschool-based behavioral intervention to prevent obesity: An embedded qualitative study within ToyBox study Malaysia

Early Childhood Education Journal


Six Strategies for Optimizing Linear Growth through Improving Awareness of Breastfeeding, Dietary Diversity in Complementary Feeding, and Growth Monitoring during Early Life …

Journal of Health Sciences and Practice


Children’s Attraction to Physical Activity and Its Relation to Physical Activity Level

The Malaysian journal of medical sciences: MJMS


Bee Koon Poh
Bee Koon Poh

H-Index: 26

National nutrition surveillance programmes in 18 countries in South-East Asia and Western Pacific Regions: a systematic scoping review


Triple burden of malnutrition among Malaysian children aged 6 months to 12 years: Current findings from SEANUTS II Malaysia

Public Health Nutrition


Metabolic syndrome and dietary intake are associated with quality of life in kidney transplant recipients

Transplantation Proceedings


Cultural adaptations and methodological innovations to group model building for the systems actions to reduce malnutrition in all its forms in Southeast Asian countries and …

International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity


Towards automated transfer of paediatric nutrition data from electronic health records to clinical quality registries in Malaysia


From ToyBox Study to eToyBox: Advancing Childhood Obesity Reduction in Malaysian Kindergartens

International journal of environmental research and public health


Process evaluation of a kindergarten-based intervention for obesity prevention in early childhood: the Toybox study Malaysia

BMC public health


Bee Koon Poh
Bee Koon Poh

H-Index: 26

Denise Koh
Denise Koh

H-Index: 7

Anthropometric indices, but not birth weight, are associated with high blood pressure risk among Malay adolescents in Kuala Lumpur

Dialogues in Health


Bee Koon Poh
Bee Koon Poh

H-Index: 26

See List of Professors in Bee Koon Poh University(Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia)

