Basuni Radi

About Basuni Radi

Basuni Radi, With an exceptional h-index of 10 and a recent h-index of 10 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universitas Indonesia, specializes in the field of Fakultas Kedokteran.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Adherence to penicillin treatment is essential for effective secondary prevention of rheumatic heart disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Unveiling the Group A Streptococcus Vaccine-Based L-Rhamnose from Backbone of Group A Carbohydrate: Current Insight Against Acute Rheumatic Fever to Reduce the Global Burden of …

Current Evidence and Future Directions of Omega-3 Supplementation and Cardiovascular Disease Risk

The effect of resistance training on PCSK9 levels in patients undergoing cardiac rehabilitation after coronary artery bypass grafting: a randomized study

The Effect of Omega-3 Supplementation on Heart Failure Outcome: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Clinical Trial

Lower exercise capacity correlates with slower heart rate recovery in post-coronary artery bypass surgery patients

Plasma brain derived neurotrophic factor level as a modifying factor for trans fat intake and hypertension

Interhospital Transfer versus Direct Admission in Patients with Acute ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction

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Basuni Radi Skills & Research Interests

Fakultas Kedokteran

Top articles of Basuni Radi

Adherence to penicillin treatment is essential for effective secondary prevention of rheumatic heart disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis


Unveiling the Group A Streptococcus Vaccine-Based L-Rhamnose from Backbone of Group A Carbohydrate: Current Insight Against Acute Rheumatic Fever to Reduce the Global Burden of …


Basuni Radi
Basuni Radi

H-Index: 5

Current Evidence and Future Directions of Omega-3 Supplementation and Cardiovascular Disease Risk


Anwar Santoso
Anwar Santoso

H-Index: 14

Basuni Radi
Basuni Radi

H-Index: 5

The effect of resistance training on PCSK9 levels in patients undergoing cardiac rehabilitation after coronary artery bypass grafting: a randomized study

BMC Cardiovascular Disorders


Anwar Santoso
Anwar Santoso

H-Index: 14

Basuni Radi
Basuni Radi

H-Index: 5

The Effect of Omega-3 Supplementation on Heart Failure Outcome: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Clinical Trial


Basuni Radi
Basuni Radi

H-Index: 5

Anwar Santoso
Anwar Santoso

H-Index: 14

Lower exercise capacity correlates with slower heart rate recovery in post-coronary artery bypass surgery patients

European Journal of Preventive Cardiology


Plasma brain derived neurotrophic factor level as a modifying factor for trans fat intake and hypertension

Clinical Nutrition ESPEN


Rarsari Soerarso
Rarsari Soerarso

H-Index: 2

Basuni Radi
Basuni Radi

H-Index: 5

Interhospital Transfer versus Direct Admission in Patients with Acute ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction

International Journal of Angiology


The Influence of Special Military Training on Left Ventricular Adaptation to Exercise in Elite Air Force Soldiers

Journal of Cardiovascular Echography


Resistance training decreases PCSK9 levels in patients undergoing phase II cardiac rehabilitation after coronary artery bypass grafting: A randomized study


Anwar Santoso
Anwar Santoso

H-Index: 14

Basuni Radi
Basuni Radi

H-Index: 5

The impact of diabetes mellitus on improvement of resting rate pressure product in patients with refractory angina undergone external counter pulsation

European Heart Journal


Cardiac rehabilitation results among patients who have undergone cardiac surgery after covid-19 infection

European Heart Journal


Medical Professionals’ Perspective on Safety and Efficacy of Early Mobilization in Acute Heart Failure Patients

Journal of the Hong Kong College of Cardiology


Basuni Radi
Basuni Radi

H-Index: 5

Smartphone-Based Cardiac Rehabilitation Program Improves Functional Capacity in Coronary Heart Disease Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis


Anwar Santoso
Anwar Santoso

H-Index: 14

Basuni Radi
Basuni Radi

H-Index: 5

Endothelin-1 negatively correlates with functional capacity in patients with breast cancer receiving first line anthracycline-based chemotherapy

European Journal of Preventive Cardiology


Retrospective study of the association between platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio in patients with acute coronary syndrome on admission to a rural referral center in East Java …

Medical science monitor: international medical journal of experimental and clinical research


Dyslipidemia increases the risk of severe COVID-19: a systematic review, meta-analysis, and meta-regression


Basuni Radi
Basuni Radi

H-Index: 5

Aerobic exercise prescription in heart failure patients with cardiac resynchronization therapy


Basuni Radi
Basuni Radi

H-Index: 5

Protocol: Randomised controlled trial into the role of ramipril in fibrosis reduction in rheumatic heart disease: the RamiRHeD trial protocol

BMJ Open


External Counterpulsation Improves Angiogenesis by Preserving Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-A and Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor-2 but Not Regulating MicroRNA …

Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine


See List of Professors in Basuni Radi University(Universitas Indonesia)