Bart Visser

Bart Visser

Hogeschool van Amsterdam

H-index: 29


About Bart Visser

Bart Visser, With an exceptional h-index of 29 and a recent h-index of 21 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Hogeschool van Amsterdam, specializes in the field of Human movement science, Health Technology, Rehabilitation.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

The longitudinal relationship between fear of movement and physical activity after cardiac hospitalization: A cross lagged panel model

Optimizing and implementing a community-based group fall prevention program: a mixed methods study

When'doing ethics' meets public procurement of smart city technology–an Amsterdam case study

The Observable Movement Quality scale for patients with low back pain (OMQ-LBP): validity and reliability in a primary care setting of physical therapy

Lipid Metabolism in Parasitoids and their Parasitized Hosts

Ouderenzorg in de huisartsenpraktijk: Hoofdstuk 2, deel 1: Gezond ouder worden

Ervaringen en ondersteuningsbehoeften van leefstijlcoaches in het gebruik van digitale coachingsmiddelen bij cliënten met overgewicht

Towards a core-set of mobility measures in ageing research

Bart Visser Information



Professor of Functional Exercise Therapy



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

Google Scholar

Bart Visser Skills & Research Interests

Human movement science

Health Technology


Top articles of Bart Visser

The longitudinal relationship between fear of movement and physical activity after cardiac hospitalization: A cross lagged panel model

Plos one


Bart Visser
Bart Visser

H-Index: 17

Optimizing and implementing a community-based group fall prevention program: a mixed methods study

International journal of environmental research and public health


Bart Visser
Bart Visser

H-Index: 17

When'doing ethics' meets public procurement of smart city technology–an Amsterdam case study


The Observable Movement Quality scale for patients with low back pain (OMQ-LBP): validity and reliability in a primary care setting of physical therapy

BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders


Lipid Metabolism in Parasitoids and their Parasitized Hosts


Ouderenzorg in de huisartsenpraktijk: Hoofdstuk 2, deel 1: Gezond ouder worden


Ervaringen en ondersteuningsbehoeften van leefstijlcoaches in het gebruik van digitale coachingsmiddelen bij cliënten met overgewicht

TSG-Tijdschrift voor gezondheidswetenschappen


Bart Visser
Bart Visser

H-Index: 17

Towards a core-set of mobility measures in ageing research


Bart Visser
Bart Visser

H-Index: 17

Rob Ci Wüst
Rob Ci Wüst

H-Index: 22

Effectiveness of psychosomatic therapy for patients with persistent somatic symptoms: Results from the CORPUS randomised controlled trial in primary care

Journal of psychosomatic research


Bart Visser
Bart Visser

H-Index: 17

Experiences and support needs of lifestyle professionals in the use of digital coaching tools for clients with overweight

TSG: Tijdschrift Voor Gezondheidswetenschappen


Bart Visser
Bart Visser

H-Index: 17

A first step towards a framework for interventions for individual working practice to prevent work-related musculoskeletal disorders: a scoping review


Bart Visser
Bart Visser

H-Index: 17

ShareTrait: a data portal for making trait data interoperable and reusable


Physical activity as a risk or protective factor for falls and fall-related fractures in non-frail and frail older adults: a longitudinal study

BMC geriatrics


Bart Visser
Bart Visser

H-Index: 17

Translating promoting factors and behavior change principles into a blended and technology-supported intervention to stimulate physical activity in children with asthma (Foxfit …

JMIR formative research


Bart Visser
Bart Visser

H-Index: 17

Design of a remote coaching program to bridge the gap from hospital discharge to cardiac rehabilitation: intervention mapping study

JMIR cardio


Bart Visser
Bart Visser

H-Index: 17

Fear of movement (kinesiophobia) after cardiac hospitalization: predictors and impact on participation in cardiac rehabilitation

European Journal of Preventive Cardiology


Online and offline behavior change techniques to promote a healthy lifestyle: a qualitative study

International journal of environmental research and public health


Bart Visser
Bart Visser

H-Index: 17

Perceived working mechanisms of psychosomatic therapy in patients with persistent somatic symptoms in primary care


Bart Visser
Bart Visser

H-Index: 17

Assessing changes in fear of movement in patients attending cardiac rehabilitation: responsiveness of the TSK-NL heart questionnaire

Journal of rehabilitation medicine


Nienke Ter Hoeve
Nienke Ter Hoeve

H-Index: 10

Bart Visser
Bart Visser

H-Index: 17

Impact of kinesiophobia on initiation of cardiac rehabilitation


Kees-Jan Kan
Kees-Jan Kan

H-Index: 17

Bart Visser
Bart Visser

H-Index: 17

See List of Professors in Bart Visser University(Hogeschool van Amsterdam)