Aylin Ahadi

Aylin Ahadi

Lunds Universitet

H-index: 17


About Aylin Ahadi

Aylin Ahadi, With an exceptional h-index of 17 and a recent h-index of 13 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Lunds Universitet, specializes in the field of My research interests are in the areas of computational ​​continuum mechanics, nanomechanics and material modelling at nano-.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Grain-level mechanism of plastic deformation in harmonic structure materials revealed by high resolution X-ray diffraction

First-principles study of luminescence and electronic properties of Ce-doped Y2SiO5

A molecular dynamics study on the influence of vacancies and interstitial helium on mechanical properties of tungsten

Stress partitioning in harmonic structure materials at the early stages of tensile loading studied in situ by synchrotron X-ray diffraction

Evolution of residual stress when turning a fillet radius in stainless steel

Molecular dynamics simulations of nanometric cutting of single crystal copper sheets using a diamond tool

Separation of XRD peak profiles in single-phase metals with bimodal grain structure to analyze stress partitioning

Compositional analysis of oxide-embedded III–V nanostructures

Aylin Ahadi Information



Professor in Mechanics



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

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Aylin Ahadi Skills & Research Interests

My research interests are in the areas of computational ​​continuum mechanics

nanomechanics and material modelling at nano-

Top articles of Aylin Ahadi

Grain-level mechanism of plastic deformation in harmonic structure materials revealed by high resolution X-ray diffraction

Acta Materialia


First-principles study of luminescence and electronic properties of Ce-doped Y2SiO5

The Journal of chemical physics


Aylin Ahadi
Aylin Ahadi

H-Index: 10

A molecular dynamics study on the influence of vacancies and interstitial helium on mechanical properties of tungsten

Journal of Nuclear Materials


Solveig Melin
Solveig Melin

H-Index: 11

Aylin Ahadi
Aylin Ahadi

H-Index: 10

Stress partitioning in harmonic structure materials at the early stages of tensile loading studied in situ by synchrotron X-ray diffraction

Scripta Materialia


Evolution of residual stress when turning a fillet radius in stainless steel

Journal of Manufacturing Processes


Molecular dynamics simulations of nanometric cutting of single crystal copper sheets using a diamond tool

Applied Surface Science


Separation of XRD peak profiles in single-phase metals with bimodal grain structure to analyze stress partitioning

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering


Compositional analysis of oxide-embedded III–V nanostructures



Molecular dynamic modelling of the combined influence from strain rate and temperature at tensile loading of nanosized single crystal Cu beams

Materials Today Communications


Photoelasticity of YVO4 through first-principles calculation


Aylin Ahadi
Aylin Ahadi

H-Index: 10

Solveig Melin
Solveig Melin

H-Index: 11

Molecular dynamics-based characterisation of early oxide in Fe/Cr alloys

Results in Surfaces and Interfaces


Filip Lenrick
Filip Lenrick

H-Index: 15

Aylin Ahadi
Aylin Ahadi

H-Index: 10

Influence of impurity configuration on electronic and optical properties of Ce-doped YVO4: Semi-local & hybrid functionals

Computational Materials Science


Solveig Melin
Solveig Melin

H-Index: 11

Aylin Ahadi
Aylin Ahadi

H-Index: 10

Reducing scrapping of gears by assessment of tip contact threshold torque

Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology


Aylin Ahadi
Aylin Ahadi

H-Index: 10

Jens Wahlström
Jens Wahlström

H-Index: 18

Influence of manufacturing error tolerances on contact pressure in gears

Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science


Corrigendum to “First-principle investigation of doping effects on mechanical and thermodynamic properties of Y2SiO5”[Mech. Mater. 154 103739]

Mechanics of Materials


Aylin Ahadi
Aylin Ahadi

H-Index: 10

Solveig Melin
Solveig Melin

H-Index: 11

Improvement of structural efficiency in metals by the control of topological arrangements in ultrafine and coarse grains

Scientific Reports


Aylin Ahadi
Aylin Ahadi

H-Index: 10

Dmytro Orlov
Dmytro Orlov

H-Index: 21

Investigation on residual stress evolution in nickel-based alloy affected by multiple cutting operations

Journal of Manufacturing Processes


Gear tolerancing for simultaneous optimization of transmission error and contact pressure

Results in Engineering


FE analysis on the association between tool edge radius and thermal-mechanical load in machining Inconel 718

Procedia CIRP


Peridynamic modelling of harmonic structured materials under high strain rate deformation

Proceedings of the 14th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XIV) and 8th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2020), Paris, France. https://doi. org/10


Aylin Ahadi
Aylin Ahadi

H-Index: 10

Dmytro Orlov
Dmytro Orlov

H-Index: 21

See List of Professors in Aylin Ahadi University(Lunds Universitet)

