Ayhan Kanat

About Ayhan Kanat

Ayhan Kanat, With an exceptional h-index of 30 and a recent h-index of 23 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Recep Tayyip Erdogan Üniversitesi, specializes in the field of spine neurological surgery.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Changes in retinal nerve fiber layer thickness may be the cause of post-COVID-19 headaches

First Report of Validation of the Prognostic Nutritional Index in Patients with Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Undergoing Endovascular Occlusion or Surgical Clipping

Interaction between Neurogenic Pulmonary Edema and Thoracic 3 DRG Degeneration Following Spinal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: First Experimental Study

New evidence for regulatory role of trigeminal ganglion on the intraocular pressure following subarachnoid hemorrhage

Overlooked evidence for transmission deficit of pupillary light reflex can be secondary to trigeminal nerve ganglion degeneration following subarachnoid hemorrhage; preliminary …

New experimental finding of dangerous autonomic ganglia changes in cardiac injury following subarachnoid hemorrhage; a reciprocal culprit-victim relationship between the brain …

The enigma of basilar artery dissections secondary to vasospasm following subarachnoid hemorrhage; exploration of the unknown effect of superior cervical ganglia: A preliminary …

Important aspect of hypoglossal nerve injury following gunshot wound; Can the clivus has a role? A case report

Ayhan Kanat Information



Department of NeurosurgeryRize



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Ayhan Kanat Skills & Research Interests

spine neurological surgery

Top articles of Ayhan Kanat

Changes in retinal nerve fiber layer thickness may be the cause of post-COVID-19 headaches

Neurological Research


Ayhan Kanat
Ayhan Kanat

H-Index: 20

First Report of Validation of the Prognostic Nutritional Index in Patients with Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Undergoing Endovascular Occlusion or Surgical Clipping

International Journal of Neuroscience


Ayhan Kanat
Ayhan Kanat

H-Index: 20

Interaction between Neurogenic Pulmonary Edema and Thoracic 3 DRG Degeneration Following Spinal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: First Experimental Study

Journal of Neurological Surgery Part A: Central European Neurosurgery


Ayhan Kanat
Ayhan Kanat

H-Index: 20

New evidence for regulatory role of trigeminal ganglion on the intraocular pressure following subarachnoid hemorrhage

Journal of Neurological Surgery Part A: Central European Neurosurgery


Ayhan Kanat
Ayhan Kanat

H-Index: 20

Overlooked evidence for transmission deficit of pupillary light reflex can be secondary to trigeminal nerve ganglion degeneration following subarachnoid hemorrhage; preliminary …

Neurological Research


Ayhan Kanat
Ayhan Kanat

H-Index: 20

New experimental finding of dangerous autonomic ganglia changes in cardiac injury following subarachnoid hemorrhage; a reciprocal culprit-victim relationship between the brain …

International Journal of Neuroscience


Ayhan Kanat
Ayhan Kanat

H-Index: 20

The enigma of basilar artery dissections secondary to vasospasm following subarachnoid hemorrhage; exploration of the unknown effect of superior cervical ganglia: A preliminary …

Journal of Neurological Surgery Part A: Central European Neurosurgery


Ayhan Kanat
Ayhan Kanat

H-Index: 20

Important aspect of hypoglossal nerve injury following gunshot wound; Can the clivus has a role? A case report

British journal of neurosurgery


Ayhan Kanat
Ayhan Kanat

H-Index: 20

Hippocratic oath and the contemporary neurosurgical practice


Ayhan Kanat
Ayhan Kanat

H-Index: 20

Bülent Özdemi̇r
Bülent Özdemi̇r

H-Index: 9

Posterior longitudinal ligament suturation after lumbar discectomy provides postoperative a large intradural area: First report

Journal of Craniovertebral Junction and Spine


Ayhan Kanat
Ayhan Kanat

H-Index: 20

Important Finding for COVID-19 Pandemic: Hydrocephalus-producing effect of Vaporized Alcohol Disinfectant

Journal of Neurological Surgery Part A: Central European Neurosurgery


Ayhan Kanat
Ayhan Kanat

H-Index: 20

Deposition and characterization of the Ag nanoparticles on absorbable surgical sutures at the cryogenic temperatures

Applied Physics A


Age-and gender-related radiological changes of the cervical spine: A study with largest magnetic resonance imaging database of 5672 consecutive patients

Journal of Craniovertebral Junction & Spine


Erhan Arslan
Erhan Arslan

H-Index: 2

Ayhan Kanat
Ayhan Kanat

H-Index: 20

Thick Fetal Corpus Callosum


Ayhan Kanat
Ayhan Kanat

H-Index: 20

From Nose to Lumbar Spinal Cord–Reduced Sperm Numbers Occur by Olfactory Bulbectomy-Related Onuf’s Nucleus Degeneration: New Experimental Evidence for Kallmann Syndrome



Ayhan Kanat
Ayhan Kanat

H-Index: 20

Interesting negative correlation between transorbital optic nerve sheath diameter and Evans’ index values; can it be predictive for failure of endoscopic third ventriculostomy?

International Journal of Neuroscience


Ahmet Besir
Ahmet Besir

H-Index: 7

Ayhan Kanat
Ayhan Kanat

H-Index: 20

New histopathological evidence for the relationship between hydromyelia and hydrocephalus following subarachnoid hemorrhage: An experimental study

Journal of Craniovertebral Junction and Spine


Ayhan Kanat
Ayhan Kanat

H-Index: 20

Could the Cerebral Involvement of COVID-19 Disease be Related to Microstructural Changes that are not Reflected in Conventional MRI Images?

Neurology India


Ayhan Kanat
Ayhan Kanat

H-Index: 20

Nur Hursoy
Nur Hursoy

H-Index: 2

Olfactory bulbectomy leads to prolonged induction phase of sevoflurane anesthesia in rats

Medical Gas Research


Exploration of Caudate Nucleus Degeneration following Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: An Experimental Study

Atatürk Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Cerrahi Tıp Bilimleri Dergisi


Ayhan Kanat
Ayhan Kanat

H-Index: 20

See List of Professors in Ayhan Kanat University(Recep Tayyip Erdogan Üniversitesi)

