Ashish Bhaskar

About Ashish Bhaskar

Ashish Bhaskar, With an exceptional h-index of 35 and a recent h-index of 30 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Queensland University of Technology, specializes in the field of Traffic Eng, Public transport, Network dynamics, Monitoring and Management.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Scrutinizing Data from Sky: An Examination of Its Veracity in Area Based Traffic Contexts

A bivariate, non-stationary extreme value model for estimating opposing-through crash frequency by severity by applying artificial intelligence-based video analytics

Multi-view feature engineering for day-to-day joint clustering of multiple traffic datasets

Continuum modeling of freeway traffic flows: State-of-the-art, challenges and future directions in the era of connected and automated vehicles

Evaluation of changes on traffic corridors: A data-driven approach

Improving efficiency of origin-destination estimation problem through keyframe interpolation

A real-time optimisation-based bus priority control for isolated intersections

A systematic data-driven framework for evaluating changes on traffic corridors

Ashish Bhaskar Information



Associate Professor



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

Google Scholar

Ashish Bhaskar Skills & Research Interests

Traffic Eng

Public transport

Network dynamics

Monitoring and Management

Top articles of Ashish Bhaskar

Scrutinizing Data from Sky: An Examination of Its Veracity in Area Based Traffic Contexts

arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.17212


Niladri Chatterjee
Niladri Chatterjee

H-Index: 1

Ashish Bhaskar
Ashish Bhaskar

H-Index: 20

A bivariate, non-stationary extreme value model for estimating opposing-through crash frequency by severity by applying artificial intelligence-based video analytics

Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies


Ashish Bhaskar
Ashish Bhaskar

H-Index: 20

Multi-view feature engineering for day-to-day joint clustering of multiple traffic datasets

Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies


Continuum modeling of freeway traffic flows: State-of-the-art, challenges and future directions in the era of connected and automated vehicles

Communications in Transportation Research


Saeed Mohammadian
Saeed Mohammadian

H-Index: 1

Ashish Bhaskar
Ashish Bhaskar

H-Index: 20

Evaluation of changes on traffic corridors: A data-driven approach

Australasian Transport Research Forum 2023 Proceedings


Improving efficiency of origin-destination estimation problem through keyframe interpolation


Paul Corry
Paul Corry

H-Index: 7

Ashish Bhaskar
Ashish Bhaskar

H-Index: 20

A real-time optimisation-based bus priority control for isolated intersections


A systematic data-driven framework for evaluating changes on traffic corridors

ITS Global Summit 2023


NET-RAT: Non-equilibrium traffic model based on risk allostasis theory

Transportation research part A: policy and practice


ABAFT: an adaptive weight-based fusion technique for travel time estimation using multi-source data with different confidence and spatial coverage

Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems


Ashish Bhaskar
Ashish Bhaskar

H-Index: 20

Zone prioritisation for transit improvement using potential demand estimated from smartcard data

Transportmetrica A: Transport Science


Etikaf Hussain
Etikaf Hussain

H-Index: 3

Ashish Bhaskar
Ashish Bhaskar

H-Index: 20

Optimisation of variable speed limits at the freeway lane drop bottleneck

Transportmetrica A: Transport Science Journal


Ashish Bhaskar
Ashish Bhaskar

H-Index: 20

Yingfang Ma
Yingfang Ma

H-Index: 6

Methods to enhance the quality of bi-level origin–destination matrix adjustment process

Transportation Letters


Abdhul Khadhir
Abdhul Khadhir

H-Index: 1

Ashish Bhaskar
Ashish Bhaskar

H-Index: 20

Urban freight logistics and land use planning education: Trends and gaps through the lens of literature


A before-after evaluation of protected right-turn signal phasings by applying Empirical Bayes and Full Bayes approaches with heterogenous count data models

Accident Analysis & Prevention


Ashish Bhaskar
Ashish Bhaskar

H-Index: 20

Driving behaviour modelling in the context of heterogeneous traffic and poor lane discipline conditions: the state of the art and beyond


Ashish Bhaskar
Ashish Bhaskar

H-Index: 20

Bi-level clustering of vehicle trajectories for path choice set and its nested structure identification

Transportation research part C: emerging technologies


Ashish Bhaskar
Ashish Bhaskar

H-Index: 20

Simultaneous prediction of midblock and intersection traffic states on urban arterials

Journal of transportation engineering, Part A: Systems


Abdhul Khadhir
Abdhul Khadhir

H-Index: 1

Ashish Bhaskar
Ashish Bhaskar

H-Index: 20

Evaluating the effect of time-dependent utility on the performance of the route choice model


Ashish Bhaskar
Ashish Bhaskar

H-Index: 20

Single-level approach to estimate origin-destination matrix: exploiting turning proportions and partial OD flows

Transportation Letters


Ashish Bhaskar
Ashish Bhaskar

H-Index: 20

See List of Professors in Ashish Bhaskar University(Queensland University of Technology)

