Arne Isaksen

About Arne Isaksen

Arne Isaksen, With an exceptional h-index of 48 and a recent h-index of 33 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universitetet i Agder, specializes in the field of Innovation studies, economic geography.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Creativity, Knowledge, and Institutions: A European Perspective on Florida’s The Rise of the Creative Class 20 Years Later

Exploring regional industrial culture. Changing industrial culture and human agency in a Norwegian region

Rethinking regional economic resilience: Preconditions and processes shaping transformative resilience

Regional innovation systems in an era of grand societal challenges: reorientation versus transformation

One coast, two systems: Regional innovation systems and entrepreneurial discovery in Western Norway

Economic geography of innovation and regional development

Policy to support digitalisation of industries in various regional settings: A conceptual discussion

Advancing the treatment of human agency in the analysis of regional economic development: Illustrated with three Norwegian cases

Arne Isaksen Information



Professor at Norway



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Arne Isaksen Skills & Research Interests

Innovation studies

economic geography

Top articles of Arne Isaksen

Creativity, Knowledge, and Institutions: A European Perspective on Florida’s The Rise of the Creative Class 20 Years Later


Michael Fritsch
Michael Fritsch

H-Index: 44

Arne Isaksen
Arne Isaksen

H-Index: 33

Exploring regional industrial culture. Changing industrial culture and human agency in a Norwegian region

European Planning Studies


Arne Isaksen
Arne Isaksen

H-Index: 33

Jan Ole Rypestøl
Jan Ole Rypestøl

H-Index: 7

Rethinking regional economic resilience: Preconditions and processes shaping transformative resilience

European Urban and Regional Studies


Regional innovation systems in an era of grand societal challenges: reorientation versus transformation


Arne Isaksen
Arne Isaksen

H-Index: 33

Michaela Trippl
Michaela Trippl

H-Index: 39

One coast, two systems: Regional innovation systems and entrepreneurial discovery in Western Norway

Growth and Change


Arne Isaksen
Arne Isaksen

H-Index: 33

Economic geography of innovation and regional development


Høgni Kalsø Hansen
Høgni Kalsø Hansen

H-Index: 13

Arne Isaksen
Arne Isaksen

H-Index: 33

Policy to support digitalisation of industries in various regional settings: A conceptual discussion

Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift-Norwegian Journal of Geography


Arne Isaksen
Arne Isaksen

H-Index: 33

Jan Ole Rypestøl
Jan Ole Rypestøl

H-Index: 7

Advancing the treatment of human agency in the analysis of regional economic development: Illustrated with three Norwegian cases

Growth and Change


Markus Grillitsch
Markus Grillitsch

H-Index: 25

Arne Isaksen
Arne Isaksen

H-Index: 33

Cluster development and regional industrial restructuring: agency and asset modification

European Planning Studies


Jan Ole Rypestøl
Jan Ole Rypestøl

H-Index: 7

Arne Isaksen
Arne Isaksen

H-Index: 33

Geography in times of crisis and turbulence


Arne Isaksen
Arne Isaksen

H-Index: 33

Jon P Knudsen
Jon P Knudsen

H-Index: 6

The emergence of new industries at the regional level: alignment of organizational and regional industrial culture

Economic geography


Regional industrial restructuring: Asset modification and alignment for digitalization

Growth and Change


Arne Isaksen
Arne Isaksen

H-Index: 33

Jan Ole Rypestøl
Jan Ole Rypestøl

H-Index: 7

Digital transformation of regional industries through asset modification

Competitiveness Review: An International Business Journal


Unravelling green regional industrial path development: Regional preconditions, asset modification and agency



The role of the regional innovation system approach in contemporary regional policy: Is it still relevant in a globalised world?


Arne Isaksen
Arne Isaksen

H-Index: 33

Michaela Trippl
Michaela Trippl

H-Index: 39

Jøranli, Ingvild. Labour Markets and the Geography of Firm Learning

Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift-Norwegian Journal of Geography


Arne Isaksen
Arne Isaksen

H-Index: 33

See List of Professors in Arne Isaksen University(Universitetet i Agder)