Arielle Cristina Arena

About Arielle Cristina Arena

Arielle Cristina Arena, With an exceptional h-index of 20 and a recent h-index of 18 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universidade Estadual Paulista, specializes in the field of toxicologia da reprodução.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Preclinical safety evaluation of the ethanolic extract from campomanesia guazumifolia (cambess.) O. Berg fruits peels in rats

A low dose of benzo (a) pyrene during prepuberty in male rats generated immediate oxidative stress in the testes and compromised steroidogenic enzymes/proteins

Can exposure to lisdexamfetamine dimesylate from juvenile period to peripubertal compromise male reproductive parameters in adult rats?

A mixture of glyphosate and 2, 4‐D herbicides enhances the deleterious reproductive outcomes induced by Western diet in obese male mice

Maternal–fetal safety evaluation of an aqueous extract of Casearia sylvestris leaves in rats

Insights from the maternal lineage of the F2 generation after exposure to an environmentally relevant dose of benzo (a) pyrene in the male rats of F0 generation

Long-term reproductive effects of benzo (a) pyrene at environmentally relevant dose on juvenile female rats

Safety of lactational exposure to venlafaxine on the rat mammary gland development and carcinogenesis in F1 female offspring

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Arielle Cristina Arena Skills & Research Interests

toxicologia da reprodução

Top articles of Arielle Cristina Arena

Preclinical safety evaluation of the ethanolic extract from campomanesia guazumifolia (cambess.) O. Berg fruits peels in rats

Natural Product Research


Arielle Cristina Arena
Arielle Cristina Arena

H-Index: 14

A low dose of benzo (a) pyrene during prepuberty in male rats generated immediate oxidative stress in the testes and compromised steroidogenic enzymes/proteins

Reproductive Toxicology


Can exposure to lisdexamfetamine dimesylate from juvenile period to peripubertal compromise male reproductive parameters in adult rats?

Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology


A mixture of glyphosate and 2, 4‐D herbicides enhances the deleterious reproductive outcomes induced by Western diet in obese male mice

Environmental Toxicology


Guilherme Ribeiro Romualdo
Guilherme Ribeiro Romualdo

H-Index: 8

Arielle Cristina Arena
Arielle Cristina Arena

H-Index: 14

Maternal–fetal safety evaluation of an aqueous extract of Casearia sylvestris leaves in rats

Birth Defects Research


Arielle Cristina Arena
Arielle Cristina Arena

H-Index: 14

Insights from the maternal lineage of the F2 generation after exposure to an environmentally relevant dose of benzo (a) pyrene in the male rats of F0 generation

Environmental Science and Pollution Research


Arielle Cristina Arena
Arielle Cristina Arena

H-Index: 14

Long-term reproductive effects of benzo (a) pyrene at environmentally relevant dose on juvenile female rats

Drug and Chemical Toxicology


Arielle Cristina Arena
Arielle Cristina Arena

H-Index: 14

Safety of lactational exposure to venlafaxine on the rat mammary gland development and carcinogenesis in F1 female offspring

Reproductive Toxicology


Arielle Cristina Arena
Arielle Cristina Arena

H-Index: 14

Paternal low-dose benzo (a) pyrene exposure in rats impairs sexual development and fertility of the paternal lineage in F2 generation: A transgenerational study



Arielle Cristina Arena
Arielle Cristina Arena

H-Index: 14

Gestational exposure to continuous light impairs the development of the female reproductive system in adult Wistar rat offspring

Birth Defects Research


Arielle Cristina Arena
Arielle Cristina Arena

H-Index: 14

Embryo‐fetal safety evaluation of ondansetron in rats

Birth Defects Research


Arielle Cristina Arena
Arielle Cristina Arena

H-Index: 14

Antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory properties of aqueous extract obtained from Serjania marginata Casar leaves

African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology


Analgesic and anti-inflammatory potential of ethanolic extract from Serjania erecta leaves

Journal of Ethnopharmacology


Arielle Cristina Arena
Arielle Cristina Arena

H-Index: 14

Lactational exposure to venlafaxine provokes late repercussions on reproductive parameters in male rat offspring

Journal of Applied Toxicology


Potential anti-arthritic and analgesic properties of essential oil and viridiflorol obtained from Allophylus edulis leaves in mice

Journal of Ethnopharmacology


Arielle Cristina Arena
Arielle Cristina Arena

H-Index: 14

Safety evaluation of ondansetron after gestational exposure on male reproductive parameters in rats

Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology


Wellerson Rodrigo Scarano
Wellerson Rodrigo Scarano

H-Index: 15

Arielle Cristina Arena
Arielle Cristina Arena

H-Index: 14

Natural products as sources of new analgesic drugs


Arielle Cristina Arena
Arielle Cristina Arena

H-Index: 14

Serjania marginata Casar. hydroalcoholic extract reduced cytokine and inflammatory parameters in experimental models of inflammation and infection in mice

Pharmacognosy Research


Arielle Cristina Arena
Arielle Cristina Arena

H-Index: 14

Analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties of aqueous extract obtained from leaves of Serjania marginata Casar.

African Journal of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicines


Nutritional evaluation of crambe meal as a partial replacement of soybean meal in Nile tilapia diet

Veterinary Research Communications


Arielle Cristina Arena
Arielle Cristina Arena

H-Index: 14

See List of Professors in Arielle Cristina Arena University(Universidade Estadual Paulista)