Anuj K Pradhan

Anuj K Pradhan

University of Massachusetts Amherst

H-index: 38

North America-United States

About Anuj K Pradhan

Anuj K Pradhan, With an exceptional h-index of 38 and a recent h-index of 32 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Massachusetts Amherst, specializes in the field of Human factors, transportation safety, driver behavior, Vehicle Automation, driving simulation.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Novice driver crashes: The relation between putative causal factors, countermeasures, real world implementations, and policy–A case study in simple, scalable solutions

Effects of behavior-based driver feedback systems on the speeding violations of commercial long-haul truck drivers

Does training improve users' mental models about adaptive cruise control?

Risk-ATTEND (risk anticipation training to enhance novice driving): pilot evaluation of a risk anticipation training program for teen drivers

Frequency and quality of exposure to adaptive cruise control and impact on trust, workload, and mental models

The Impact of Modality, Technology Suspicion, and NDRT Engagement on the Effectiveness of AV Explanations

Impact of non-driving related tasks while operating automated driving systems (ADS): a systematic review

Simulator evaluation of an intersection maneuver assist system with connected and automated vehicle technologies

Anuj K Pradhan Information



Assistant Professor



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Anuj K Pradhan Skills & Research Interests

Human factors

transportation safety

driver behavior

Vehicle Automation

driving simulation

Top articles of Anuj K Pradhan

Novice driver crashes: The relation between putative causal factors, countermeasures, real world implementations, and policy–A case study in simple, scalable solutions

Accident Analysis & Prevention


Effects of behavior-based driver feedback systems on the speeding violations of commercial long-haul truck drivers

Driving Assessment Conference


Anuj K Pradhan
Anuj K Pradhan

H-Index: 28

Franziska Babel
Franziska Babel

H-Index: 3

Does training improve users' mental models about adaptive cruise control?

Traffic safety research


Ganesh Pai
Ganesh Pai

H-Index: 1

Anuj K Pradhan
Anuj K Pradhan

H-Index: 28

Risk-ATTEND (risk anticipation training to enhance novice driving): pilot evaluation of a risk anticipation training program for teen drivers

Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting


Meng Wang
Meng Wang

H-Index: 9

Anuj K Pradhan
Anuj K Pradhan

H-Index: 28

Frequency and quality of exposure to adaptive cruise control and impact on trust, workload, and mental models

Accident Analysis & Prevention


The Impact of Modality, Technology Suspicion, and NDRT Engagement on the Effectiveness of AV Explanations

IEEE Access


Impact of non-driving related tasks while operating automated driving systems (ADS): a systematic review


Simulator evaluation of an intersection maneuver assist system with connected and automated vehicle technologies



Change in Mental Models of ADAS in Relation to Quantity and Quality of Exposure


How does training influence use and understanding of advanced vehicle technologies: a simulator evaluation of driver behavior and mental models

Traffic Safety Research


A survey on knowledge and perceptions of advanced driver assistance systems in Massachusetts drivers

Traffic injury prevention


Apoorva Pramod Hungund
Apoorva Pramod Hungund

H-Index: 0

Anuj K Pradhan
Anuj K Pradhan

H-Index: 28

Using training to improve drivers’ knowledge and understanding of advanced driver assistance systems—an experimental study

Traffic injury prevention


Impact of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) on Road Safety and Implications for Education, Licensing, Registration, and Enforcement


Anuj K Pradhan
Anuj K Pradhan

H-Index: 28

Comparison of Simulation Approaches to evaluate Driver Behaviors at Transfer-of-Control Situations during Automated Driving

IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings


Ganesh Pai
Ganesh Pai

H-Index: 1

Anuj K Pradhan
Anuj K Pradhan

H-Index: 28

Users’ Perception Of Training Approaches For Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (Adas)

Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting


Ganesh Pai
Ganesh Pai

H-Index: 1

Anuj K Pradhan
Anuj K Pradhan

H-Index: 28

Systematic review of research on driver distraction in the context of advanced driver assistance systems


Ganesh Pai
Ganesh Pai

H-Index: 1

Anuj K Pradhan
Anuj K Pradhan

H-Index: 28

Modeling drivers’ reaction when being tailgated: a random forests method

Journal of safety research


Shan Bao
Shan Bao

H-Index: 19

Anuj K Pradhan
Anuj K Pradhan

H-Index: 28

Connected and Automated Vehicle Based Intersection Maneuver Assist Systems (CAVIMAS)-Reduced Eye-tracking Data+ Survey Data


Anuj K Pradhan
Anuj K Pradhan

H-Index: 28

Driver’s Mental Models of Advanced Vehicle Technologies: A Proposed Framework for Identifying and Predicting Operator Errors


Minimum Time to Situational Awareness During Transfer of Control Under Varying Levels of Task Load


See List of Professors in Anuj K Pradhan University(University of Massachusetts Amherst)

