Antonio Brante

About Antonio Brante

Antonio Brante, With an exceptional h-index of 18 and a recent h-index of 12 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción, specializes in the field of Marine Bioinvasions, Marine Ecology, Molecular Ecology.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Structural attributes and macrofaunal assemblages associated with rose gorgonian gardens (Leptogorgia sp. nov.) in Central Chile: opening the door for …

Chilean sea cucumber: New potential source of biomolecules with high nutritional value and cytotoxic activity

A simulation study evaluating how population survival and genetic diversity in a newly established population can be affected by propagule size, extinction rates, and initial …

The impact of glacial meltwater on the integrated bioenergetic condition of two key antartic benthic polychaetes (Maldane sarsi antarctica, Notomastus latericeus)

Marine bioinvasions in Chile: A national research and conservation management agenda.

Distribution of functionally distinct native and non‐indigenous species within marine urban habitats

Natural mega disturbances drive spatial and temporal changes in diversity and genetic structure on the toadfish Aphos porosus

Genetic diversity and resilience in benthic marine populations

Antonio Brante Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Antonio Brante Skills & Research Interests

Marine Bioinvasions

Marine Ecology

Molecular Ecology

Top articles of Antonio Brante

Structural attributes and macrofaunal assemblages associated with rose gorgonian gardens (Leptogorgia sp. nov.) in Central Chile: opening the door for …

Coral Reefs


Judith Camps-Castellà
Judith Camps-Castellà

H-Index: 3

Antonio Brante
Antonio Brante

H-Index: 12

Chilean sea cucumber: New potential source of biomolecules with high nutritional value and cytotoxic activity

Journal of Food Composition and Analysis


Antonio Brante
Antonio Brante

H-Index: 12

A simulation study evaluating how population survival and genetic diversity in a newly established population can be affected by propagule size, extinction rates, and initial …



Antonio Brante
Antonio Brante

H-Index: 12

The impact of glacial meltwater on the integrated bioenergetic condition of two key antartic benthic polychaetes (Maldane sarsi antarctica, Notomastus latericeus)

Regional Studies in Marine Science


Antonio Brante
Antonio Brante

H-Index: 12

Marine bioinvasions in Chile: A national research and conservation management agenda.

Management of Biological Invasions


Juan Francisco Santibañez
Juan Francisco Santibañez

H-Index: 23

Antonio Brante
Antonio Brante

H-Index: 12

Distribution of functionally distinct native and non‐indigenous species within marine urban habitats

Diversity and Distributions


Antonio Brante
Antonio Brante

H-Index: 12

Natural mega disturbances drive spatial and temporal changes in diversity and genetic structure on the toadfish Aphos porosus

Scientific Reports


Antonio Brante
Antonio Brante

H-Index: 12

Francisco Silva
Francisco Silva

H-Index: 2

Genetic diversity and resilience in benthic marine populations


Antonio Brante
Antonio Brante

H-Index: 12

Intraspecific variation in reproductive traits and embryo elemental composition of the crab Hemigrapsus crenulatus (Milne Edwards, 1837) across fluctuating coastal environments …

Marine Environmental Research


Antonio Brante
Antonio Brante

H-Index: 12

Short-Term and Long-Term Predictions: Is the Green Crab Carcinus maenas a Threat to Antarctica and Southern South America under a Climate-Change Scenario?



Antonio Brante
Antonio Brante

H-Index: 12

Investigating the risk of non-indigenous species introduction through ship hulls in Chile

Management of Biological Invasions


Antonio Brante
Antonio Brante

H-Index: 12

Florence Tellier
Florence Tellier

H-Index: 14

Ecological niche dynamics of three invasive marine species under the conservatism and shift niche hypotheses.

Aquatic Invasions


Antonio Brante
Antonio Brante

H-Index: 12

First steps toward the knowledge of macrofaunal assemblages in rose gorgonian gardens from Central Chile: opening the door for conservation actions


Judith Camps-Castellà
Judith Camps-Castellà

H-Index: 3

Antonio Brante
Antonio Brante

H-Index: 12

One step ahead of sea anemone invasions with ecological niche modeling: Potential distributions and niche dynamics of three successful invasive species

Marine Ecology Progress Series


Antonio Brante
Antonio Brante

H-Index: 12

Genetic variation in a small bivalve along a retreating glacier fjord, King George Island, Antarctica.

Revista de Biología Marina y Oceanografía


David Barnes
David Barnes

H-Index: 9

Antonio Brante
Antonio Brante

H-Index: 12

Interpopulational differences in the nutritional condition of Aequiyoldia eightsii (Protobranchia: Nuculanidae) from the Western Antarctic Peninsula during austral summer



Oscar Schofield
Oscar Schofield

H-Index: 40

Antonio Brante
Antonio Brante

H-Index: 12

Greater functional similarity in mobile compared to sessile assemblages colonizing artificial coastal habitats

Marine Pollution Bulletin


Antonio Brante
Antonio Brante

H-Index: 12

Do non-native sea anemones (Cnidaria: Actiniaria) share a common invasion pattern?-A systematic review.


Antonio Brante
Antonio Brante

H-Index: 12

Variación genética en el pequeño bivalvo Nuculana inaequisculpta a lo largo de un fiordo con retroceso glaciar, Isla Rey Jorge, Antártica

Revista de biología marina y oceanografía


James Scourse
James Scourse

H-Index: 27

Antonio Brante
Antonio Brante

H-Index: 12

See List of Professors in Antonio Brante University(Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción)

