Antoine Fort

About Antoine Fort

Antoine Fort, With an exceptional h-index of 17 and a recent h-index of 15 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at National University of Ireland, Galway, specializes in the field of Biotechnology.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Fast screening method to identify salinity tolerant strains of foliose Ulva species. Low salinity leads to increased organic matter of the biomass

Short term decreases in salinity, combined with the right choice of species, can allow for a more nutritious sea lettuce lipid profile

The UBP5 histone H2A deubiquitinase counteracts PRCs-mediated repression to regulate Arabidopsis development

Development of sexual type PCR markers for Ulva spp.

Regulation of Carotenoid Biosynthesis and Degradation in Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) from Seedlings to Harvest

The boys are back in town: Rethinking the function of ribosomal DNA repeats in the genomic era

A history of accidental widow spider (genus Latrodectus) introductions on the island of Ireland with a new irish record for Latrodectus hesperus (Chamberlin and Ivie, 1935 …

Interaction and impact of cultivated macroalgae and growing structures on faunal community assemblages and surrounding ecosystems.

Antoine Fort Information



Plant Systems Biology Lab Plant & AgriBiosciences Research Centre (PABC) Ireland



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




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Antoine Fort Skills & Research Interests


Top articles of Antoine Fort

Fast screening method to identify salinity tolerant strains of foliose Ulva species. Low salinity leads to increased organic matter of the biomass

Journal of Applied Phycology


Short term decreases in salinity, combined with the right choice of species, can allow for a more nutritious sea lettuce lipid profile

Food Chemistry


Antoine Fort
Antoine Fort

H-Index: 11

Ronan Sulpice
Ronan Sulpice

H-Index: 39

The UBP5 histone H2A deubiquitinase counteracts PRCs-mediated repression to regulate Arabidopsis development

Nature Communications


Development of sexual type PCR markers for Ulva spp.


Regulation of Carotenoid Biosynthesis and Degradation in Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) from Seedlings to Harvest

International Journal of Molecular Sciences


The boys are back in town: Rethinking the function of ribosomal DNA repeats in the genomic era

Molecular Plant


A history of accidental widow spider (genus Latrodectus) introductions on the island of Ireland with a new irish record for Latrodectus hesperus (Chamberlin and Ivie, 1935 …

Biology and Environment: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy


Interaction and impact of cultivated macroalgae and growing structures on faunal community assemblages and surrounding ecosystems.


First records of Red-bellied Jumping Spiders (Philaeus chrysops (Poda, 1761)) in Ireland

The Irish Naturalists' Journal


Antoine Fort
Antoine Fort

H-Index: 11

Whole genome population structure of North Atlantic kelp confirms high‐latitude glacial refugia

Molecular Ecology


Branding and tracing seaweed: Development of a high-resolution genetic kit to identify the geographic provenance of Alaria esculenta

Algal Research


Antoine Fort
Antoine Fort

H-Index: 11

Ronan Sulpice
Ronan Sulpice

H-Index: 39

Lipidome in-depth characterization highlights the nutritional value and species-specific idiosyncrasies of different Ulva species

Algal Research


Parent-of-Origin Effects on Seed Size Modify Heterosis Responses in Arabidopsis thaliana

Frontiers in plant science


Clinical evidence of necrosis following bites by the Noble false widow spider Steatoda nobilis – a response to Paolino & colleagues

Clinical Toxicology


Antoine Fort
Antoine Fort

H-Index: 11

Ronan Sulpice
Ronan Sulpice

H-Index: 39

Bites by the noble false widow spider Steatoda nobilis can induce Latrodectus-like symptoms and vector-borne bacterial infections with implications for public …

Clinical Toxicology


Antoine Fort
Antoine Fort

H-Index: 11

Ronan Sulpice
Ronan Sulpice

H-Index: 39

Exhaustive reanalysis of barcode sequences from public repositories highlights ongoing misidentifications and impacts taxa diversity and distribution

Molecular Ecology Resources


A sequencing-free assay for foliose Ulva species identification, hybrid detection and bulk biomass characterisation

Algal Research


Gene dosage compensation of rRNA transcript levels in Arabidopsis thaliana lines with reduced ribosomal gene copy number

The plant cell


Foliose Ulva Species Show Considerable Inter‐Specific Genetic Diversity, Low Intra‐Specific Genetic Variation, and the Rare Occurrence of Inter‐Specific Hybrids …

Journal of phycology


All size but lacks in venom-Male Steatoda nobilis show less diversity in latrotoxins: A comparative study including full body MALDI Imaging and differential venom proteomics.


See List of Professors in Antoine Fort University(National University of Ireland, Galway)