Anthony Murphy

Anthony Murphy

University of Birmingham

H-index: 9

Europe-United Kingdom

About Anthony Murphy

Anthony Murphy, With an exceptional h-index of 9 and a recent h-index of 9 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Birmingham, specializes in the field of Forensic Psychology, Criminal Justice, Personality Disorder.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Prevalence of adverse childhood experiences and their cumulative impact associated lifetime health outcomes in the Emirate of Abu-Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Support or justice: a triangulated multi-focal view of sexual assault victim support in a UK sexual assault referral centre (SARC)

Student profiles of physical activity, screen time, sleep quality and dietary habits and their association with mental health and school satisfaction: An exploratory study

“I thought I’m better off just trying to put this behind me” – a contemporary approach to understanding why women decide not to report sexual violence

Does perpetrator gender influence attitudes towards intimate partner violence (IPV)? Examining the relationship between male-perpetrated and female-perpetrated IPV attitudes …

A qualitative investigation of service providers’ experiences supporting raped and sexually abused men

The court of social media Opinion: Examining how Twitter users respond to the retrial of Footballer Ched Evans

Male victims of sexual violence and their welfare in the criminal justice system

Anthony Murphy Information



Senior Lecturer in Psychology



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

Google Scholar

Anthony Murphy Skills & Research Interests

Forensic Psychology

Criminal Justice

Personality Disorder

Top articles of Anthony Murphy

Prevalence of adverse childhood experiences and their cumulative impact associated lifetime health outcomes in the Emirate of Abu-Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Child Psychiatry & Human Development


Support or justice: a triangulated multi-focal view of sexual assault victim support in a UK sexual assault referral centre (SARC)

International journal of mental health systems


Student profiles of physical activity, screen time, sleep quality and dietary habits and their association with mental health and school satisfaction: An exploratory study

Psychology in the Schools


“I thought I’m better off just trying to put this behind me” – a contemporary approach to understanding why women decide not to report sexual violence

The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology


Anthony Murphy
Anthony Murphy

H-Index: 4

Catherine Phillips
Catherine Phillips

H-Index: 4

Does perpetrator gender influence attitudes towards intimate partner violence (IPV)? Examining the relationship between male-perpetrated and female-perpetrated IPV attitudes …

Mental Health and Social Inclusion


Anthony Murphy
Anthony Murphy

H-Index: 4

A qualitative investigation of service providers’ experiences supporting raped and sexually abused men


The court of social media Opinion: Examining how Twitter users respond to the retrial of Footballer Ched Evans


Anthony Murphy
Anthony Murphy

H-Index: 4

Male victims of sexual violence and their welfare in the criminal justice system


“I didn’t feel i was a victim”: a phenomenological analysis of the experiences of male-on-male survivors of rape and sexual abuse

Victims & Offenders


Listening to ‘Leading Voices’: Using expert insight to identify challenges to, and suggestions for the improvement of, rape investigation and prosecution in England and Wales


Lessons from London: A contemporary examination of the factors affecting attrition among rape complaints

Psychology, Crime & Law


Anthony Murphy
Anthony Murphy

H-Index: 4

Julia A Yesberg
Julia A Yesberg

H-Index: 9

Development and validation of the male rape myth acceptance scale (MRMAS)



Mapping the landscape of male-on-male rape in London: an analysis of cases involving male victims reported between 2005 and 2012

Police practice and research


The use of positive behaviour support plans in mental health inpatient care: A mixed methods study

Journal of psychiatric and mental health nursing


Anthony Murphy
Anthony Murphy

H-Index: 4

See List of Professors in Anthony Murphy University(University of Birmingham)