Ans Vercammen

Ans Vercammen

Imperial College London

H-index: 26

Europe-United Kingdom

About Ans Vercammen

Ans Vercammen, With an exceptional h-index of 26 and a recent h-index of 23 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Imperial College London, specializes in the field of Conservation psychology, applied decision making, citizen science, natural resource management.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Exploratory empirical model of combined effects of COVID-19 and climate change on youth mental health

Psycho-social factors associated with climate distress, hope and behavioural intentions in young UK residents

Investigating the Mental Health Impacts of Climate Change in Youth: Design and Implementation of the International Changing Worlds Study

Climate anxiety, coping strategies and planning for the future in environmental degree students in the UK

Eco-anxiety and the influence of climate change on future planning is greater for young US residents with direct exposure to climate impacts

Predicting reliability through structured expert elicitation with the repliCATS (Collaborative Assessments for Trustworthy Science) process

A toolkit for open and pluralistic conservation science

Current understanding of the impact of climate change on mental health within UK parliament

Ans Vercammen Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Ans Vercammen Skills & Research Interests

Conservation psychology

applied decision making

citizen science

natural resource management

Top articles of Ans Vercammen

Exploratory empirical model of combined effects of COVID-19 and climate change on youth mental health

Nature Mental Health


Psycho-social factors associated with climate distress, hope and behavioural intentions in young UK residents

PLOS Global Public Health


Ans Vercammen
Ans Vercammen

H-Index: 21

Investigating the Mental Health Impacts of Climate Change in Youth: Design and Implementation of the International Changing Worlds Study



Ans Vercammen
Ans Vercammen

H-Index: 21

Britt Wray
Britt Wray

H-Index: 2

Climate anxiety, coping strategies and planning for the future in environmental degree students in the UK

Frontiers in Psychology


Ans Vercammen
Ans Vercammen

H-Index: 21

Eco-anxiety and the influence of climate change on future planning is greater for young US residents with direct exposure to climate impacts


Britt Wray
Britt Wray

H-Index: 2

Ans Vercammen
Ans Vercammen

H-Index: 21

Predicting reliability through structured expert elicitation with the repliCATS (Collaborative Assessments for Trustworthy Science) process

Plos one


A toolkit for open and pluralistic conservation science

Conservation Letters


Current understanding of the impact of climate change on mental health within UK parliament

Frontiers in public health


Ans Vercammen
Ans Vercammen

H-Index: 21

Psychological responses, mental health, and sense of agency for the dual challenges of climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic in young people in the UK: an online survey study

The Lancet Planetary Health


Ans Vercammen
Ans Vercammen

H-Index: 21

Reimagining peer review as an expert elicitation process

BMC Research Notes


Understanding citizen scientists’ willingness to invest in, and advocate for, conservation

Biological Conservation


Ans Vercammen
Ans Vercammen

H-Index: 21

Pre-screening workers to overcome bias amplification in online labour markets

Plos one


Young persons’ psychological responses, mental health and sense of agency for the dual challenges of climate change and a global pandemic

Mental Health and Sense of Agency for the Dual Challenges of Climate Change and a Global Pandemic


Ans Vercammen
Ans Vercammen

H-Index: 21

Practice matters: pro-environmental motivations and diet-related impact vary with meditation experience

Frontiers in Psychology


Ans Vercammen
Ans Vercammen

H-Index: 21

Introduction: New directions in conservation psychology at a critical time.

Conservation Biology


A reflection on the fair use of unpaid work in conservation

Conservation and Society


See List of Professors in Ans Vercammen University(Imperial College London)