Annesa Flentje

About Annesa Flentje

Annesa Flentje, With an exceptional h-index of 33 and a recent h-index of 31 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of California, San Francisco, specializes in the field of LGBTQ health, substance use, sexual and gender minority mental health.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Our pride, our joy: An intersectional constructivist grounded theory analysis of resources that promote resilience in SGM communities

Understanding the social and community support experiences of sexual and gender minority individuals in 12-Step programs

Healthcare mistreatment, state-level policy protections, and healthcare avoidance among gender minority people

Migraine, Migraine Disability, Trauma, and Discrimination in Sexual and Gender Minority Individuals

Sexual minority stress and cellular aging in methamphetamine-using sexual minority men with treated HIV

Sleep disturbance and suicide risk among sexual and gender minority people

Disordered Eating and Body Dissatisfaction in Transgender and Gender-Expansive Adults: An Evaluation and Integration of the Gender Minority Stress and Resilience and Tripartite …

Psychometric validation of the Muscle Dysmorphic Disorder Inventory (MDDI) among US transgender men

Annesa Flentje Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Annesa Flentje Skills & Research Interests

LGBTQ health

substance use

sexual and gender minority mental health

Top articles of Annesa Flentje

Our pride, our joy: An intersectional constructivist grounded theory analysis of resources that promote resilience in SGM communities

Plos one


Annesa Flentje
Annesa Flentje

H-Index: 18

Understanding the social and community support experiences of sexual and gender minority individuals in 12-Step programs

Journal of gay & lesbian social services


Annesa Flentje
Annesa Flentje

H-Index: 18

Healthcare mistreatment, state-level policy protections, and healthcare avoidance among gender minority people

Sexuality Research and Social Policy


Migraine, Migraine Disability, Trauma, and Discrimination in Sexual and Gender Minority Individuals



Annesa Flentje
Annesa Flentje

H-Index: 18

Sexual minority stress and cellular aging in methamphetamine-using sexual minority men with treated HIV

Psychosomatic medicine


Sleep disturbance and suicide risk among sexual and gender minority people


Annesa Flentje
Annesa Flentje

H-Index: 18

Disordered Eating and Body Dissatisfaction in Transgender and Gender-Expansive Adults: An Evaluation and Integration of the Gender Minority Stress and Resilience and Tripartite …

Behavior Therapy


Annesa Flentje
Annesa Flentje

H-Index: 18

David Schuster
David Schuster

H-Index: 7

Psychometric validation of the Muscle Dysmorphic Disorder Inventory (MDDI) among US transgender men

Body Image


Stuart B Murray
Stuart B Murray

H-Index: 36

Annesa Flentje
Annesa Flentje

H-Index: 18

State-level policy environments, discrimination, and victimization among sexual and gender minority people

International journal of environmental research and public health


Kristen D Clark
Kristen D Clark

H-Index: 2

Annesa Flentje
Annesa Flentje

H-Index: 18

Subjective cognitive decline associated with discrimination in medical settings among transgender and nonbinary older adults

International journal of environmental research and public health


Annesa Flentje
Annesa Flentje

H-Index: 18

Psychometric evaluation of the muscle dysmorphic disorder inventory (MDDI) among gender-expansive people

Journal of Eating Disorders


Stuart B Murray
Stuart B Murray

H-Index: 36

Annesa Flentje
Annesa Flentje

H-Index: 18

AWARENESS: A cognitive behavioral intervention to reduce intersectional minority stress among sexual minority men living with HIV who use substances

Drug and alcohol dependence reports


Annesa Flentje
Annesa Flentje

H-Index: 18

Associations among romantic and sexual partner history and muscle dysmorphia symptoms, disordered eating, and appearance-and performance-enhancing drugs and supplement use …

Body image


Stuart B Murray
Stuart B Murray

H-Index: 36

Annesa Flentje
Annesa Flentje

H-Index: 18

COVID-19 News and Its Association With the Mental Health of Sexual and Gender Minority Adults: Cross-sectional Study

JMIR Public Health and Surveillance


Kristen D Clark
Kristen D Clark

H-Index: 2

Annesa Flentje
Annesa Flentje

H-Index: 18

Appearance and performance‐enhancing drugs and supplements, eating disorders, and muscle dysmorphia among gender minority people

International Journal of Eating Disorders


Stuart B Murray
Stuart B Murray

H-Index: 36

Annesa Flentje
Annesa Flentje

H-Index: 18

Integrating LGBTQ+ health into medical education

The Clinical Teacher


Kristen D Clark
Kristen D Clark

H-Index: 2

Annesa Flentje
Annesa Flentje

H-Index: 18

Do ask, tell, and show: Contextual factors affecting sexual orientation and gender identity disclosure for sexual and gender minority people

LGBT health


Annesa Flentje
Annesa Flentje

H-Index: 18

Shannon Weber
Shannon Weber

H-Index: 4

Appearance and performance-enhancing drugs and supplements (APEDS): Lifetime use and associations with eating disorder and muscle dysmorphia symptoms among cisgender sexual …

Eating behaviors


Stuart B Murray
Stuart B Murray

H-Index: 36

Annesa Flentje
Annesa Flentje

H-Index: 18

Understanding co-occurring depression symptoms and alcohol use symptoms among cisgender sexual minority women

Journal of Gay & Lesbian Social Services


Adrian Aguilera
Adrian Aguilera

H-Index: 19

Annesa Flentje
Annesa Flentje

H-Index: 18

Characterization of substance use among underrepresented sexual and gender minority participants in The Population Research in Identity and Disparities for Equality (PRIDE) Study

Substance Abuse


Annesa Flentje
Annesa Flentje

H-Index: 18

See List of Professors in Annesa Flentje University(University of California, San Francisco)

