Anne McMunn

Anne McMunn

University College London

H-index: 38

Europe-United Kingdom

About Anne McMunn

Anne McMunn, With an exceptional h-index of 38 and a recent h-index of 29 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University College London,

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

-Neuro-immune markers, socioeconomic inequalities, and neurodegenerative conditions

Work hours, weekend working, nonstandard work schedules and sleep quantity and quality: findings from the UK household longitudinal study

Do Health and Well-Being Change Around the Transition to Informal Caring in Early Adulthood? A Longitudinal Comparison Between the United Kingdom and Germany

Longitudinal pathways between childhood BMI, body dissatisfaction, and adolescent depression: an observational study using the UK Millenium Cohort Study

Mental and physical health changes around transitions into unpaid caregiving in the UK: a longitudinal, propensity score analysis

Nonstandard work schedules in the UK: What are the implications for parental mental health and relationship happiness?

OP70 Association of childhood weight trajectory and depressive symptoms at 17 years: Exploring the mediating role of body image in the UK Millennium Cohort Study

OP182 The mental and physical health effects of providing sandwich care in the UK: a longitudinal, propensity score analysis in the UK Household Longitudinal Study

Anne McMunn Information






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Top articles of Anne McMunn

-Neuro-immune markers, socioeconomic inequalities, and neurodegenerative conditions



Anne Mcmunn
Anne Mcmunn

H-Index: 24

Work hours, weekend working, nonstandard work schedules and sleep quantity and quality: findings from the UK household longitudinal study

BMC Public Health


Elizabeth Webb
Elizabeth Webb

H-Index: 8

Anne Mcmunn
Anne Mcmunn

H-Index: 24

Do Health and Well-Being Change Around the Transition to Informal Caring in Early Adulthood? A Longitudinal Comparison Between the United Kingdom and Germany

Journal of Adolescent Health


Longitudinal pathways between childhood BMI, body dissatisfaction, and adolescent depression: an observational study using the UK Millenium Cohort Study

The Lancet Psychiatry


Mental and physical health changes around transitions into unpaid caregiving in the UK: a longitudinal, propensity score analysis

The Lancet Public Health


Nonstandard work schedules in the UK: What are the implications for parental mental health and relationship happiness?

Community, Work & Family


Anne Mcmunn
Anne Mcmunn

H-Index: 24

OP70 Association of childhood weight trajectory and depressive symptoms at 17 years: Exploring the mediating role of body image in the UK Millennium Cohort Study


Anne Mcmunn
Anne Mcmunn

H-Index: 24

Francesca Solmi
Francesca Solmi

H-Index: 17

OP182 The mental and physical health effects of providing sandwich care in the UK: a longitudinal, propensity score analysis in the UK Household Longitudinal Study


P39 Wealth inequalities and trajectories of insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1)


Anne Mcmunn
Anne Mcmunn

H-Index: 24

P137 The mental and physical health effects of transitions into unpaid caregiving: a longitudinal, propensity score analysis in the UK Household Longitudinal Study


A Bourdieusian Latent Class Analysis of Cultural, Arts, Heritage and Sports Activities in the UK Representative Understanding Society Dataset



Women’s Social Relationships and Links with Health and Well-being over the Life Course

A Life Course Approach to Women's Health


Anne Mcmunn
Anne Mcmunn

H-Index: 24

Does providing informal care in young adulthood impact educational attainment and employment in the UK?

Advances in Life Course Research


Giorgio Di Gessa
Giorgio Di Gessa

H-Index: 13

Anne Mcmunn
Anne Mcmunn

H-Index: 24

Mental health inequalities during the second COVID-19 wave among Millennials who grew up in England: Evidence from the Next Steps cohort study

Journal of Affective Disorders


Unpaid labour is a neglected social determinant of health

The Lancet Public Health


Anne Mcmunn
Anne Mcmunn

H-Index: 24

Operationalization of Intrinsic Capacity in Older People and Its Association With Subsequent Disability, Hospital Admission and Mortality: Results From The English Longitudinal …

The Journals of Gerontology: Series A


Anne Mcmunn
Anne Mcmunn

H-Index: 24

Is the self-reporting of mental health problems sensitive to public stigma towards mental illness? A comparison of time trends across English regions (2009–19)

Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology


Parenthood and psychological distress among English Millennials during the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic: evidence from the Next Steps cohort study

Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology


Making it work: Fathers' nonstandard work schedules and parenting activities

Journal of Marriage and Family


Anne Mcmunn
Anne Mcmunn

H-Index: 24

Emerging costs in a ʻhiddenʼ workforce: The longitudinal psychosocial effects of caregiving during the COVID-19 pandemic among Norwegian adults



Thomas Hansen
Thomas Hansen

H-Index: 6

Anne Mcmunn
Anne Mcmunn

H-Index: 24

See List of Professors in Anne McMunn University(University College London)