Anne Bernhardt

About Anne Bernhardt

Anne Bernhardt, With an exceptional h-index of 19 and a recent h-index of 17 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Freie Universität Berlin, specializes in the field of Geology, Sedimentology.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Seascape and Seaforms of the Levant Basin and Margin, Eastern Mediterranean

First constraints on the timing of structural evolution of the north Sulaiman Fold-thrust belt, Pakistan

Denudation and weathering rates from meteoric 10Be/9Be: A versatile tool in mafic, carbonate or slate-dominated lithologies from the critical zone to very large catchments

Ehrungen der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft–Geologische Vereinigung (DGGV) 2023

Transport and accumulation of litter in submarine canyons: a geoscience perspective

Multiple isotope constraints on clay formation and alteration during early marine diagenesis

Last postglacial sea-level fluctuations control fluvial morphodynamics along the West Coast of Sumatra, Indonesia

Controls on global submarine canyon occurrence and formation processe s-Insights from Spatial Point Pattern Analysis

Anne Bernhardt Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Anne Bernhardt Skills & Research Interests



Top articles of Anne Bernhardt

Seascape and Seaforms of the Levant Basin and Margin, Eastern Mediterranean


Uri Schattner
Uri Schattner

H-Index: 15

Anne Bernhardt
Anne Bernhardt

H-Index: 13

First constraints on the timing of structural evolution of the north Sulaiman Fold-thrust belt, Pakistan


Humaad Ghani
Humaad Ghani

H-Index: 1

Anne Bernhardt
Anne Bernhardt

H-Index: 13

Denudation and weathering rates from meteoric 10Be/9Be: A versatile tool in mafic, carbonate or slate-dominated lithologies from the critical zone to very large catchments

AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts


Ehrungen der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft–Geologische Vereinigung (DGGV) 2023

Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften


Transport and accumulation of litter in submarine canyons: a geoscience perspective


Anne Bernhardt
Anne Bernhardt

H-Index: 13

Michael A Clare
Michael A Clare

H-Index: 24

Multiple isotope constraints on clay formation and alteration during early marine diagenesis

Goldschmidt 2023 Conference


Anne Bernhardt
Anne Bernhardt

H-Index: 13

Last postglacial sea-level fluctuations control fluvial morphodynamics along the West Coast of Sumatra, Indonesia

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Alexander Rohrmann
Alexander Rohrmann

H-Index: 8

Anne Bernhardt
Anne Bernhardt

H-Index: 13

Controls on global submarine canyon occurrence and formation processe s-Insights from Spatial Point Pattern Analysis

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Anne Bernhardt
Anne Bernhardt

H-Index: 13

Wolfgang Schwanghart
Wolfgang Schwanghart

H-Index: 22

Early Miocene tectono-sedimentary shift in the eastern North Alpine Foreland Basin and its relation to changes in tectonic style in the Eastern Alps


Eline Le Breton
Eline Le Breton

H-Index: 7

Anne Bernhardt
Anne Bernhardt

H-Index: 13

Where and Why Do Submarine Canyons Remain Connected to the Shore During Sea-level Rise?-Insights from Global Topographic Analysis and Bayesian Regression

Geophysical Research Letters


Anne Bernhardt
Anne Bernhardt

H-Index: 13

Wolfgang Schwanghart
Wolfgang Schwanghart

H-Index: 22

Investigating the role of marine authigenic clay formation in setting the δ7Li composition of seawater

2022 Goldschmidt Conference


Anne Bernhardt
Anne Bernhardt

H-Index: 13

Apatites Record Sedimentary Provenance Change 4–5 Myrs Before Clay in the Oligocene/Miocene Alpine Molasse

Frontiers in Earth Science


Anne Bernhardt
Anne Bernhardt

H-Index: 13

Over the edge: The role of cross-shelf sediment transport by submarine canyons and bottom currents in signal propagation research

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Syn-rift sedimentary response to growth folding along a rift-margin transfer zone: An example from the early Miocene of the Gulf of Suez, Egypt

Sedimentary Geology


Anne Bernhardt
Anne Bernhardt

H-Index: 13

Nicholas Christie-Blick
Nicholas Christie-Blick

H-Index: 26

Response of Drainage Pattern and Basin Evolution to Tectonic and Climatic Changes Along the Dinarides-Hellenides Orogen

Frontiers in Earth Science


Sedimentary response of the deep eastern Mediterranean basin to the north African desertification, sea level variation and regional tectonics

Basin Research


Uri Schattner
Uri Schattner

H-Index: 15

Anne Bernhardt
Anne Bernhardt

H-Index: 13

Detrital apatite geochemistry and thermochronology from the Oligocene/Miocene Alpine foreland record the early exhumation of the Tauern Window

Basin Research


David Chew
David Chew

H-Index: 30

Anne Bernhardt
Anne Bernhardt

H-Index: 13

Lithium isotopes in exchangeable and silicate fractions of clay sized fluvial sediments along a climatic transect

Goldschmidt2021• Virtual• 4-9 July


Anne Bernhardt
Anne Bernhardt

H-Index: 13

Times associated with source-to-sink propagation of environmental signals during landscape transience


Stefanie Tofelde
Stefanie Tofelde

H-Index: 9

Anne Bernhardt
Anne Bernhardt

H-Index: 13

Assessing the fidelity of leaf wax signals in marine sediments: n-alkane sensitivity to change along a precipitation gradient

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Anne Bernhardt
Anne Bernhardt

H-Index: 13

See List of Professors in Anne Bernhardt University(Freie Universität Berlin)

