Anna Pearce

Anna Pearce

University of Glasgow

H-index: 24

Europe-United Kingdom

About Anna Pearce

Anna Pearce, With an exceptional h-index of 24 and a recent h-index of 20 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Glasgow, specializes in the field of Public health, health inequalities, health behaviours, child health, policy.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Short-term impacts of Universal Basic Income on mental health inequalities in the UK population

Growing up in Scotland: Obesity from early childhood to adolescence

Association between individual level characteristics and take-up of a Minimum Income Guarantee for Pensioners: Panel Data Analysis using data from the British Household Panel …

The relationship between time spent on social media and adolescent cigarette, E-cigarette, and dual use: a longitudinal analysis of the UK millennium cohort study

Childhood attention‐deficit hyperactivity disorder: socioeconomic inequalities in symptoms, impact, diagnosis and medication

Short-term impacts of Universal Basic Income on population mental health inequalities in the UK: A microsimulation modelling study

Trends in inequalities in childhood overweight and obesity prevalence: a repeat cross-sectional analysis of the Health Survey for England

Quality of ethnicity data within Scottish health records and implications of misclassification for ethnic inequalities in severe COVID-19: a national linked data study

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Anna Pearce Skills & Research Interests

Public health

health inequalities

health behaviours

child health


Top articles of Anna Pearce

Short-term impacts of Universal Basic Income on mental health inequalities in the UK population


Growing up in Scotland: Obesity from early childhood to adolescence


Anna Pearce
Anna Pearce

H-Index: 18

Association between individual level characteristics and take-up of a Minimum Income Guarantee for Pensioners: Panel Data Analysis using data from the British Household Panel …

Social Sciences & Humanities Open


The relationship between time spent on social media and adolescent cigarette, E-cigarette, and dual use: a longitudinal analysis of the UK millennium cohort study

European journal of public health


Andrew Baxter
Andrew Baxter

H-Index: 1

Anna Pearce
Anna Pearce

H-Index: 18

Childhood attention‐deficit hyperactivity disorder: socioeconomic inequalities in symptoms, impact, diagnosis and medication

American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics


Short-term impacts of Universal Basic Income on population mental health inequalities in the UK: A microsimulation modelling study


Trends in inequalities in childhood overweight and obesity prevalence: a repeat cross-sectional analysis of the Health Survey for England

Archives of Disease in Childhood


Quality of ethnicity data within Scottish health records and implications of misclassification for ethnic inequalities in severe COVID-19: a national linked data study

Journal of Public Health


Social media as a determinant of health


Anna Pearce
Anna Pearce

H-Index: 18

Causal Assessment of Income Inequality on Self‐Rated Health and All‐Cause Mortality: A Systematic Review and Meta‐Analysis


Mhairi Campbell
Mhairi Campbell

H-Index: 14

Anna Pearce
Anna Pearce

H-Index: 18

Inequalities in children’s mental health before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: findings from the UK Household Longitudinal Study

J Epidemiol Community Health


Social media use and health risk behaviours in young people: systematic review and meta-analysis


Anna Pearce
Anna Pearce

H-Index: 18

Using administrative data to evaluate national policy impacts on child and maternal health: a research framework from the Maternal and Child Health Network (MatCHNet)

J Epidemiol Community Health


How might a Universal Basic Income influence UK mental health? A microsimulation modelling study

European Journal of Public Health


Food security and trajectories of childhood overweight: Results from the Growing Up in Scotland Study

European Journal of Public Health


Ethnic inequalities in positive SARS-CoV-2 tests, infection prognosis, COVID-19 hospitalisations and deaths: analysis of 2 years of a record linked national cohort study in …

J Epidemiol Community Health


To what extent does income explain the effect of unemployment on mental health? Mediation analysis in the UK Household Longitudinal Study

Psychological medicine


Anna Pearce
Anna Pearce

H-Index: 18

Maternal and child nutrition programme of investigation within the 100 Million Brazilian Cohort: study protocol

BMJ open


OP159 How would the introduction of a Universal Basic Income influence mental health inequalities in the UK? A microsimulation modelling study


Vladimir Khodygo
Vladimir Khodygo

H-Index: 2

Anna Pearce
Anna Pearce

H-Index: 18

P59 The relationship between time spent on social media and adolescent alcohol use: a longitudinal analysis of the UK Millennium Cohort Study


Andrew Baxter
Andrew Baxter

H-Index: 1

Anna Pearce
Anna Pearce

H-Index: 18

See List of Professors in Anna Pearce University(University of Glasgow)