Anisyah Achmad

About Anisyah Achmad

Anisyah Achmad, With an exceptional h-index of 7 and a recent h-index of 7 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universitas Brawijaya, specializes in the field of Clinical Pharmacy.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Edukasi Pencegahan dan Skrining Osteoporosis Melalui Strategi Peer Coaching Kader Kesehatan Posyandu Lansia

The relationship of body mass index and T score in healthy and knee osteoarthritis women

The sodium does not affect joint pain and functional activity of knee osteoarthritis patients

Association between sodium intake and biopsychosocial factors with knee joint pain in osteoarthritis patient

Self-education Program for Osteoarthritis Reduces Sodium Intake, Knee Joint pain, and Serum Interleukin-17A level in Osteoarthritis Patients

Upaya Peningkatan Pelayanan Posyandu Lansia Melalui Edukasi dan Pelatihan Senam Osteoporosis

The maximum dose and duration in the therapy single use methotrexate to achieve remission by rheumatoid arthritis patients through disease activity score 28 (DAS28)

Hubungan Kepatuhan Terapi Metotreksat dengan Disease Activity Score 28 (DAS28) pada Pasien Artritis Reumatoid

Anisyah Achmad Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




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Anisyah Achmad Skills & Research Interests

Clinical Pharmacy

Top articles of Anisyah Achmad

Edukasi Pencegahan dan Skrining Osteoporosis Melalui Strategi Peer Coaching Kader Kesehatan Posyandu Lansia

TRI DHARMA MANDIRI: Diseminasi dan Hilirisasi Riset kepada Masyarakat (Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat)


Anisyah Achmad
Anisyah Achmad

H-Index: 4

Sri Winarsih
Sri Winarsih

H-Index: 9

The sodium does not affect joint pain and functional activity of knee osteoarthritis patients

Journal of Public Health in Africa


Association between sodium intake and biopsychosocial factors with knee joint pain in osteoarthritis patient

Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology


Anisyah Achmad
Anisyah Achmad

H-Index: 4

Joewono Soeroso
Joewono Soeroso

H-Index: 8

Self-education Program for Osteoarthritis Reduces Sodium Intake, Knee Joint pain, and Serum Interleukin-17A level in Osteoarthritis Patients

Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences


Upaya Peningkatan Pelayanan Posyandu Lansia Melalui Edukasi dan Pelatihan Senam Osteoporosis

TRI DHARMA MANDIRI: Diseminasi dan Hilirisasi Riset kepada Masyarakat (Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat)


Anisyah Achmad
Anisyah Achmad

H-Index: 4

Ema Pristi Yunita
Ema Pristi Yunita

H-Index: 2

The maximum dose and duration in the therapy single use methotrexate to achieve remission by rheumatoid arthritis patients through disease activity score 28 (DAS28)

Journal of Basic and Clinical Physiology and Pharmacology


Anisyah Achmad
Anisyah Achmad

H-Index: 4

Bagus Putu Putra Suryana
Bagus Putu Putra Suryana

H-Index: 4

Hubungan Kepatuhan Terapi Metotreksat dengan Disease Activity Score 28 (DAS28) pada Pasien Artritis Reumatoid

Pharmaceutical Journal of Indonesia


Anisyah Achmad
Anisyah Achmad

H-Index: 4

See List of Professors in Anisyah Achmad University(Universitas Brawijaya)