Andreas Breenfeldt Andersen

About Andreas Breenfeldt Andersen

Andreas Breenfeldt Andersen, With an exceptional h-index of 13 and a recent h-index of 13 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Københavns Universitet,

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

mRNA biomarkers sensitive and specific to micro‐dose erythropoietin treatment at sea level and altitude

Duplicate measures of hemoglobin mass within an hour: feasibility, reliability, and comparison of three devices in supine position

Determinants and reference values for blood volume and total hemoglobin mass in women and men

Contemporary blood doping—performance, mechanism, and detection

Moderate hypoxic exposure for 4 weeks reduces body fat percentage and increases fat-free mass in trained individuals: a randomized crossover study

Erythropoiesis-related RNAs biomarkers are sensitive and specific to low-dose erythropoietin treatment at sea level and altitude

Validation of a clinically applicable device for fast and accurate quantification of blood volume

A semi-automated device rapidly determine circulating blood volume in healthy males and carbon monoxide uptake kinetics of arterial and venous blood

Andreas Breenfeldt Andersen Information



Department of Nutrition Exercise and Sports



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Top articles of Andreas Breenfeldt Andersen

mRNA biomarkers sensitive and specific to micro‐dose erythropoietin treatment at sea level and altitude

Drug Testing and Analysis


Andreas Breenfeldt Andersen
Andreas Breenfeldt Andersen

H-Index: 7

Jacob Bejder
Jacob Bejder

H-Index: 7

Duplicate measures of hemoglobin mass within an hour: feasibility, reliability, and comparison of three devices in supine position

Scandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation


Andreas Breenfeldt Andersen
Andreas Breenfeldt Andersen

H-Index: 7

Jacob Bejder
Jacob Bejder

H-Index: 7

Determinants and reference values for blood volume and total hemoglobin mass in women and men

American Journal of Hematology


Contemporary blood doping—performance, mechanism, and detection


Andreas Breenfeldt Andersen
Andreas Breenfeldt Andersen

H-Index: 7

Jacob Bejder
Jacob Bejder

H-Index: 7

Moderate hypoxic exposure for 4 weeks reduces body fat percentage and increases fat-free mass in trained individuals: a randomized crossover study

Sleep and Breathing


Jacob Bejder
Jacob Bejder

H-Index: 7

Andreas Breenfeldt Andersen
Andreas Breenfeldt Andersen

H-Index: 7

Erythropoiesis-related RNAs biomarkers are sensitive and specific to low-dose erythropoietin treatment at sea level and altitude


Andreas Breenfeldt Andersen
Andreas Breenfeldt Andersen

H-Index: 7

Jacob Bejder
Jacob Bejder

H-Index: 7

Validation of a clinically applicable device for fast and accurate quantification of blood volume

Journal of Clinical Laboratory Analysis


Andreas Breenfeldt Andersen
Andreas Breenfeldt Andersen

H-Index: 7

A semi-automated device rapidly determine circulating blood volume in healthy males and carbon monoxide uptake kinetics of arterial and venous blood

Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing


Andreas Breenfeldt Andersen
Andreas Breenfeldt Andersen

H-Index: 7

Jacob Bejder
Jacob Bejder

H-Index: 7

Robust arm and leg muscle adaptation to training despite ACE inhibition: a randomized placebo-controlled trial

European Journal of Applied Physiology


Jacob Bejder
Jacob Bejder

H-Index: 7

Andreas Breenfeldt Andersen
Andreas Breenfeldt Andersen

H-Index: 7

Analysis of dried blood spots is a feasible alternative for detecting ephedrine in doping control

Drug testing and analysis


Andreas Breenfeldt Andersen
Andreas Breenfeldt Andersen

H-Index: 7

Detection of Erythropoietin in Blood to Uncover Doping in Sports using Machine Learning


Jacob Bejder
Jacob Bejder

H-Index: 7

Andreas Breenfeldt Andersen
Andreas Breenfeldt Andersen

H-Index: 7

Wolfgang Maass
Wolfgang Maass

H-Index: 47

Effect of angiotensin‐converting enzyme inhibition on cardiovascular adaptation to exercise training

Physiological Reports


Jacob Bejder
Jacob Bejder

H-Index: 7

Andreas Breenfeldt Andersen
Andreas Breenfeldt Andersen

H-Index: 7

A Single Glucocorticoid Injection Accelerate Erythropoiesis but Does Not Improve Performance

The FASEB Journal


Jacob Bejder
Jacob Bejder

H-Index: 7

Andreas Breenfeldt Andersen
Andreas Breenfeldt Andersen

H-Index: 7

Henrik Sørensen
Henrik Sørensen

H-Index: 2

AI-based approach for improving the detection of blood doping in sports

arXiv preprint arXiv:2203.00001


Jacob Bejder
Jacob Bejder

H-Index: 7

Andreas Breenfeldt Andersen
Andreas Breenfeldt Andersen

H-Index: 7

Hepcidin and erythroferrone complement the athlete biological passport in the detection of autologous blood transfusion

Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise


Does hypoxia and stress erythropoiesis compromise cardiac function in healthy adults? A randomized trial

Sports Medicine-Open


Jacob Bejder
Jacob Bejder

H-Index: 7

Andreas Breenfeldt Andersen
Andreas Breenfeldt Andersen

H-Index: 7

Reliability and validity of the SHFT running power meter



Jacob Bejder
Jacob Bejder

H-Index: 7

Andreas Breenfeldt Andersen
Andreas Breenfeldt Andersen

H-Index: 7

Effects of altitude and recombinant human erythropoietin on iron metabolism: a randomized controlled trial

American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology


An abductive inference approach to assess the performance-enhancing effects of drugs included on the World Anti-Doping Agency prohibited list


Immature reticulocytes are sensitive and specific to low‐dose erythropoietin treatment at sea level and altitude

Drug Testing and Analysis


Andreas Breenfeldt Andersen
Andreas Breenfeldt Andersen

H-Index: 7

Helle Sørensen
Helle Sørensen

H-Index: 15

Jacob Bejder
Jacob Bejder

H-Index: 7

See List of Professors in Andreas Breenfeldt Andersen University(Københavns Universitet)