Anders Haug

About Anders Haug

Anders Haug, With an exceptional h-index of 30 and a recent h-index of 24 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Syddansk Universitet, specializes in the field of philosophy of information, data quality, information quality, product configuration, design management.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Organizational ambidexterity in young SMEs? The incompatibility of entrepreneurial orientation and process improvement

Adoption of additive manufacturing: A survey of the role of knowledge networks and maturity in small and medium-sized Danish production firms

Engaging with ‘Engineer for Supply Chain’(EfSC): insights from two engineer-to-order manufacturers

Factors influencing knowledge sharing in new product development in high-tech manufacturing firms

A machine learning digital twin approach for critical process parameter prediction in a catalyst manufacturing line

Identification of key drivers for improving inventory management in pharmaceutical supply chains

Strategies for Master Data Management: A Case Study of an International Hearing Healthcare Company

The Role of SKU Management in Product Variety Reduction Projects

Anders Haug Information



Associate Professor



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

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Anders Haug Skills & Research Interests

philosophy of information

data quality

information quality

product configuration

design management

Top articles of Anders Haug

Organizational ambidexterity in young SMEs? The incompatibility of entrepreneurial orientation and process improvement

Entrepreneurship & Regional Development


Adoption of additive manufacturing: A survey of the role of knowledge networks and maturity in small and medium-sized Danish production firms

International Journal of Production Economics


Engaging with ‘Engineer for Supply Chain’(EfSC): insights from two engineer-to-order manufacturers

Production Planning & Control


Anders Haug
Anders Haug

H-Index: 20

Per Hilletofth
Per Hilletofth

H-Index: 19

Factors influencing knowledge sharing in new product development in high-tech manufacturing firms

International Journal of Production Research


Anders Haug
Anders Haug

H-Index: 20

A machine learning digital twin approach for critical process parameter prediction in a catalyst manufacturing line

Computers in Industry


Lars Hvam
Lars Hvam

H-Index: 20

Anders Haug
Anders Haug

H-Index: 20

Identification of key drivers for improving inventory management in pharmaceutical supply chains

Production Engineering


Strategies for Master Data Management: A Case Study of an International Hearing Healthcare Company

Information Systems Frontiers


Anders Haug
Anders Haug

H-Index: 20

Lars Hvam
Lars Hvam

H-Index: 20

The Role of SKU Management in Product Variety Reduction Projects


Lars Hvam
Lars Hvam

H-Index: 20

Anders Haug
Anders Haug

H-Index: 20

The 3Es framework: a project framework for simulating costs for engineering efforts under uncertainties in the healthcare solution industry

Production Engineering


Additive manufacturing–enabled innovation in small-and medium-sized enterprises: the role of readiness in make-or-buy decisions

Industrial Management & Data Systems


Framing business cases for the success of product configuration system projects

Computers in Industry


Deling af spekulativ information på sociale medier: En ramme til forståelse af begrebet


Anders Haug
Anders Haug

H-Index: 20

The impact of information technology on product innovation in SMEs: The role of technological orientation

Journal of Small Business Management


Identifying profitable reference architectures in an engineer-to-order context

International Journal of Production Research


Lars Hvam
Lars Hvam

H-Index: 20

Anders Haug
Anders Haug

H-Index: 20

Digitalisering: rejsen er kun lige begyndt!


Anders Haug
Anders Haug

H-Index: 20

When reverse supply chain makes financial sense: a study of factors affecting profitability in reverse supply chains

International Journal of Sustainable Engineering


Multistage Configuration Systems Used to Streamline the Construction Value Chain


Lars Hvam
Lars Hvam

H-Index: 20

Anders Haug
Anders Haug

H-Index: 20

An approach for the development and implementation of commissioning service configurators in engineer-to-order companies

Computers in Industry


Lars Hvam
Lars Hvam

H-Index: 20

Anders Haug
Anders Haug

H-Index: 20

A procedure for reducing stock–keeping unit variety by linking internal and external product variety

CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology


Lars Hvam
Lars Hvam

H-Index: 20

Anders Haug
Anders Haug

H-Index: 20

Knowledge networks for adoption of additive manufacturing: The role of maturity


See List of Professors in Anders Haug University(Syddansk Universitet)