Anastasia Constantinidou

About Anastasia Constantinidou

Anastasia Constantinidou, With an exceptional h-index of 28 and a recent h-index of 24 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Cyprus, specializes in the field of Medicine, Oncology, Molecular Pathology, Precision Medicine.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Stabilizing tumor resident mast cells restores T cell infiltration and sensitizes sarcomas to PD-L1 inhibition

CARDIOCARE platform: A beyond the state of the art approach for the management of elderly multimorbid patients with breast cancer therapy induced cardiac toxicity

Classification of Breast Micro-calcifications as Benign or Malignant Using Subtraction of Temporally Sequential Digital Mammograms and Machine Learning

CARDIOCARE: An integrated platform for the management of elderly multimorbid patients with breast cancer therapy induced cardiac toxicity

Prediction of Near-Term Breast Cancer Occurrence using Subtraction of Temporally Sequential Digital Mammograms

Cardioprotective agents for the primary prevention of trastuzumab-associated cardiotoxicity: a systematic review and meta-Analysis

New insights in the era of clinical biomarkers as potential predictors of systemic therapy-induced cardiotoxicity in women with breast cancer: a systematic review

Patients' perspectives related to ethical issues and risks in precision medicine: a systematic review

Anastasia Constantinidou Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Anastasia Constantinidou Skills & Research Interests



Molecular Pathology

Precision Medicine

Top articles of Anastasia Constantinidou

Stabilizing tumor resident mast cells restores T cell infiltration and sensitizes sarcomas to PD-L1 inhibition

Clinical Cancer Research


CARDIOCARE platform: A beyond the state of the art approach for the management of elderly multimorbid patients with breast cancer therapy induced cardiac toxicity


Classification of Breast Micro-calcifications as Benign or Malignant Using Subtraction of Temporally Sequential Digital Mammograms and Machine Learning


Kosmia Loizidou
Kosmia Loizidou

H-Index: 2

Anastasia Constantinidou
Anastasia Constantinidou

H-Index: 18

Costas Pitris
Costas Pitris

H-Index: 25

CARDIOCARE: An integrated platform for the management of elderly multimorbid patients with breast cancer therapy induced cardiac toxicity


Prediction of Near-Term Breast Cancer Occurrence using Subtraction of Temporally Sequential Digital Mammograms


Kosmia Loizidou
Kosmia Loizidou

H-Index: 2

Anastasia Constantinidou
Anastasia Constantinidou

H-Index: 18

Costas Pitris
Costas Pitris

H-Index: 25

Cardioprotective agents for the primary prevention of trastuzumab-associated cardiotoxicity: a systematic review and meta-Analysis


Dimitrios Farmakis
Dimitrios Farmakis

H-Index: 36

Anastasia Constantinidou
Anastasia Constantinidou

H-Index: 18

New insights in the era of clinical biomarkers as potential predictors of systemic therapy-induced cardiotoxicity in women with breast cancer: a systematic review


Patients' perspectives related to ethical issues and risks in precision medicine: a systematic review


Anastasia Constantinidou
Anastasia Constantinidou

H-Index: 18

Immunotherapy for Sarcoma


Anastasia Constantinidou
Anastasia Constantinidou

H-Index: 18

Osteosarcoma: current concepts and evolutions in management principles


Anastasia Constantinidou
Anastasia Constantinidou

H-Index: 18

Precision medicine in sarcomas: the road to an effective biomarker-driven-care strategy

Frontiers in Oncology


Anastasia Constantinidou
Anastasia Constantinidou

H-Index: 18

Ripretinib for the treatment of adult patients with advanced gastrointestinal stromal tumors


Anastasia Constantinidou
Anastasia Constantinidou

H-Index: 18

Triple negative breast cancer: Immunogenicity, tumor microenvironment, and immunotherapy


Anastasia Constantinidou
Anastasia Constantinidou

H-Index: 18

Exploring the landscape of immunotherapy approaches in sarcomas


Triantafyllos Stylianopoulos
Triantafyllos Stylianopoulos

H-Index: 42

Anastasia Constantinidou
Anastasia Constantinidou

H-Index: 18

S43. 1. Therapy-induced cardiotoxicity in the elderly breast cancer patients and the exploration of state-of-the-art management strategies


Anastasia Constantinidou
Anastasia Constantinidou

H-Index: 18

Ketti Mazzocco
Ketti Mazzocco

H-Index: 18

Costanza Conti
Costanza Conti

H-Index: 16

Methotrexate Induced Neurotoxicity in Osteosarcoma: Case Report and Narrative Review of the Literature

Archives of Clinical and Biomedical Research


Anastasia Constantinidou
Anastasia Constantinidou

H-Index: 18

Clinical validation of endopredict in pre-menopausal women with ER-positive, HER2-negative primary breast cancer

Clinical Cancer Research


Anastasia Constantinidou
Anastasia Constantinidou

H-Index: 18

Georgios Georgiou
Georgios Georgiou

H-Index: 20

Susanne Wagner
Susanne Wagner

H-Index: 7

Benign and malignant breast mass detection and classification in digital mammography: the effect of subtracting temporally consecutive mammograms


Kosmia Loizidou
Kosmia Loizidou

H-Index: 2

Anastasia Constantinidou
Anastasia Constantinidou

H-Index: 18

Costas Pitris
Costas Pitris

H-Index: 25

A systematic review of miRNAs as biomarkers for chemotherapy-induced cardiotoxicity in breast cancer patients reveals potentially clinically informative panels as well as key …


1432P Incorporating psycho-social factors in cancer treatment adverse events studies

Annals of Oncology


See List of Professors in Anastasia Constantinidou University(University of Cyprus)