Anani Aila Mat Zin

About Anani Aila Mat Zin

Anani Aila Mat Zin, With an exceptional h-index of 9 and a recent h-index of 8 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universiti Sains Malaysia, specializes in the field of Histopathology, cytopathology, neuropathologý.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

The Clinicopathological Characteristics of Young-Onset Versus Adult-Onset Colorectal Cancer: A Tertiary Hospital-Based Study

Evaluation of HPV 16 and HPV 18 Oncoprotein Expression as Alternative Diagnostic Tools in Cervical Lesion

Effects of Tualang Honey Pre-Treatment on Cerebellar and Striatal Neuronal Changes and Excitatory Amino Acid Transporter-2 (EAAT2) Expression Following Kainic Acid Exposure in …

Brain Tumours and Inflammatory Markers: Mini-Review

Pathological Classification

Atypical Presentation of Necrotizing Sialometaplasia of the Hard Palate: A Diagnostic Dilemma

Dataset of acute oral toxicity and subacute neurotoxicity risk assessments of flavonoid-enriched fraction extracted from Oroxylum Indicum on Sprague Dawley rats

CORM-2 and Ifenprodil improved joint oedema-associated mobility via the inhibition of thalamic P2X4 receptor-induced microglia activation in chronic polyarthritis rats

Anani Aila Mat Zin Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




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Anani Aila Mat Zin Skills & Research Interests




Top articles of Anani Aila Mat Zin

The Clinicopathological Characteristics of Young-Onset Versus Adult-Onset Colorectal Cancer: A Tertiary Hospital-Based Study

The Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences: MJMS


Rilwanu Isah Tsamiya
Rilwanu Isah Tsamiya

H-Index: 2

Anani Aila Mat Zin
Anani Aila Mat Zin

H-Index: 5

Evaluation of HPV 16 and HPV 18 Oncoprotein Expression as Alternative Diagnostic Tools in Cervical Lesion

Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention


Shazana Hilda Shamsuddin
Shazana Hilda Shamsuddin

H-Index: 3

Anani Aila Mat Zin
Anani Aila Mat Zin

H-Index: 5

Effects of Tualang Honey Pre-Treatment on Cerebellar and Striatal Neuronal Changes and Excitatory Amino Acid Transporter-2 (EAAT2) Expression Following Kainic Acid Exposure in …

Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research


Brain Tumours and Inflammatory Markers: Mini-Review


Anani Aila Mat Zin
Anani Aila Mat Zin

H-Index: 5

Wan Nur Syuhaila Mat Desa
Wan Nur Syuhaila Mat Desa

H-Index: 2

Pathological Classification

Head and Neck Malignancy: Highlights of Clinical Presentation, Assessment and Treatment


Anani Aila Mat Zin
Anani Aila Mat Zin

H-Index: 5

Sharifah Emilia Tuan Sharif
Sharifah Emilia Tuan Sharif

H-Index: 6

Atypical Presentation of Necrotizing Sialometaplasia of the Hard Palate: A Diagnostic Dilemma



Anani Aila Mat Zin
Anani Aila Mat Zin

H-Index: 5

Dataset of acute oral toxicity and subacute neurotoxicity risk assessments of flavonoid-enriched fraction extracted from Oroxylum Indicum on Sprague Dawley rats

Data in brief


Farah Amna Othman
Farah Amna Othman

H-Index: 2

Anani Aila Mat Zin
Anani Aila Mat Zin

H-Index: 5

CORM-2 and Ifenprodil improved joint oedema-associated mobility via the inhibition of thalamic P2X4 receptor-induced microglia activation in chronic polyarthritis rats


The potential neuroprotective effects of stingless bee honey


Immunohistochemical expression of apolipoprotein B and 4-hydroxynonenal proteins in colorectal carcinoma patients: a retrospective study

Croatian medical journal


Anani Aila Mat Zin
Anani Aila Mat Zin

H-Index: 5

5th USIM International Health Conference 2022, Lessons from pandemic: Reshaping Medicine and Healthcare

Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine


Wound Healing in Rats Intraperitoneally Treated with Sea Cucumber Stichopus vastus (Glycosaminoglycans)

Asian Journal of Medicine and Biomedicine


Anani Aila Mat Zin
Anani Aila Mat Zin

H-Index: 5

Ahmad Aizat Abdul Aziz
Ahmad Aizat Abdul Aziz

H-Index: 5

Oxidative Stress Induces Endothelial Dysfunction and Endothelial Cell Damage in Rapid Eye Movement (REM) Sleep Deprivation Animal Model

IIUM Medical Journal Malaysia


Anani Aila Mat Zin
Anani Aila Mat Zin

H-Index: 5

Wan Amir Nizam Wan Ahmad
Wan Amir Nizam Wan Ahmad

H-Index: 9

19th Annual Scientific Meeting, College of Pathologists, Academy of Medicine of Malaysia: Pathology and Laboratory Medicine: Current, Advancement and Emerging Trends, co …


Disoriented collagen fibers and disorganized, fibrotic orbicularis oris muscle fiber with mitochondrial myopathy in non-syndromic cleft lip

Archives of Oral Biology


Nurul Syazana Mohamad Shah
Nurul Syazana Mohamad Shah

H-Index: 5

Anani Aila Mat Zin
Anani Aila Mat Zin

H-Index: 5

Stingless bee propolis, metformin, and their combination alleviate diabetic cardiomyopathy

Brazilian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences


An Eleven-microRNA Signature Related to Tumor-Associated Macrophages Predicts Prognosis of Breast Cancer

International Journal of Molecular Sciences


Anani Aila Mat Zin
Anani Aila Mat Zin

H-Index: 5

Thean-Hock Tang
Thean-Hock Tang

H-Index: 26

A Systematic Review of the Role of Mitochondria in Cleft Pathology: A Forgotten General?


Anani Aila Mat Zin
Anani Aila Mat Zin

H-Index: 5

Nurul Syazana Mohamad Shah
Nurul Syazana Mohamad Shah

H-Index: 5

Anaplastic pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma: a rare variant of astrocytoma



Anani Aila Mat Zin
Anani Aila Mat Zin

H-Index: 5

Submandibular Gland Basal Cell Adenoma

Iranian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology


Anani Aila Mat Zin
Anani Aila Mat Zin

H-Index: 5

See List of Professors in Anani Aila Mat Zin University(Universiti Sains Malaysia)