Anand Pandey

About Anand Pandey

Anand Pandey, With an exceptional h-index of 19 and a recent h-index of 11 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at King George's Medical University, specializes in the field of Pediatric Surgery.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Analysis of the Efficacy of Elastography in Comparison with Dynamic Renal Nuclear Scintigraphy in the Evaluation of Unilateral Pelvi–Ureteric Junction Obstruction

Second-look surgery in a patient of malrotation with midgut volvulus

Saving the perineal body in the vestibular fistula

Congenital anterior urethral valves and diverticula

Intralesional steroid in the era of propranolol for infantile hemangioma—Do we need it?

Management of non-functioning kidney due to pelvi-ureteric junction obstruction in pediatric age group: an observational study

Use of telemedicine in evaluation of pediatric surgical patients in COVID-19 time

Evaluation and management of “low” anorectal malformation in male children: an observational study

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Citations(since 2020)


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Anand Pandey Skills & Research Interests

Pediatric Surgery

Top articles of Anand Pandey

Analysis of the Efficacy of Elastography in Comparison with Dynamic Renal Nuclear Scintigraphy in the Evaluation of Unilateral Pelvi–Ureteric Junction Obstruction

Journal of Pediatric Surgery


Second-look surgery in a patient of malrotation with midgut volvulus

Journal of Neonatal Surgery


Anand Pandey
Anand Pandey

H-Index: 10

Saving the perineal body in the vestibular fistula

Pediatric Surgery International


Congenital anterior urethral valves and diverticula

Journal of Pediatric Surgery


Anand Pandey
Anand Pandey

H-Index: 10

Sarita Singh
Sarita Singh

H-Index: 0

Intralesional steroid in the era of propranolol for infantile hemangioma—Do we need it?

Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery


Anand Pandey
Anand Pandey

H-Index: 10

Anurag Srivastava
Anurag Srivastava

H-Index: 6

Management of non-functioning kidney due to pelvi-ureteric junction obstruction in pediatric age group: an observational study

Pediatric Surgery International


Use of telemedicine in evaluation of pediatric surgical patients in COVID-19 time

Annals of the National Academy of Medical Sciences (India)


Anand Pandey
Anand Pandey

H-Index: 10

Gurmeet Singh
Gurmeet Singh

H-Index: 4

Evaluation and management of “low” anorectal malformation in male children: an observational study

Pediatric Surgery International


Management of labial adhesion in a developing country—an observational study

Egyptian Pediatric Association Gazette


Evaluation and management of rectovaginal fistula in anorectal malformation: an observational study

Pediatric Surgery International


Congenital colonic stenosis: a rare gastrointestinal malformation in children

Journal of Indian Association of Pediatric Surgeons


Abhishek Kumar Singh
Abhishek Kumar Singh

H-Index: 4

Anand Pandey
Anand Pandey

H-Index: 10

Management Issues in Paediatric Liver Abscesses


Anand Pandey
Anand Pandey

H-Index: 10

Piyush Kumar
Piyush Kumar

H-Index: 42

A cross-sectional study of online medical education in the COVID-19 era

Journal of Medical Society


Isolated penile injury in boys: accident, negligence, or abuse?

Journal of Indian Association of Pediatric Surgeons


Anand Pandey
Anand Pandey

H-Index: 10

Supernumerary kidney associated with horseshoe malformation and ureteric stricture with Hydroureteronephrosis–a rare case



Gurmeet Singh
Gurmeet Singh

H-Index: 4

Anand Pandey
Anand Pandey

H-Index: 10

Bracka urethroplasty with buccal mucosa graft: Ergonomic management of penile skin dartos in the first stage to facilitate second-stage neourethral coverage

Journal of Indian Association of Pediatric Surgeons


Gyan Prakash Singh
Gyan Prakash Singh

H-Index: 7

Anand Pandey
Anand Pandey

H-Index: 10

Evaluation of nebulized N-acetyl cysteine in outcome of esophageal atresia with tracheoesophegeal fistula

Journal of Pediatric Surgery


Gurmeet Singh
Gurmeet Singh

H-Index: 4

Anand Pandey
Anand Pandey

H-Index: 10

Yolk sac tumor in intraabdominal undescended testis in a child with normal serum alpha-fetoprotein: a rare case report

African Journal of Urology


Anand Pandey
Anand Pandey

H-Index: 10

Gurmeet Singh
Gurmeet Singh

H-Index: 4

Oral propranolol in the treatment of ulcerated bleeding scrotal arteriovenous malformation

Journal of Indian Association of Pediatric Surgeons


Gurmeet Singh
Gurmeet Singh

H-Index: 4

Anand Pandey
Anand Pandey

H-Index: 10

Giant occipital encephalocele–Challenges in management

Journal of Indian Association of Pediatric Surgeons


See List of Professors in Anand Pandey University(King George's Medical University)