Amirsaeed Sabeti Aghabozorgi

About Amirsaeed Sabeti Aghabozorgi

Amirsaeed Sabeti Aghabozorgi, With an exceptional h-index of 7 and a recent h-index of 7 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, specializes in the field of molecular Genetics.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Role of Abelson Helper Integration Site 1, Nebulin, and Paired Box 3 Genes in the Development of Nonsyndromic Strabismus in a Series of Iranian Families: Sequence Analysis and …

A Novel Heterozygous ACAN Variant in an Iranian Family with Short Stature: A Case Report

Role of miRNA gene variants in the susceptibility and pharmacogenetics of colorectal cancer

Intellectual disability; an example of not relying on karyotype or array comparative genomic hybridization alone

The genetic factors associated with Wnt signaling pathway in colorectal cancer

Molecular determinants of response to 5-fluorouracil-based chemotherapy in colorectal cancer: The undisputable role of micro-ribonucleic acids

Circulating and tissue microRNAs as a potential diagnostic biomarker in patients with thrombotic events

Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase Gene Polymorphisms (− 922A> G,− 786 T> C, Intron 4 b/a VNTR and 894 G> T) and Essential Hypertension: An Association Study with Haplotypes …

Amirsaeed Sabeti Aghabozorgi Information



Medical Genetics Research Center Faculty of Medicine



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Amirsaeed Sabeti Aghabozorgi Skills & Research Interests

molecular Genetics

Top articles of Amirsaeed Sabeti Aghabozorgi

Role of Abelson Helper Integration Site 1, Nebulin, and Paired Box 3 Genes in the Development of Nonsyndromic Strabismus in a Series of Iranian Families: Sequence Analysis and …


Aliakbar Sabermoghaddam
Aliakbar Sabermoghaddam

H-Index: 5

Amirsaeed Sabeti Aghabozorgi
Amirsaeed Sabeti Aghabozorgi

H-Index: 4

A Novel Heterozygous ACAN Variant in an Iranian Family with Short Stature: A Case Report

International Journal of Pediatrics


Amirsaeed Sabeti Aghabozorgi
Amirsaeed Sabeti Aghabozorgi

H-Index: 4

Rahim Vakili
Rahim Vakili

H-Index: 12

Saba Vakili
Saba Vakili

H-Index: 4

Role of miRNA gene variants in the susceptibility and pharmacogenetics of colorectal cancer


Intellectual disability; an example of not relying on karyotype or array comparative genomic hybridization alone

Meta Gene


Amirsaeed Sabeti Aghabozorgi
Amirsaeed Sabeti Aghabozorgi

H-Index: 4

Parisa Ansari
Parisa Ansari

H-Index: 1

The genetic factors associated with Wnt signaling pathway in colorectal cancer


Molecular determinants of response to 5-fluorouracil-based chemotherapy in colorectal cancer: The undisputable role of micro-ribonucleic acids


Amirsaeed Sabeti Aghabozorgi
Amirsaeed Sabeti Aghabozorgi

H-Index: 4

Ebrahim Eftekhar
Ebrahim Eftekhar

H-Index: 10

Circulating and tissue microRNAs as a potential diagnostic biomarker in patients with thrombotic events


Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase Gene Polymorphisms (− 922A> G,− 786 T> C, Intron 4 b/a VNTR and 894 G> T) and Essential Hypertension: An Association Study with Haplotypes …

Journal of Endometriosis and Pelvic Pain Disorders


Association analysis of premature coronary artery disease and cytochrome P450 2D6 (CYP2D6) C100T and G1846A genetic variants and haplotypes in Iranian population

Meta Gene


See List of Professors in Amirsaeed Sabeti Aghabozorgi University(Mashhad University of Medical Sciences)

