Amanda Blakewood Pascale

About Amanda Blakewood Pascale

Amanda Blakewood Pascale, With an exceptional h-index of 10 and a recent h-index of 10 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of North Florida,

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Transgender college students’ mental health: Comparing transgender students to their cisgender peers

The Job No One Wants? A National Study of Department Leader Job Satisfaction

Who is Sitting in the Chair? Job Satisfaction of Women and Men Department Leaders

The impact of COVID-19 pandemic on MotherScholars: A comparative case study of United States and Australian higher education women faculty role strain

Clear as mud: Promotion clarity by gender and BIPOC status across the associate professor lifespan

Faculty fathers: Understanding the experiences of faculty men with children during the COVID‐19 pandemic

Types of extracurricular campus activities and first-year students’ academic success

Graduate Student-Athletes: An Examination of Identity Roles and Transition

Amanda Blakewood Pascale Information



Assistant Professor Higher Education Administration



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Top articles of Amanda Blakewood Pascale

Transgender college students’ mental health: Comparing transgender students to their cisgender peers

Journal of American college health


Amanda Blakewood Pascale
Amanda Blakewood Pascale

H-Index: 5

The Job No One Wants? A National Study of Department Leader Job Satisfaction

Research in Higher Education


Amanda Blakewood Pascale
Amanda Blakewood Pascale

H-Index: 5

Who is Sitting in the Chair? Job Satisfaction of Women and Men Department Leaders

The Review of Higher Education


Amanda Blakewood Pascale
Amanda Blakewood Pascale

H-Index: 5

Lisa Wolf-Wendel
Lisa Wolf-Wendel

H-Index: 21

The impact of COVID-19 pandemic on MotherScholars: A comparative case study of United States and Australian higher education women faculty role strain

Journal of Comparative & International Higher Education


Clear as mud: Promotion clarity by gender and BIPOC status across the associate professor lifespan

Innovative Higher Education


Amanda Blakewood Pascale
Amanda Blakewood Pascale

H-Index: 5

Lisa Wolf-Wendel
Lisa Wolf-Wendel

H-Index: 21

Faculty fathers: Understanding the experiences of faculty men with children during the COVID‐19 pandemic

New Directions for Higher Education


Amanda Blakewood Pascale
Amanda Blakewood Pascale

H-Index: 5

Suzanne Ehrlich
Suzanne Ehrlich

H-Index: 5

Types of extracurricular campus activities and first-year students’ academic success

Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice


Amanda Blakewood Pascale
Amanda Blakewood Pascale

H-Index: 5

Graduate Student-Athletes: An Examination of Identity Roles and Transition

Journal of Intercollegiate Sport


Amanda Blakewood Pascale
Amanda Blakewood Pascale

H-Index: 5

Am I STEM? Broadening participation by transforming students’ perceptions of self and others as STEM-capable

Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice


Amanda Blakewood Pascale
Amanda Blakewood Pascale

H-Index: 5

Dan Richard
Dan Richard

H-Index: 8

Karthikeyan Umapathy
Karthikeyan Umapathy

H-Index: 6

Gendered meanings of leadership: Developing leadership through experiential community-based mentoring in college

Journal of Experiential Education


Amanda Blakewood Pascale
Amanda Blakewood Pascale

H-Index: 5

Matthew Ohlson
Matthew Ohlson

H-Index: 7

Individual and organizational culture predictors of voluntary participation in training and development activities among student affairs professionals

College Student Affairs Journal


Amanda Blakewood Pascale
Amanda Blakewood Pascale

H-Index: 5

Matthew Ohlson
Matthew Ohlson

H-Index: 7

Collegiate cultural capital and integration into the college community

College Student Affairs Journal


John W. White
John W. White

H-Index: 9

Amanda Blakewood Pascale
Amanda Blakewood Pascale

H-Index: 5

See List of Professors in Amanda Blakewood Pascale University(University of North Florida)