Allison B Smith

Allison B Smith

University of New Mexico

H-index: 13

North America-United States

About Allison B Smith

Allison B Smith, With an exceptional h-index of 13 and a recent h-index of 13 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of New Mexico, specializes in the field of women in sport, transition, athletic identity, holistic care of student-athletes, work life interface.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

COVID-19 disruptions: Impact on athletic identity, career transitions, and life of a developmental tour golfer

Appraisal and coping with sport identity and associated threats: Exploring Chinese fans reactions to ‘little fresh meat’in NBA advertisements

Mothers as Others in Collegiate Athletic Departments: The Impact of a Gendered Organization on Women Coaches

“The Most Important Shot You Will Ever Take”: The Burgeoning Role of Social Media Activism in Challenging Embedded NCAA Patriarchy

Work and life in the sport industry: A review of work-life interface experiences among athletic employees

Female senior-level administrators experiences of gender bias in collegiate athletics

Female collegiate athletes’ perceptions of psychological safety in team environments

Examining how Athletic Staff Influence Latinx College Athletes Intent to Graduate

Allison B Smith Information






Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Allison B Smith Skills & Research Interests

women in sport


athletic identity

holistic care of student-athletes

work life interface

Top articles of Allison B Smith

COVID-19 disruptions: Impact on athletic identity, career transitions, and life of a developmental tour golfer

Managing Sport and Leisure


Appraisal and coping with sport identity and associated threats: Exploring Chinese fans reactions to ‘little fresh meat’in NBA advertisements

European Sport Management Quarterly


Yong Wang
Yong Wang

H-Index: 36

Allison B Smith
Allison B Smith

H-Index: 6

Mothers as Others in Collegiate Athletic Departments: The Impact of a Gendered Organization on Women Coaches

International Sport Coaching Journal


“The Most Important Shot You Will Ever Take”: The Burgeoning Role of Social Media Activism in Challenging Embedded NCAA Patriarchy

International Journal of Sport Communication


Sarah Stokowski
Sarah Stokowski

H-Index: 9

Allison B Smith
Allison B Smith

H-Index: 6

Work and life in the sport industry: A review of work-life interface experiences among athletic employees


Allison B Smith
Allison B Smith

H-Index: 6

Female senior-level administrators experiences of gender bias in collegiate athletics

Journal of Issues in Intercollegiate Athletics


Female collegiate athletes’ perceptions of psychological safety in team environments

Journal of Issues in Intercollegiate Athletics


Allison B Smith
Allison B Smith

H-Index: 6

Examining how Athletic Staff Influence Latinx College Athletes Intent to Graduate

Journal of Issues in Intercollegiate Athletics


Collegiate Athletes' Challenge, Stress, and Motivation on Dual Role

Journal of Health, sports, and kinesiology


Niche sport sponsorship: providing the target market sponsors want?

Sport Marketing Quarterly


NCAA Coaches and Academic Professionals Perceptions of Importance, Commitment, and Effectiveness of Organizational Culture and Student-Athlete Experience

Journal of Issues in Intercollegiate Athletics


Allison B Smith
Allison B Smith

H-Index: 6

Brendan Dwyer
Brendan Dwyer

H-Index: 17

Adaptive lifestyles in intercollegiate athletics

Journal of Issues in Intercollegiate Athletics


Allison B Smith
Allison B Smith

H-Index: 6

From taped up to mic’d up: Experiences of former athletes and the meaning of athletic identity in sports media spaces

Sport & Communication


They’re just here for ball: Proposing a multi-level analysis on the impact of collegiate athletics at Historically White Institutions on Black male collegiate athlete holistic …

Journal of Athlete Development and Experience


Allison B Smith
Allison B Smith

H-Index: 6

Breaching a Contract Versus Searching for a Job While Employed: Ethical Dilemmas Faced by Coaches and Administrators When Deciding About a Mid-Season Change in Leadership

Case Studies in Sport Management


COVID-19 and the cutting of college athletic teams

Sport in Society


Allison B Smith
Allison B Smith

H-Index: 6

It's all about the mental game: The experiences of position specialists in a collegiate team sport environment

Journal of Sport Behavior


Allison B Smith
Allison B Smith

H-Index: 6

The transition experiences of division I and III collegiate athletes

Journal of Athlete Development and Experience


Allison B Smith
Allison B Smith

H-Index: 6

At a Crossroads: The senior woman administrator designation

Journal of Intercollegiate Sport


See List of Professors in Allison B Smith University(University of New Mexico)

