Alexandre Audette

About Alexandre Audette

Alexandre Audette, With an exceptional h-index of 2 and a recent h-index of 2 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Toronto, specializes in the field of Atmospheric Physics, Midlatitude climate.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Correcting for artificial heat in coupled sea ice perturbation experiments

Earth system model sea-ice loss experiments are wrong. Are they useful?

Physical Mechanisms Behind the Midlatitude Atmospheric Energy Transport Response to Imposed Arctic Sea Ice Loss

Storm-track weakening in response to Arctic sea ice loss arises with ocean coupling

Simple hybrid sea ice nudging method for improving control over partitioning of sea ice concentration and thickness

Additivity, separability, and robustness of the ocean-atmosphere responses to sea-ice loss and greenhouse forcing

Poleward heat transport from sea ice loss and tropical warming in the earth system model hierarchy

Opposite responses of the dry and moist eddy heat transport into the Arctic in the PAMIP experiments

Alexandre Audette Information



Ph.D. Student



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Alexandre Audette Skills & Research Interests

Atmospheric Physics

Midlatitude climate

Top articles of Alexandre Audette

Correcting for artificial heat in coupled sea ice perturbation experiments

Environmental Research: Climate


Paul Kushner
Paul Kushner

H-Index: 36

Alexandre Audette
Alexandre Audette

H-Index: 1

Earth system model sea-ice loss experiments are wrong. Are they useful?

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Paul Kushner
Paul Kushner

H-Index: 36

Alexandre Audette
Alexandre Audette

H-Index: 1

Physical Mechanisms Behind the Midlatitude Atmospheric Energy Transport Response to Imposed Arctic Sea Ice Loss


Alexandre Audette
Alexandre Audette

H-Index: 1

Storm-track weakening in response to Arctic sea ice loss arises with ocean coupling

AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts


Alexandre Audette
Alexandre Audette

H-Index: 1

Simple hybrid sea ice nudging method for improving control over partitioning of sea ice concentration and thickness

Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems


Alexandre Audette
Alexandre Audette

H-Index: 1

Additivity, separability, and robustness of the ocean-atmosphere responses to sea-ice loss and greenhouse forcing

AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts


Poleward heat transport from sea ice loss and tropical warming in the earth system model hierarchy

AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts


Alexandre Audette
Alexandre Audette

H-Index: 1

Paul Kushner
Paul Kushner

H-Index: 36

Opposite responses of the dry and moist eddy heat transport into the Arctic in the PAMIP experiments

Geophysical Research Letters


See List of Professors in Alexandre Audette University(University of Toronto)