Alain Steve Comtois

About Alain Steve Comtois

Alain Steve Comtois, With an exceptional h-index of 34 and a recent h-index of 20 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Université du Québec à Montréal, specializes in the field of Respiratory Physiology.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

A polyphenol-rich cranberry supplement improves muscle oxidative capacity in healthy adults

Effect of acute high-intensity interval exercise on a mouse model of doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity: a pilot study

Secular trends of cardiorespiratory fitness in children and adolescents over a 35-year period: chronicle of a predicted foretold

Prediction of Maximum Lactate Concentration During an All-Out Anaerobic Test in Elite Ice Hockey Players

Body Composition and Maximal Strength of Powerlifters: A Descriptive Quantitative and Longitudinal Study

Cranberry supplementation improves physiological markers of performance in trained runners

Sports-based Autonomic Nervous System (ans) Functions: Clinical Baseline For Sport Related Concussion (src) Management.: 608

The Transtheoretical model’s processes of change in the heart of a physical activity intervention: a series of n-of-1

Alain Steve Comtois Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




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Alain Steve Comtois Skills & Research Interests

Respiratory Physiology

Top articles of Alain Steve Comtois

A polyphenol-rich cranberry supplement improves muscle oxidative capacity in healthy adults

Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism


Effect of acute high-intensity interval exercise on a mouse model of doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity: a pilot study

International Journal of Exercise Science


Secular trends of cardiorespiratory fitness in children and adolescents over a 35-year period: chronicle of a predicted foretold

Frontiers in public health


Mario Leone
Mario Leone

H-Index: 12

Jean Lemoyne
Jean Lemoyne

H-Index: 6

Alain Steve Comtois
Alain Steve Comtois

H-Index: 17

Prediction of Maximum Lactate Concentration During an All-Out Anaerobic Test in Elite Ice Hockey Players

International Journal of Exercise Science


Body Composition and Maximal Strength of Powerlifters: A Descriptive Quantitative and Longitudinal Study

International Journal of Exercise Science


Pierre-Marc Ferland
Pierre-Marc Ferland

H-Index: 3

Alain Steve Comtois
Alain Steve Comtois

H-Index: 17

Cranberry supplementation improves physiological markers of performance in trained runners

Physical Activity and Nutrition


Alain Steve Comtois
Alain Steve Comtois

H-Index: 17

Sports-based Autonomic Nervous System (ans) Functions: Clinical Baseline For Sport Related Concussion (src) Management.: 608

Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise


Alain Steve Comtois
Alain Steve Comtois

H-Index: 17

David Martin
David Martin

H-Index: 7

The Transtheoretical model’s processes of change in the heart of a physical activity intervention: a series of n-of-1

Psychology of Sport and Exercise


Assessment of training load, sleep, injuries, and operational physical performance during basic military qualification

Military medicine


Wrist-worn devices for the measurement of heart rate and energy expenditure: A validation study for the Apple Watch 6, Polar Vantage V and Fitbit Sense

European Journal of Sport Science


Alain Steve Comtois
Alain Steve Comtois

H-Index: 17

Gilles Gouspillou
Gilles Gouspillou

H-Index: 20

Grip Strength Impact On Shot Velocity In Ice Hockey Players: 2495

Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise


Validity Of A Heart Rate Monitor For Heart Rate Variability Analysis During An Orthostatic Challenge: 420

Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise


David Martin
David Martin

H-Index: 7

Alain Steve Comtois
Alain Steve Comtois

H-Index: 17

Cardiac remodeling in amateur triathletes after 24 weeks of exercise training for a half-Ironman event: a brief report.

The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness


The accommodated resistance training method significantly improves deadlift relative maximal strength more than the classic plate loaded method in male classic powerlifters

Gazzetta Medica Italiana-Archivio per le Scienze Mediche


Isokinetic strength of shoulder rotator muscles in powerlifters: Correlation between isometric and concentric muscle actions

J. Sports Med. Phys. Fit


Effets de manipulations ostéopathiques visant le péricarde sur le système nerveux autonome: une étude pilote.



Alain Steve Comtois
Alain Steve Comtois

H-Index: 17

Effets de manipulations viscérales visant le péricarde sur la variabilité de la fréquence cardiaque. Partie 2: Différenciation de profils autonomes basés sur une analyse …

La Revue de l'Ostéopathie


Static Postural Control Deficits in Adults with Myotonic Dystrophy Type 1, Steinert Disease

Journal of Neuromuscular Diseases


Assessment of on-ice oxygen cost of skating performance in elite youth ice hockey players

The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research


Relationships Between Body Composition And Maximal Strength In Classic Powerlifters: An Update


Pierre-Marc Ferland
Pierre-Marc Ferland

H-Index: 3

Alain Steve Comtois
Alain Steve Comtois

H-Index: 17

See List of Professors in Alain Steve Comtois University(Université du Québec à Montréal)