Akimasa Yoshikawa

About Akimasa Yoshikawa

Akimasa Yoshikawa, With an exceptional h-index of 26 and a recent h-index of 16 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Kyushu University, specializes in the field of Space physics, Solar Terrestrial physics, Space electromagnetism.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Longitudinal variations of ionospheric responses to the February and April 2023 geomagnetic storms over American and Asian sectors

Mid-latitude Electric Field Response during Isolated Substorms: Effects of SCW Location and Shielding

Quantum Computing for Future Super Large-Scale Plasma Simulations: A Novel Approach for Simulating the Vlasov-Maxwell System

A multi-disciplinary approach to investigate particle dynamics in the South Atlantic Magnetic Anomaly

Modelling of ULF Pc4-Pc5 Pulsations with solar winds and geomagnetic storm for ULF earthquake precursor

Geomagnetic Field Effects Over the Philippines During Strong Solar Flares in April 2022

Mid-Latitude Ground Magnetic and Electric Field Responses Associated with SCW Development During Substorms

A penalized motion detection model for extracting ionospheric echoes from low signal-to-noise ratio Ionogram video images

Akimasa Yoshikawa Information



Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

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Akimasa Yoshikawa Skills & Research Interests

Space physics

Solar Terrestrial physics

Space electromagnetism

Top articles of Akimasa Yoshikawa

Longitudinal variations of ionospheric responses to the February and April 2023 geomagnetic storms over American and Asian sectors

Advances in Space Research


Mid-latitude Electric Field Response during Isolated Substorms: Effects of SCW Location and Shielding


Akimasa Yoshikawa
Akimasa Yoshikawa

H-Index: 13

Quantum Computing for Future Super Large-Scale Plasma Simulations: A Novel Approach for Simulating the Vlasov-Maxwell System


Akimasa Yoshikawa
Akimasa Yoshikawa

H-Index: 13

A multi-disciplinary approach to investigate particle dynamics in the South Atlantic Magnetic Anomaly


Akimasa Yoshikawa
Akimasa Yoshikawa

H-Index: 13

Modelling of ULF Pc4-Pc5 Pulsations with solar winds and geomagnetic storm for ULF earthquake precursor

Advances in Space Research


Geomagnetic Field Effects Over the Philippines During Strong Solar Flares in April 2022


Akimasa Yoshikawa
Akimasa Yoshikawa

H-Index: 13

Mid-Latitude Ground Magnetic and Electric Field Responses Associated with SCW Development During Substorms


Akimasa Yoshikawa
Akimasa Yoshikawa

H-Index: 13

A penalized motion detection model for extracting ionospheric echoes from low signal-to-noise ratio Ionogram video images


Akihiro Ikeda
Akihiro Ikeda

H-Index: 13

Akimasa Yoshikawa
Akimasa Yoshikawa

H-Index: 13

Critical analysis of the ULF power depression as a possible Tohoku earthquake precursor

Earthquake Science


Akimasa Yoshikawa
Akimasa Yoshikawa

H-Index: 13

LEO Proton Flux Modeling due to Solar Proton Injections during Geomagnetic Storms

Authorea Preprints


Akimasa Yoshikawa
Akimasa Yoshikawa

H-Index: 13

Geomagnetic storm effects on the LEO proton flux during solar energetic particle events

Space Weather


Akimasa Yoshikawa
Akimasa Yoshikawa

H-Index: 13

Bibliographic dataset of literature for analysing global trends and progress of the machine learning paradigm in space weather research

Data in Brief


Wavelet Analysis for Automatic Detection of Pi-2 Pulsations during Substorm Onset Along the 210 Magnetic Meridian

Authorea Preprints


Akimasa Yoshikawa
Akimasa Yoshikawa

H-Index: 13

A machine learning approach combined with wavelet analysis for automatic detection of Pc5 geomagnetic pulsations observed at geostationary orbits

Advances in Space Research


Response of the geomagnetic horizontal component during solar events at RANAU station

Indian Journal of Physics


Latitudinal dependence of Pc3-4 amplitudes across the dip equator along the 210° Magnetic Meridian

Annals of Geophysics


Akimasa Yoshikawa
Akimasa Yoshikawa

H-Index: 13

A Case Study on Magnetic Signature of Ionospheric Disturbance Dynamo During an Intense Geomagnetic Storm on 6 August 2011


Bibliographic dataset and analysis of machine learning in space weather


Robust least square modelling for selected daytime ionospheric parameters using geomagnetic observations at low latitudes

Advances in Space Research


Examining Solar Flare Effects on Earth’s Ionosphere using Ground-Based Measurements

Sains Malaysiana


Nurul Shazana Abdul Hamid
Nurul Shazana Abdul Hamid

H-Index: 8

Akimasa Yoshikawa
Akimasa Yoshikawa

H-Index: 13

See List of Professors in Akimasa Yoshikawa University(Kyushu University)