Aida Soriano

About Aida Soriano

Aida Soriano, With an exceptional h-index of 10 and a recent h-index of 10 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universidad de Valencia,

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Well-being at Work

Fears during the Covid-19 pandemics and their influence on physical health: A cross-sectional study on the general population in Spain

El liderazgo transformacional autopercibido reduce el absentismo por enfermedad, pero el contexto importa

Self-perceived transformational leadership decreases employee sick leave, but context matters

Database wellbeing and creative performance

¿ Puede la valía de la actividad explicar el cambio de OCB-I? El papel mediador de las emociones positivas

Database of the article: an extension of the happy-productive worker model.

Can activity worthwhileness explain OCB-I change? The mediating role of positive emotions

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Top articles of Aida Soriano

Well-being at Work


Aida Soriano
Aida Soriano

H-Index: 6

Fears during the Covid-19 pandemics and their influence on physical health: A cross-sectional study on the general population in Spain

International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology


Aida Soriano
Aida Soriano

H-Index: 6

Vicente Martínez-Tur
Vicente Martínez-Tur

H-Index: 16

El liderazgo transformacional autopercibido reduce el absentismo por enfermedad, pero el contexto importa

Revista de Psicología del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones


Aida Soriano
Aida Soriano

H-Index: 6

Self-perceived transformational leadership decreases employee sick leave, but context matters

Revista de Psicología del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones


Aida Soriano
Aida Soriano

H-Index: 6

Database wellbeing and creative performance


¿ Puede la valía de la actividad explicar el cambio de OCB-I? El papel mediador de las emociones positivas

Revista de Psicología del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones


Aida Soriano
Aida Soriano

H-Index: 6

Database of the article: an extension of the happy-productive worker model.


Can activity worthwhileness explain OCB-I change? The mediating role of positive emotions

Revista de Psicología del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones


Aida Soriano
Aida Soriano

H-Index: 6

Employees’ work patterns–office type fit and the dynamic relationship between flow and performance

Applied Psychology


Aida Soriano
Aida Soriano

H-Index: 6

Evangelia Demerouti
Evangelia Demerouti

H-Index: 85

Revisiting the happy-productive worker thesis from a eudaimonic perspective: A systematic review


Aida Soriano
Aida Soriano

H-Index: 6

Revisión sistemática de la investigación sobre las relaciones entre el bienestar y desempeño laborales en Iberoamérica


Aida Soriano
Aida Soriano

H-Index: 6

Longitudinal relationships between job satisfaction and creative performance: a three-wave cross-lagged panel design

Revista Psicologia Organizações e Trabalho


Isabel Rodríguez
Isabel Rodríguez

H-Index: 18

Aida Soriano
Aida Soriano

H-Index: 6

Relaciones longitudinales entre la satisfacción laboral y el desempeño creativo: diseño de panel de correlaciones cruzadas, con tres momentos temporales

Revista Psicologia Organizações e Trabalho


Isabel Rodríguez
Isabel Rodríguez

H-Index: 18

Aida Soriano
Aida Soriano

H-Index: 6

Nursing education in catalonia: Novice professionals’ appraisal of its quality and usefulness. does mobility play a role?

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health


Aida Soriano
Aida Soriano

H-Index: 6

Employees’ Work Patterns and Office Type Fit (and Misfit): The Impact on Employee Well-Being and Performance

Environment and Behavior


Aida Soriano
Aida Soriano

H-Index: 6

The role of employees’ work patterns and office type fit (and misfit) in the relationships between employee well-being and performance

Environment and Behavior


Aida Soriano
Aida Soriano

H-Index: 6

See List of Professors in Aida Soriano University(Universidad de Valencia)