Ahmet Elbay

About Ahmet Elbay

Ahmet Elbay, With an exceptional h-index of 12 and a recent h-index of 10 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Bezmiâlem Vakif Üniversitesi,

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Conjunctival and nasal microflora in patients on topical cyclosporine for dry eye

Clinical and biological correlates of optical coherence tomography findings in schizophrenia

MicroRNA-626 inhibits mTOR pathways activity of retinal pigment epithelial cells by targeting SLC7A5 in human ARPE-19 Cells

Characteristics of myopic and hyperopic eyes in patients with antimetropia

An Investigation Into the Conjunctival and Nasal Flora of Patients Receiving Cyclosporine Eye Drop Treatment for Dry Eye

O Efeito da herniação foveal nos resultados cirúrgicos em pacientes com membrana epirretiniana idiopática

Comparison of the Choroidal Vascularity Index Measurements of Images Acquired with Different Optical Coherence Tomography Scan Scale Types

Effect of foveal herniation on surgical outcomes in patients with idiopathic epiretinal membrane

Ahmet Elbay Information



Tıp Fakültesi Göz Hastalıkları Anabilim Dalı



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Top articles of Ahmet Elbay

Conjunctival and nasal microflora in patients on topical cyclosporine for dry eye

International Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology


Zafer Habip
Zafer Habip

H-Index: 4

Ahmet Elbay
Ahmet Elbay

H-Index: 7

Clinical and biological correlates of optical coherence tomography findings in schizophrenia

European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience


Ahmet Elbay
Ahmet Elbay

H-Index: 7

Abdurrahim Kocyigit
Abdurrahim Kocyigit

H-Index: 28

MicroRNA-626 inhibits mTOR pathways activity of retinal pigment epithelial cells by targeting SLC7A5 in human ARPE-19 Cells

Cellular and Molecular Biology


Ahmet Elbay
Ahmet Elbay

H-Index: 7

Characteristics of myopic and hyperopic eyes in patients with antimetropia

Clinical and Experimental Optometry


Furkan Kirik
Furkan Kirik

H-Index: 2

Ahmet Elbay
Ahmet Elbay

H-Index: 7

An Investigation Into the Conjunctival and Nasal Flora of Patients Receiving Cyclosporine Eye Drop Treatment for Dry Eye


Ahmet Elbay
Ahmet Elbay

H-Index: 7

O Efeito da herniação foveal nos resultados cirúrgicos em pacientes com membrana epirretiniana idiopática

Arquivos Brasileiros de Oftalmologia


Ahmet Elbay
Ahmet Elbay

H-Index: 7

Furkan Kirik
Furkan Kirik

H-Index: 2

Comparison of the Choroidal Vascularity Index Measurements of Images Acquired with Different Optical Coherence Tomography Scan Scale Types



Ahmet Elbay
Ahmet Elbay

H-Index: 7

Effect of foveal herniation on surgical outcomes in patients with idiopathic epiretinal membrane

Arquivos brasileiros de oftalmologia


Ahmet Elbay
Ahmet Elbay

H-Index: 7

Furkan Kirik
Furkan Kirik

H-Index: 2

Dry eye and dry nose caused by the effect of allergic rhinitis on tear and nasal secretion osmolarity

Ear, Nose & Throat Journal


Relation between platelet reactivity levels and diabetic retinopathy stage in patient with type 2 diabetes mellitus by using multiplate whole blood aggregometry

Seminars in Ophthalmology


Response to commentary" Retinal nerve fiber layer analysis in unaffected first-degree relatives of schizophrenia patients".

Schizophrenia Research


Ahmet Elbay
Ahmet Elbay

H-Index: 7

An investigation of retinal layer thicknesses in unaffected first-degree relatives of schizophrenia patients

Schizophrenia Research


Ahmet Elbay
Ahmet Elbay

H-Index: 7

Insomnia might influence the thickness of choroid, retinal nerve fiber and inner plexiform layer

Brain Sciences


Ahmet Elbay
Ahmet Elbay

H-Index: 7

Mine Ozcelik
Mine Ozcelik

H-Index: 5

Comparison of postoperative anterior segment changes associated with pars plana vitrectomy with and without vitreous base shaving

International Journal of Ophthalmology


Ahmet Elbay
Ahmet Elbay

H-Index: 7

Arif Koytak
Arif Koytak

H-Index: 13

Nazal Polipi Olan Hastaların Koroid Kalınlığının Değerlendirilmesi

Journal of Ear Nose Throat and Head Neck Surgery


Ahmet Elbay
Ahmet Elbay

H-Index: 7

Veysel Aykut
Veysel Aykut

H-Index: 7

Covid-19 enfeksiyonu olan hastalarda göz bulguları ve bulaş riski

Anatolian Clinic the Journal of Medical Sciences


Ahmet Elbay
Ahmet Elbay

H-Index: 7

See List of Professors in Ahmet Elbay University(Bezmiâlem Vakif Üniversitesi)

