Ahmad Shanei

About Ahmad Shanei

Ahmad Shanei, With an exceptional h-index of 14 and a recent h-index of 13 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, specializes in the field of Application of Radiation in Medicine, Nanotechnology, Sonodynamic Therapy.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Bystander effect of therapeutic ultrasound in the presence of cisplatin: an in vitro study on human melanoma cells

Increased radiosensitivity of melanoma cells through cold plasma pretreatment mediated by ICG

Radiobiological Evaluation and Comparison of Treatment Plans in Two Methods of 3D Adaptive Radiation Therapy and Tomotherapy for Left Pendular Breast Cancer and the Risk of …

Bystander Effect of Sonodynamic Therapy in the presence of Gold Nanoparticles: An in-vitro study

Comparison of different kernels in a support vector machine to classify prostate cancerous tissues in T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging

The Segmentation of Therapeutic Target Area in Glioma Cancer Patients by Transfer Learning

Shielding performance of multi-metal nanoparticle composites for diagnostic radiology: an MCNPX and Geant4 study

Destruction of Melanoma Cells by Cold Atmospheric Plasma in the Presence of Gold Nanoparticles

Ahmad Shanei Information



Department of Medical Physics School of Medicine



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Ahmad Shanei Skills & Research Interests

Application of Radiation in Medicine


Sonodynamic Therapy

Top articles of Ahmad Shanei

Bystander effect of therapeutic ultrasound in the presence of cisplatin: an in vitro study on human melanoma cells

Journal of Biomedical Physics & Engineering


Ahmad Shanei
Ahmad Shanei

H-Index: 11

Increased radiosensitivity of melanoma cells through cold plasma pretreatment mediated by ICG

Journal of Radiation Research


Radiobiological Evaluation and Comparison of Treatment Plans in Two Methods of 3D Adaptive Radiation Therapy and Tomotherapy for Left Pendular Breast Cancer and the Risk of …

Journal of Isfahan Medical School


Bystander Effect of Sonodynamic Therapy in the presence of Gold Nanoparticles: An in-vitro study

International Journal of Radiation Research


Comparison of different kernels in a support vector machine to classify prostate cancerous tissues in T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging

Exploratory Research and Hypothesis in Medicine


Ahmad Shanei
Ahmad Shanei

H-Index: 11

Mahnaz Etehadtavakol
Mahnaz Etehadtavakol

H-Index: 15

The Segmentation of Therapeutic Target Area in Glioma Cancer Patients by Transfer Learning

Journal of Isfahan Medical School


Shielding performance of multi-metal nanoparticle composites for diagnostic radiology: an MCNPX and Geant4 study

Radiological Physics and Technology


Destruction of Melanoma Cells by Cold Atmospheric Plasma in the Presence of Gold Nanoparticles

Journal of Isfahan Medical School


The synergistic effect of cold atmospheric plasma mediated gold nanoparticles conjugated with Indocyanine green as an innovative approach to cooperation with radiotherapy

Cell Journal (Yakhteh)


The Effect of Ultrasound Therapy in the Presence of Combined Zinc Oxide/Gold Nanocomposite on Melanoma Cell Line

Journal of Isfahan Medical School


Ahmad Shanei
Ahmad Shanei

H-Index: 11

Seyed Hossein Hejazi
Seyed Hossein Hejazi

H-Index: 19

Dosimetric Comparison of Treatment of Left Breast Cancer Using 3-Dimention Conformal Radiotherapy Technique and Tomotherapy

Tehran University Medical Journal


Ultrasound responsive Gd-DOTA/doxorubicin-loaded nanodroplet as a theranostic agent for magnetic resonance image-guided controlled release drug delivery of melanoma cancer

European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences


Hadi Akbari-Zadeh
Hadi Akbari-Zadeh

H-Index: 3

Ahmad Shanei
Ahmad Shanei

H-Index: 11

Investigating the number of radiation fields in intensity-modulated radiotherapy plans of optic nerve sheath meningioma patients using dose gradient index

Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express


Iraj Abedi
Iraj Abedi

H-Index: 3

Ahmad Shanei
Ahmad Shanei

H-Index: 11

Evaluation of anti-cancer effect of cold atmospheric plasma as a new treatment and indocyanine green as a photosensitizer in inhibition of melanoma cell Line

Journal of Isfahan Medical School


Sonodynamic therapy using dacarbazine-loaded AuSiO2 nanoparticles for melanoma treatment: an in-vitro study on the B16F10 murine melanoma cell line

Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology


Ahmad Shanei
Ahmad Shanei

H-Index: 11

Seyed Hossein Hejazi
Seyed Hossein Hejazi

H-Index: 19

Evaluation of Ultrasound-mediated Chemotherapy Treatment Using Dacarbazine on B16F10 Melanoma Cell Line

Journal of Isfahan Medical School


Ahmad Shanei
Ahmad Shanei

H-Index: 11

Seyed Hossein Hejazi
Seyed Hossein Hejazi

H-Index: 19

Determination of the neutron contamination during brain radiotherapy using a moderated-boron trifluoride detector and the MCNP Monte Carlo code

Radiation protection dosimetry


The Effectiveness of Silicone-Based Non-Lead Nanoparticles for Radiation Protection of Patients in Diagnostic Radiology by Monte Carlo Simulation

Journal of Isfahan Medical School


Evaluation of effective field size characteristics for small megavoltage photon beam dosimetry

International Journal of Radiation Research


The Effect of Ultrasound Exposure in Combination with Gold Nanoparticles on Colonization of A375 and MCF-7 Bystander Cells

Journal of Isfahan Medical School


See List of Professors in Ahmad Shanei University(Isfahan University of Medical Sciences)

