Ahmad Khanijahani

Ahmad Khanijahani

Duquesne University

H-index: 12

North America-United States

About Ahmad Khanijahani

Ahmad Khanijahani, With an exceptional h-index of 12 and a recent h-index of 12 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Duquesne University, specializes in the field of Health Economics, Public Health, Health Administration, Health Disparities.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Socioeconomic and Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Recovery from Childhood Behavioral or Conduct Problems: Evidence from a Nationally Representative Sample of 3–17 Years Old US …

Household food insecurity and childhood obesity/overweight among children with special healthcare needs: Results from a nationally representative sample of 10–17 years old US …

Data Use in Public Health

Statistical Methods for Covid-19 Data

Application of Complex Health Survey Design and Analysis

Factors associated with information breach in healthcare facilities: A systematic literature review

A systematic review of the role of telemedicine in blood pressure control: focus on patient engagement

A qualitative study on the establishment of an interpersonal violence registry system in Iran

Ahmad Khanijahani Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




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Ahmad Khanijahani Skills & Research Interests

Health Economics

Public Health

Health Administration

Health Disparities

Top articles of Ahmad Khanijahani

Socioeconomic and Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Recovery from Childhood Behavioral or Conduct Problems: Evidence from a Nationally Representative Sample of 3–17 Years Old US …

Journal of Surgical Oncology


Household food insecurity and childhood obesity/overweight among children with special healthcare needs: Results from a nationally representative sample of 10–17 years old US …

Pediatric Obesity


Ahmad Khanijahani
Ahmad Khanijahani

H-Index: 5

Data Use in Public Health


Ahmad Khanijahani
Ahmad Khanijahani

H-Index: 5

Faina Linkov
Faina Linkov

H-Index: 19

Statistical Methods for Covid-19 Data


Ahmad Khanijahani
Ahmad Khanijahani

H-Index: 5

Application of Complex Health Survey Design and Analysis


Ahmad Khanijahani
Ahmad Khanijahani

H-Index: 5

Factors associated with information breach in healthcare facilities: A systematic literature review


Ahmad Khanijahani
Ahmad Khanijahani

H-Index: 5

A systematic review of the role of telemedicine in blood pressure control: focus on patient engagement


Ahmad Khanijahani
Ahmad Khanijahani

H-Index: 5

A qualitative study on the establishment of an interpersonal violence registry system in Iran

Journal of interpersonal violence


Organizational, professional, and patient characteristics associated with artificial intelligence adoption in healthcare: A systematic review


Ahmad Khanijahani
Ahmad Khanijahani

H-Index: 5

Adverse childhood experiences, neighborhood support, and internalizing and externalizing mental disorders among 6–17 years old US children: evidence from a population-based study

Community mental health journal


Ahmad Khanijahani
Ahmad Khanijahani

H-Index: 5

Kenan Sualp
Kenan Sualp

H-Index: 0

Disproportionate risk of obesity among children with special health care needs who are impacted by food insecurity and insufficiency

APHA 2021 Annual Meeting and Expo


Ahmad Khanijahani
Ahmad Khanijahani

H-Index: 5

Adherence to the new policy framework of the World Cancer Research Fund International in developing a policy package for the prevention of gastrointestinal cancers in Iran: a …

Global health action


Hydroxychloroquine plus standard of care compared with standard of care alone in COVID-19: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials


Ahmad Khanijahani
Ahmad Khanijahani

H-Index: 5

Internet use habits and influenza vaccine uptake among US adults: Results from seven years (2012–2018) of the National Health Interview Survey

Public health


Lopinavir/ritonavir for COVID-19: a systematic review and meta-analysis


Ahmad Khanijahani
Ahmad Khanijahani

H-Index: 5

Payam Hashemi
Payam Hashemi

H-Index: 1

Patient-provider discussion about emotional and social needs, mental health outcomes, and benefit finding among US Adults living with cancer

Cancer Medicine


Remote internship: Practical approaches to sustaining student internships amid public health epidemics

Journal of Health Administration Education


Faina Linkov
Faina Linkov

H-Index: 19

Ahmad Khanijahani
Ahmad Khanijahani

H-Index: 5

Socioeconomic and Racial Segregation and COVID-19: Concentrated Disadvantage and Black Concentration in Association with COVID-19 Deaths in the USA

Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities


Ahmad Khanijahani
Ahmad Khanijahani

H-Index: 5

Developing a study protocol for analyzing policies to promote physical activity among urban middle-aged people: A case of a metropolitan City in Iran

Health Scope


Racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic disparities in confirmed COVID-19 cases and deaths in the United States: a county-level analysis as of November 2020

Ethnicity & health


Ahmad Khanijahani
Ahmad Khanijahani

H-Index: 5

See List of Professors in Ahmad Khanijahani University(Duquesne University)