Adrien Le Guillou

Adrien Le Guillou

Emory & Henry College

H-index: 7

North America-United States

About Adrien Le Guillou

Adrien Le Guillou, With an exceptional h-index of 7 and a recent h-index of 7 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Emory & Henry College, specializes in the field of Infectious Disease Epidemiology, HIV Prevention, Mathematical Modeling, Causal Inference, Epistemology.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Reply to letter on What biological markers could be used for diagnosis and monitoring of nitrous oxide abuse

Featured Supplement (s)

Methods in Modeling Life Course

Estimated number of incident HIV infections in men who have sex with men attributable to gonorrhea and chlamydia, per gonococcal or chlamydial infection, in the United States

The role of HIV Partner services in the modern biomedical HIV prevention era: a network modeling study

Correlations between community-level HIV preexposure prophylaxis coverage and individual-level sexual behaviors among United States MSM

Effect of screening and treatment for gonorrhea and chlamydia on HIV Incidence among men who have sex with men in the United States: a modeling analysis

Association entre la mise en place des Groupements hospitaliers de territoires (GHT) et la mobilité des patients dans le réseau hospitalier français

Adrien Le Guillou Information



Department of Epidemiology



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

Google Scholar

Adrien Le Guillou Skills & Research Interests

Infectious Disease Epidemiology

HIV Prevention

Mathematical Modeling

Causal Inference


Top articles of Adrien Le Guillou

Reply to letter on What biological markers could be used for diagnosis and monitoring of nitrous oxide abuse

European journal of neurology


Adrien Le Guillou
Adrien Le Guillou

H-Index: 3

Shahram Attarian
Shahram Attarian

H-Index: 28

Featured Supplement (s)

Sexually Transmitted Diseases


Methods in Modeling Life Course


Adrien Le Guillou
Adrien Le Guillou

H-Index: 3

Estimated number of incident HIV infections in men who have sex with men attributable to gonorrhea and chlamydia, per gonococcal or chlamydial infection, in the United States

Sexually transmitted diseases


Jeb Jones
Jeb Jones

H-Index: 16

Adrien Le Guillou
Adrien Le Guillou

H-Index: 3

The role of HIV Partner services in the modern biomedical HIV prevention era: a network modeling study

Sexually transmitted diseases


Adrien Le Guillou
Adrien Le Guillou

H-Index: 3

Correlations between community-level HIV preexposure prophylaxis coverage and individual-level sexual behaviors among United States MSM



Adrien Le Guillou
Adrien Le Guillou

H-Index: 3

Steven M Goodreau
Steven M Goodreau

H-Index: 24

Effect of screening and treatment for gonorrhea and chlamydia on HIV Incidence among men who have sex with men in the United States: a modeling analysis

Sexually transmitted diseases


Jeb Jones
Jeb Jones

H-Index: 16

Adrien Le Guillou
Adrien Le Guillou

H-Index: 3

Association entre la mise en place des Groupements hospitaliers de territoires (GHT) et la mobilité des patients dans le réseau hospitalier français

Revue d'Épidémiologie et de Santé Publique


Making sense of the French public hospital system: a network-based approach to hospital clustering using unsupervised learning methods

BMC Health Services Research


Adrien Le Guillou
Adrien Le Guillou

H-Index: 3

Population impact and efficiency of improvements to HIV PrEP under conditions of high ART coverage among San Francisco men who have sex with men

JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes


Adrien Le Guillou
Adrien Le Guillou

H-Index: 3

Diane Havlir
Diane Havlir

H-Index: 50

The impact of hospital support function centralization on patient outcomes: a before-after study

Public Health in Practice


Adrien Le Guillou
Adrien Le Guillou

H-Index: 3

A protocol for the use of case reports/studies and case series in systematic reviews for clinical toxicology


Dramatic decline in new HIV diagnoses in persons born in France in a large nationwide HIV cohort

Public Health


Adrien Le Guillou
Adrien Le Guillou

H-Index: 3

A modeling study to inform screening and testing interventions for the control of SARS-CoV-2 on university campuses

Scientific reports


Projected HIV and bacterial sexually transmitted infection incidence following COVID-19–related sexual distancing and clinical service interruption

The Journal of infectious diseases


Projected impact of concurrently available long-acting injectable and daily-oral human immunodeficiency virus preexposure prophylaxis: a mathematical model

The Journal of Infectious Diseases


Adrien Le Guillou
Adrien Le Guillou

H-Index: 3

Projected HIV and bacterial STI incidence following COVID-related sexual distancing and clinical service interruption



Reaching the Second and Third Joint United Nations Programme on Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)/AIDS 90-90-90 Targets Is Accompanied by a Dramatic Reduction in Primary HIV …

Clinical Infectious Diseases: an Official Publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America


Adrien Le Guillou
Adrien Le Guillou

H-Index: 3

A model of COVID-19 transmission and control on university campuses


Classification des hôpitaux Médecine-chirurgie-obstétrique: une approche non supervisée intégrant la mobilité des patients

Revue d'Épidémiologie et de Santé Publique


See List of Professors in Adrien Le Guillou University(Emory & Henry College)