Adrian Buttazzoni

About Adrian Buttazzoni

Adrian Buttazzoni, With an exceptional h-index of 11 and a recent h-index of 10 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Waterloo, specializes in the field of Planning, Public Health, Environmental Psychology.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Supporting children’s participation in active travel: developing an online road safety intervention through a collaborative integrated knowledge translation approach

Applying the multiphase optimization strategy to evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of an online road safety education intervention for children: A pilot study

Associations between real-time, self-reported adolescent mental health and urban and architectural design concepts

Validating the Perceived Active School Travel Enablers and Barriers–Child (PASTEB-C) questionnaire

Exploring the relationships between specific urban design features and adolescent mental health: The case of imageability, enclosure, human scale, transparency, and complexity

Barriers to and facilitators of active travel from the youth perspective: a qualitative meta-synthesis

Highlighting smart city mirages in public perceptions: A Twitter sentiment analysis of four African smart city projects

Urban and architectural design for the young mind: An ecological investigation of the relationship between urban form and adolescent mental health

Adrian Buttazzoni Information



PhD Candidate



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Adrian Buttazzoni Skills & Research Interests


Public Health

Environmental Psychology

Top articles of Adrian Buttazzoni

Supporting children’s participation in active travel: developing an online road safety intervention through a collaborative integrated knowledge translation approach

International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being


Applying the multiphase optimization strategy to evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of an online road safety education intervention for children: A pilot study


Adrian Buttazzoni
Adrian Buttazzoni

H-Index: 3

Jason Gilliland
Jason Gilliland

H-Index: 36

Associations between real-time, self-reported adolescent mental health and urban and architectural design concepts

Cities & Health


Adrian Buttazzoni
Adrian Buttazzoni

H-Index: 3

Validating the Perceived Active School Travel Enablers and Barriers–Child (PASTEB-C) questionnaire

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health


Exploring the relationships between specific urban design features and adolescent mental health: The case of imageability, enclosure, human scale, transparency, and complexity

Landscape and urban Planning


Adrian Buttazzoni
Adrian Buttazzoni

H-Index: 3

Barriers to and facilitators of active travel from the youth perspective: a qualitative meta-synthesis


Adrian Buttazzoni
Adrian Buttazzoni

H-Index: 3

Jason Gilliland
Jason Gilliland

H-Index: 36

Highlighting smart city mirages in public perceptions: A Twitter sentiment analysis of four African smart city projects



Adrian Buttazzoni
Adrian Buttazzoni

H-Index: 3

Elmond Bandauko
Elmond Bandauko

H-Index: 7

Urban and architectural design for the young mind: An ecological investigation of the relationship between urban form and adolescent mental health


Adrian Buttazzoni
Adrian Buttazzoni

H-Index: 3

Urban design and adolescent mental health: A qualitative examination of adolescent emotional responses to pedestrian-and transit-oriented design and cognitive architecture concepts

Health & place


Adrian Buttazzoni
Adrian Buttazzoni

H-Index: 3

Jennifer Dean
Jennifer Dean

H-Index: 4

Toward conceptualizing “place immersion” as a spatial neuropsychosocial phenomenon: A multidisciplinary meta-review and-synthesis


Adrian Buttazzoni
Adrian Buttazzoni

H-Index: 3

Pedagogical approaches to support student resilience in higher-education settings: A systematic literature review


Adrian Buttazzoni
Adrian Buttazzoni

H-Index: 3

Active travel behaviour in the family environment: protocol for the mixed-methods cross-sectional ARRIVE study

BMJ open


Adrian Buttazzoni
Adrian Buttazzoni

H-Index: 3

Yolanda Demetriou
Yolanda Demetriou

H-Index: 13

How do urban environments affect young people’s mental health? A novel conceptual framework to bridge public health, planning, and neurourbanism


Adrian Buttazzoni
Adrian Buttazzoni

H-Index: 3

Sean Doherty
Sean Doherty

H-Index: 16

Investigating the mental health implications of urban environments with neuroscientific methods and mobile technologies: A systematic literature review


Adrian Buttazzoni
Adrian Buttazzoni

H-Index: 3

Review of gender, socioeconomic status, and ethnic background considerations reported in active school travel intervention studies


Adrian Buttazzoni
Adrian Buttazzoni

H-Index: 3

Jason Gilliland
Jason Gilliland

H-Index: 36

Smartphone-based interventions and internalizing disorders in youth: systematic review and meta-analysis


Adrian Buttazzoni
Adrian Buttazzoni

H-Index: 3

Adolescent gender identity, sexual orientation, and cannabis use: potential mediations by internalizing disorder risk

Health Education & Behavior


Adrian Buttazzoni
Adrian Buttazzoni

H-Index: 3

Martin Cooke
Martin Cooke

H-Index: 11

Cannabis use and stigma among Canadian high school students: Results from the 2015 and 2017 Cancer Risk Assessment in Youth Survey

Addictive Behaviors


Adrian Buttazzoni
Adrian Buttazzoni

H-Index: 3

Martin Cooke
Martin Cooke

H-Index: 11

Smart city and high-tech urban interventions targeting human health: An equity-focused systematic review


Adrian Buttazzoni
Adrian Buttazzoni

H-Index: 3

Marta Veenhof
Marta Veenhof

H-Index: 1

See List of Professors in Adrian Buttazzoni University(University of Waterloo)

