Abolfazl Naji

About Abolfazl Naji

Abolfazl Naji, With an exceptional h-index of 18 and a recent h-index of 17 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Hormozgan University, specializes in the field of Trace metals in aquatic ecosystem, Food safety, Microplastics in aquatic enviroment.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Small plastic fragments: A bridge between large plastic debris and micro-& nano-plastics

Sedimentology, Petrography, Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Deposits off the Coast of the Caspian Sea in Babolsar City

Distinct effects of dietary Chitosan, ZnO, and Chitosan–ZnO nanocomposite on the performance and diet economic efficiency of Pacific white shrimp (Penaeus vannamei)

Microplastic pollution in the digestive tract of western Pacific shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei Boone, 1931) in farms in the southern provinces of Iran

Heavy Metal Exposures on Freshwater Snail Pomacea insularum: Understanding Its Biomonitoring Potentials

Distribution of cadmium and lead levels in the intertidal clam Glauconome virens: A biomonitoring study

Chemical fractionations and mobilization potentials for some trace metals in reef sediments and corals of Qeshm Island, the Persian Gulf

Distribution, risk assessment, and source identification of trace metal pollution along the Babolsar coastal area, Caspian Sea

Abolfazl Naji Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Abolfazl Naji Skills & Research Interests

Trace metals in aquatic ecosystem

Food safety

Microplastics in aquatic enviroment

Top articles of Abolfazl Naji

Small plastic fragments: A bridge between large plastic debris and micro-& nano-plastics


Sedimentology, Petrography, Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Deposits off the Coast of the Caspian Sea in Babolsar City

Journal of Oceanography


Abolfazl Naji
Abolfazl Naji

H-Index: 11

Distinct effects of dietary Chitosan, ZnO, and Chitosan–ZnO nanocomposite on the performance and diet economic efficiency of Pacific white shrimp (Penaeus vannamei)


Abolfazl Naji
Abolfazl Naji

H-Index: 11

Ahmad Gharaei
Ahmad Gharaei

H-Index: 10

Microplastic pollution in the digestive tract of western Pacific shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei Boone, 1931) in farms in the southern provinces of Iran

Iranian Journal of Health and Environment


Abolfazl Naji
Abolfazl Naji

H-Index: 11

Heavy Metal Exposures on Freshwater Snail Pomacea insularum: Understanding Its Biomonitoring Potentials

Applied Sciences


Distribution of cadmium and lead levels in the intertidal clam Glauconome virens: A biomonitoring study

Advanced Materials Letters


Wan Hee Cheng
Wan Hee Cheng

H-Index: 9

Abolfazl Naji
Abolfazl Naji

H-Index: 11

Chemical fractionations and mobilization potentials for some trace metals in reef sediments and corals of Qeshm Island, the Persian Gulf

Regional Studies in Marine Science


Abolfazl Naji
Abolfazl Naji

H-Index: 11

Distribution, risk assessment, and source identification of trace metal pollution along the Babolsar coastal area, Caspian Sea

Environmental Science and Pollution Research


Abolfazl Naji
Abolfazl Naji

H-Index: 11

Comparison of gene expression of mantle tissue in Pinctada persica between warm and cold seasons

Aquatic Physiology and Biotechnology


Determination of Frequency, Distribution and Composition of Microplastics in the Waters of Qarasu Ardabil River


Influence of windward versus leeward settings on microplastic distribution in beach sediments of Kish Island, Gulf region

Regional Studies in Marine Science


Alexander Petrovic
Alexander Petrovic

H-Index: 3

Abolfazl Naji
Abolfazl Naji

H-Index: 11

Ecological–Health Risk of Antimony and Arsenic in Centella asiatica, Topsoils, and Mangrove Sediments: A Case Study of Peninsular Malaysia

Frontiers in Environmental Science


Investigation of accumulation of heavy metals in sediment and Avicennia marina (Forssk.) Vierh. plants of Khorkhoran protected area.


Municipal wastewater efluent as a source of microplastic pollution crisis in the Qarasu river water, Ardabil province, Iran

فصلنامه سلامت در حوادث و بلایا


Marine plastic debris in the Arabian/Persian Gulf: challenges, opportunities and recommendations from a transdisciplinary perspective

Marine Policy


Abolfazl Naji
Abolfazl Naji

H-Index: 11

Amy L Brooks
Amy L Brooks

H-Index: 4

Effects of restricted feeding levels and stocking densities on water quality, growth performance, body composition and mucosal innate immunity of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis …



Abolfazl Naji
Abolfazl Naji

H-Index: 11

Arash Akbarzadeh
Arash Akbarzadeh

H-Index: 15

Microplastic pollution in sediments in the urban section of the Qara Su River, Iran [Erratum: October 2022, v. 12 (10); p. 241]


Abolfazl Naji
Abolfazl Naji

H-Index: 11

Impacts of the seawater desalination plants' discharges on survival and ionic balance of blue swimmer crab, Portunus segnis (Forskal, 1775), in the northern …


Abolfazl Naji
Abolfazl Naji

H-Index: 11

Effect of different temperature, salinity and C/N ratio levels on biofloc production, proximate analyses and control of nitrogenous components in aquaculture system

Fisheries Science and Technology


Abolfazl Naji
Abolfazl Naji

H-Index: 11

Arash Akbarzadeh
Arash Akbarzadeh

H-Index: 15

The effect of biofloc system on water quality, growth performance, immunity and body composition of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) at different densities in …


Abolfazl Naji
Abolfazl Naji

H-Index: 11

Arash Akbarzadeh
Arash Akbarzadeh

H-Index: 15

See List of Professors in Abolfazl Naji University(Hormozgan University)

