Abolfazl Dehghan Monfared

About Abolfazl Dehghan Monfared

Abolfazl Dehghan Monfared, With an exceptional h-index of 11 and a recent h-index of 10 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Persian Gulf University, specializes in the field of Petroleum Engineering, Surface and Interface, Adsorption, Nanotechnology, Machine Learning.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Activated carbon adsorbents for the removal of emerging pollutants and its adsorption mechanisms

Rigorous hybrid machine learning approaches for interfacial tension modeling in brine-hydrogen/cushion gas systems: Implication for hydrogen geo-storage in the presence of …

Artificial intelligence-based framework for precise prediction of asphaltene particle aggregation kinetics in petroleum recovery

Cementation factor in clayey rock samples: investigating the role of clay content and determination using electrical rock classification

Super gas wet and gas wet rock surface: State of the art evaluation through contact angle analysis

Application of Pb–Fe spinel-activated carbon for phenol removal from aqueous solutions: fixed-bed adsorption studies

Toward a mechanistic understanding of adsorption behavior of phenol onto a novel activated carbon composite

Hybrid artificial intelligence paradigms for modeling of water-gas (pure/mixture) interfacial tension

Abolfazl Dehghan Monfared Information



Assistant Professor



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Abolfazl Dehghan Monfared Skills & Research Interests

Petroleum Engineering

Surface and Interface



Machine Learning

Top articles of Abolfazl Dehghan Monfared

Activated carbon adsorbents for the removal of emerging pollutants and its adsorption mechanisms


Abolfazl Dehghan Monfared
Abolfazl Dehghan Monfared

H-Index: 7

Rigorous hybrid machine learning approaches for interfacial tension modeling in brine-hydrogen/cushion gas systems: Implication for hydrogen geo-storage in the presence of …

Journal of Energy Storage


Negin Mozafari
Negin Mozafari

H-Index: 3

Abolfazl Dehghan Monfared
Abolfazl Dehghan Monfared

H-Index: 7

Artificial intelligence-based framework for precise prediction of asphaltene particle aggregation kinetics in petroleum recovery

Scientific Reports


Abolfazl Dehghan Monfared
Abolfazl Dehghan Monfared

H-Index: 7

Cementation factor in clayey rock samples: investigating the role of clay content and determination using electrical rock classification

Applied Clay Science


Super gas wet and gas wet rock surface: State of the art evaluation through contact angle analysis


Abolfazl Dehghan Monfared
Abolfazl Dehghan Monfared

H-Index: 7

Mohammad Hossein Ghazanfari
Mohammad Hossein Ghazanfari

H-Index: 27

Application of Pb–Fe spinel-activated carbon for phenol removal from aqueous solutions: fixed-bed adsorption studies

Environmental Science and Pollution Research


Abolfazl Dehghan Monfared
Abolfazl Dehghan Monfared

H-Index: 7

Toward a mechanistic understanding of adsorption behavior of phenol onto a novel activated carbon composite

Scientific Reports


Abolfazl Dehghan Monfared
Abolfazl Dehghan Monfared

H-Index: 7

Hybrid artificial intelligence paradigms for modeling of water-gas (pure/mixture) interfacial tension

Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering


Abolfazl Dehghan Monfared
Abolfazl Dehghan Monfared

H-Index: 7

Mohammad Sarmadivaleh
Mohammad Sarmadivaleh

H-Index: 32

Lead ferrite-activated carbon magnetic composite for efficient removal of phenol from aqueous solutions: synthesis, characterization, and adsorption studies

Scientific Reports


Abolfazl Dehghan Monfared
Abolfazl Dehghan Monfared

H-Index: 7

Wettability alteration of calcite rock from gas-repellent to gas-wet using a fluorinated nanofluid: a surface analysis study

Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering


Abolfazl Dehghan Monfared
Abolfazl Dehghan Monfared

H-Index: 7

Mohammad Hossein Ghazanfari
Mohammad Hossein Ghazanfari

H-Index: 27

Compare numerical modeling and improved understanding of dynamic sessile drop contact angle analysis in Liquid-Solid-Gas system

Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering


Mohammad Hossein Ghazanfari
Mohammad Hossein Ghazanfari

H-Index: 27

Abolfazl Dehghan Monfared
Abolfazl Dehghan Monfared

H-Index: 7

See List of Professors in Abolfazl Dehghan Monfared University(Persian Gulf University)