Žiga Malek

About Žiga Malek

Žiga Malek, With an exceptional h-index of 23 and a recent h-index of 22 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, specializes in the field of Environmental sciences, Land change science, Ecosystem services.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Improving high-resolution spatial information on agricultural land use management in Europe for economic land use modelling and the assessment of policy impacts

Representing justice in global land-use scenarios can align biodiversity benefits with protection from land grabbing

The economics of decarbonizing Costa Rica's agriculture, forestry and other land uses sectors

Mapping livestock grazing in semi-natural areas in the European Union and United Kingdom

Assessing future impacts of tropical cyclones on global banana production

Avoiding an unjust transition to sustainability: An equity metric for spatial conservation planning

The Activities of the Slovenian Strategic Council for Nutrition 2023/24 to Improve the Health of the Slovenian Population and the Sustainability of Food: A Narrative Review

Modeling Dynamic Systems for Sustainable Development: Avoiding an unjust transition to sustainability: An equity metric for spatial conservation planning

Žiga Malek Information



Assistant Professor Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM)



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Žiga Malek Skills & Research Interests

Environmental sciences

Land change science

Ecosystem services

Top articles of Žiga Malek

Improving high-resolution spatial information on agricultural land use management in Europe for economic land use modelling and the assessment of policy impacts


Representing justice in global land-use scenarios can align biodiversity benefits with protection from land grabbing

One Earth


Žiga Malek
Žiga Malek

H-Index: 14

The economics of decarbonizing Costa Rica's agriculture, forestry and other land uses sectors

Ecological Economics


Renato Vargas
Renato Vargas

H-Index: 1

Žiga Malek
Žiga Malek

H-Index: 14

Mapping livestock grazing in semi-natural areas in the European Union and United Kingdom

Landscape Ecology


Assessing future impacts of tropical cyclones on global banana production

Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences Discussions


Žiga Malek
Žiga Malek

H-Index: 14

Nadia Bloemendaal
Nadia Bloemendaal

H-Index: 4

Avoiding an unjust transition to sustainability: An equity metric for spatial conservation planning

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences


Žiga Malek
Žiga Malek

H-Index: 14

The Activities of the Slovenian Strategic Council for Nutrition 2023/24 to Improve the Health of the Slovenian Population and the Sustainability of Food: A Narrative Review


Modeling Dynamic Systems for Sustainable Development: Avoiding an unjust transition to sustainability: An equity metric for spatial conservation planning

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America


Žiga Malek
Žiga Malek

H-Index: 14

A multi-data approach to evaluate progress towards land degradation neutrality in Central Asia

Ecological Indicators


Žiga Malek
Žiga Malek

H-Index: 14

Climate change impacts on tree crop suitability in Southeast Asia

Regional Environmental Change


Žiga Malek
Žiga Malek

H-Index: 14

Jasper Van Vliet
Jasper Van Vliet

H-Index: 26

Banking on strong rural livelihoods and the sustainable use of natural capital in post-conflict Colombia

Environment, Development and Sustainability


Pantropical distribution of short-rotation woody plantations: spatial probabilities under current and future climate

Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change


Katharina Schulze
Katharina Schulze

H-Index: 3

Žiga Malek
Žiga Malek

H-Index: 14

Potential for land and water management adaptations in Mediterranean croplands under climate change

Agricultural Systems


Can we avert an Amazon tipping point? The economic and environmental costs

Environmental Research Letters


China Biodiversity Outlook


Regional disparities in impacts of climate extremes require targeted adaptation of Fairtrade supply chains

One Earth


Žiga Malek
Žiga Malek

H-Index: 14

Saline soils worldwide: Identifying the most promising areas for saline agriculture

Journal of arid environments


Katarzyna Negacz
Katarzyna Negacz

H-Index: 1

Žiga Malek
Žiga Malek

H-Index: 14

Mapping demand and supply of functional niches of urban green space

Ecological Indicators


Žiga Malek
Žiga Malek

H-Index: 14

Fairtrade and climate change: Systematic review, hotspot analysis and survey


See List of Professors in Žiga Malek University(Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)

