Finding someone’s email address can be difficult, especially for lead generation. That’s why people’s email is not like a location or social media profile that you can easily obtain. We all know that email addresses don’t have a specific database that you can search in. But the question is, what is the best way to find email addresses for sales leads?

No need to worry; There are simple solutions to get people’s email addresses, and in this guide, we’ll examine 7 of the best ways.

So stay with us.

Why Finding the Right Email Addresses Matters?

Having a database of accurate and valid email addresses is one of the primary requirements of any successful email marketing strategy.

This allows you to identify more sales leads and interact with them directly. Accordingly, reaching the right email addresses will affect the overall success of your campaigns.

It’s natural that incorrect or outdated email wastes your resources, reduces the credibility of your sender, and negatively affects the deliverability of future campaigns.

So bear in mind that targeting and identifying the right email contacts will increase engagement and improve conversion rates. This will ultimately lead to better sales results.

7 Ways to Find Email Addresses for Sales Leads

As you know, having a list of quality email leads for sales is extremely important. Do you know how to collect email addresses for sales leads? Look no further!

Here are 7 effective and simple ways to find the email addresses of your valuable contacts, from guessing the correct email addresses to using email finder tools like CUFinder and social media platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter.

Let’s dive in!

7 Ways to Find Email Addresses for Sales Leads

1. Try to Guess the Correct Email Address

A simple way to find people’s email addresses is to guess them based on their first or last name and the name of their company or brand in search engines.

Searching for a person’s name on Google can be an inexpensive and hassle-free method if the person hasn’t used unusual names in their email address.

See also  Top Email Finder Tools

If you’re looking for customers’ email addresses, try the following formats:


This method can be surprisingly effective, especially when you search the emails of people who are influencers or have a well-known brand. Because they typically use their name, brand, or company name in their email ID.

2. Reach out on X/Twitter

Social media platforms offer great opportunities to connect with potential leads. Interacting with them on Twitter or LinkedIn will help you discover their email addresses through their messaging tool or advanced search filters.

Users sometimes include their email addresses in their tweets or Twitter bio, but they try using “dot” and “at” instead of “.” and “@” to hide them from bots.

Open your Twitter account, use the X/Twitter Advanced Search tool, and search the person’s tweets for “at” and “dot”. You can choose the exact terms to search.

With the help of these operators, you can find people’s email addresses on this platform.

3. Search for Your Leads’ Personal Website

Personal websites and blogs are the best sources for contact information. You can search the list of email addresses by visiting the “Contact Us” or “About Us” pages of these websites. This gives you direct access to sales leads.

To search for the email address of a person who has a personal website or studies in a certain university or works for a certain company and organization, in such cases, you can limit your search to their websites and use the following formats:

  • Site: “” AND “somebody’s name”
  • Site: + “name” + email

This model of search is limited only to “”, which means that all other websites are not checked.

4. Leverage Google Advanced Search

Google’s advanced search engine is a great place to get information like people’s email. When we search on the platform, we can discover a large database of information. That’s why this method is an invaluable tool.

To find a specific person’s email, just search the desired person’s name along with their personal information, such as company name.

Let’s look at some examples of Google searches to find other people’s email:

  • “[name]” + “email” or “email address”
  • “[name]” + “contact,” “contact information,” or “contact me”
  • “[name]” + “hometown” or “company”
  • “” And “first name and last name”

Tip: If you know what email platform the person uses –,,,, etc. – searching for email addresses will be easier and more accurate for you.

See also  Find Owner of Email Address Gmail

In such cases, you can discover email addresses hidden in websites or public documents by using the above special search operators individually.

5. Use LinkedIn’s Professional Network

Because of the professional nature of LinkedIn, this platform is a great place to find email addresses for sales leads. According to LinkedIn’s statistics, this social media currently has more than one billion user accounts.

Although an easy way to get email addresses is to send them connection invitations, this isn’t always a good option. You can search for targeted people or companies with the help of LinkedIn’s advanced search.

Then, by visiting their LinkedIn profile, you’ll find the “Contact info” option, which lists the person’s contact information, including their email address.

If this Email field isn’t there, you can gain their email address and contact information with the lead generation automation tools or free Chrome extensions like CUFinder.

6. Subscribe to Their Newsletter

One of the indirect but effective approaches to finding email sales leads is to subscribe to the newsletters of companies or your target audiences.

In most cases, effective engagement with their content can create valuable opportunities for direct email communication. Because many companies use automated emails to interact with their subscribers.

However, these interactions and communications provide you with an opportunity to easily discover the email addresses of people and companies.

That way, the more newsletters you find and subscribe to, the more emails you’ll get.

7. Use an Email Finder Tool

There are many automated email extraction tools that can help you find and verify email addresses. These tools simplify the email lead generation process by using automation and artificial intelligence algorithms.

You can easily enter the name of your target person or company and quickly get potential email addresses.

Try tools like CUFinder,, or LinkedIn Sales Navigator to see which one works best for you.

The email finder tools are the best choice for discovering email leads by minimizing manual searches and providing bulk email lists.

CUFinder: The Best Way to Find the Right Email Addresses for Sales Leads

Among various email finder tools, CUFinder stands out due to its high accuracy of 98%, its efficiency, and the delivery of verified emails for free.

This tool has the largest email database that helps you quickly find the email addresses of contacts and companies. Also, it assures you that all the email addresses you receive are active and valid.

With its ability to integrate and verify data from multiple sources, CUFinder is a top choice for marketers focused on generating high-quality B2B leads because of two powerful engines:

See also  How Did Someone Find My Email? – All Proven Ways

CUFinder’s Prospect Engine

To boost your lead generation efforts, CUFinder has an effective tool called Prospect Engine.

It offers powerful contact and company search tools that provide deep insights into contacts data and company data, such as emails, phone numbers, industry, revenue, country, size, employee roles, key decision-makers, and more.

You can access all of the above information for both companies and individuals with the help of our various advanced filters, including:

  • Name,
  • Job titles,
  • Company,
  • Location,
  • Employees,
  • Industry,
  • Products & services,
  • Interests,
  • Skills,
  • Work history,
  • Educations,
  • Certifications,
  • Salary,
  • Years of experience,
  • Connections,
  • Funding,
  • Revenue,
  • Email status, and
  • Phone status.

This platform is ideal for those looking to create highly targeted email lists and find specific email addresses related to various professional roles.

Need an email list building software for growth? Try CUFinder’s Prospect Engine for free to generate leads email lists.


CUFinder’s Email Enrichment Engines

CUFinder has a successful suite of email enrichment services designed to simplify and improve your email marketing and lead generation strategies.

Let’s take a look at some key email enrichment services of CUFinder:

  • Names to Emails Converter: Just use a person’s name and their company name or domain to find their email address.
  • LinkedIn Email Finder: Easily get your contacts’ emails on LinkedIn to reach them directly.
  • CEOs Email Finder: Easily find CEOs’ email addresses from different companies. You can use company names or domains for bulk searches and download results in Excel or integrate them with your CRM.
  • Person Email Finder: Find persons’ email addresses in bulk just by their names.
  • Company Email Finder: Get access to a large database of company emails by using just their company name or domain. It’s available for bulk use and API integration.
  • Free Email Verifier: Checks the validity of email addresses in terms of server, format, and delivery and prevents bounced emails. This tool increases the effectiveness of your email campaigns.

These tools help you accelerate your B2B sales lead generation and improve overall communication efficiency.

Speed up your B2B sales lead generation process with our tailored demos at any stage of your buyer’s journey. Click here to get started!

The Bottom Line

Now, reading this article, you know the answer if you were asked: What is the best way to find email addresses for sales leads?

In this article, we’ve explained 7 simple and practical methods for you. But if you want to know which of these 7 methods is more effective and better and will help you a lot in accessing verified and accurate email addresses? Our answer and suggestion is to use the CUFinder email finder tool.

With CUFinder’s prospecting and enrichment tools, you can build a comprehensive database of B2B leads that includes detailed email addresses, contact numbers, social media profiles, and more.

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