Sales Marketing

How to Find Someone’s Phone Number with Name

Written by Mary
How to Find Someone’s Phone Number with Name

How to get people’s numbers? Can you find someone’s phone number with just their name? If you want to know how to find someone’s phone number with name, this article demonstrates the path forward.

How can I find mobile phone numbers by name of a person?

Various free methods to find mobile numbers by the names of persons are presented on this page alongside professional phone finder services, which offer bulk access to verified cell phone numbers.

This combination provides both budget-friendly options and more comprehensive solutions for finding verified cell phone numbers in bulk quantities.

Cufinder prospect engine banner
Cufinder prospect engine banner preview in Mobile

Why Is It Important to Find a Phone Number?

Communicating with different people, whether in social or business contexts, requires that you have their phone number. Now we are in the age of social media, but it doesn’t mean that social media networks are better for communication.

When armed with a person’s name and a general phone number, you gain access to a wealth of information. This not only facilitates business contacts and brings you closer to your goals, but also enables you to collect valuable insights from your interactions.

However, due to the time difference between different countries, keeping in touch with them can take time and effort. 

On the other hand, having the phone numbers of leads, prospects, and customers is one of the main elements for marketers. 

In fact, this issue is so important that the sales team members usually try hard to get the phone number of the leads in different ways, whether it is data extraction through search engines and lead generation platforms such as CUFinder or encouraging people to register on the company’s website, etc. to get their numbers.

The next section offers the best free methods to find the phone numbers of people manually and after that the best phone number finders of the market are introduced completely.

Use free methods to find someone's phone number with name

How to Find Someone’s Phone Number with Name for Free?

The free manual methods available to find someone’s phone number with name are as follows:

1. Ask for Help from Google!

Just enter Google and type the name of the person who you need its number.

Use Google search engine to find someone's phone number with name

You can just search for their name, or you can narrow it down and search for both his/her name and the name of the company in which he is working. Even adding the country in which he/she lives can be helpful.

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As you can see by searching the intended name, all websites with relevant data are shown quickly.

You need to check them one by one to see if her phone number exists on the web or not.

In this request, her own website, LinkedIn profile, and Facebook are the three first results that may contain her number.

Check all websites showing the intended name to see if their phone numbers exist

You can also search for the name of the person plus the “phone number” like the below image. 

Search for the person's name with "phone number"

Sometimes, phone numbers may appear in online directories or public records on Google. Nevertheless, phone numbers listed in online directories may lack verification and may be inaccurate.

What is interesting in manual phone number extraction is the matter of cost as it is totally free. However, if we consider the low amount of money we spend on internet connection and electricity, it is not totally free anymore!

2. Check the Company Websites

If you know where that person is working, check their company website. Sometimes, company employees’ or employers’ cell phone and WhatsApp numbers are mentioned on their website’s contact pages.

Check company websites to extract phone numbers

3. Social Media

Some people add cell phone numbers to their social accounts, like Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, etc. However, this practice is uncommon.


Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms, and some of its users provide their phone numbers in their profiles. You can use Facebook’s search feature to look for the person and access their contact information if they choose to publicly share it.

Navigate to the individual’s Facebook profile page and select the “About” tab beneath the cover photo. Examine the “Contact and Basic Info” section to check if the person has included their phone number. If the phone number is provided, it will be accessible to you.

Use the individual’s Facebook profile to extract their phone numbers


Since LinkedIn is one of the top social networks and a business-related search service provider with registered information regarding over 1 billion users worldwide, you can find contact data for people and businesses by checking LinkedIn profiles.

According to statistics from Demandsage, more than 12.5% ​​of the world’s population uses LinkedIn to connect with professionals across the globe.

However, you may not be lucky enough to look for people’s phone numbers on LinkedIn. Some of them might remove their telephone number from their profile. Consequently, this solution is not almost always efficient and appropriate.

Additionally, some people can find out who has searched for them on LinkedIn!

Check the “Contact Info” section on the profiles of individuals to see whether they have added their phone numbers there or not.

Use the individual’s LinkedIn profile and view the Contact Info section to find their phone numbers

Also, you can simply use the free Chrome Extension of CUFinder and install it on your browser, which can extract phone numbers from any LinkedIn page you like.

free Chrome Extension of CUFinder

X, Instagram, and Other Social Media

While Facebook and LinkedIn are more likely to have phone numbers, it’s worth checking other social networks like X and Instagram. Some individuals may share their contact information in their bios or contact sections of these networks.

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4. Ask Mutual Contacts

Another simple and effective approach is to ask mutual friends, family members, or colleagues if they have the person’s phone number. 

They may be able to provide you with the information you’re looking for, especially if the person you’re trying to reach is a part of your shared network.

5. Public Records and Government Databases

You can always use public records and stuff like that. It may be hard and might get long, but believe it or not, people still use them!

Voter Registration Records

Voter registration records are typically public information and may include phone numbers. You can contact your local election office or check online databases to access this data. Be aware that this method may only work for registered voters.

Property Records

Property records often contain the contact information of property owners. You can access property records through your local government’s website or office. This method is useful if you know the person who owns property in your area.

Business and Professional Licensing Records

If the person you’re looking for is a business owner or holds a professional license, you can search for their contact information through business or licensing records. Government agencies typically maintain these records, which are often accessible online.

Disadvantages of the Free Manual Ways for Phone Number Extraction

Manually checking the cell phone numbers of people from Google and social media platforms and other methods we explained in the previous part can present several disadvantages and negative points.

Are a majority of the cell phone numbers in your CRM invalid

Firstly, one of the most significant drawbacks is the time it consumes. Searching various platforms for each individual’s contact information can be incredibly time-consuming, especially when dealing with a large dataset. This can lead to inefficiency and a waste of valuable resources, particularly if the process is being undertaken by employees who could be focusing on more productive tasks.

Secondly, manually checking cell phone numbers in this manner can also be costly. If the task is delegated to employees, it means paying for their time spent on this repetitive and labor-intensive process. It requires individuals to sift through multiple sources, verify information, and ensure accuracy.

Moreover, this not only demands a significant workforce but also increases the likelihood of errors. Human error is inevitable in such manual tasks, resulting in incorrect or outdated information being recorded. These errors can have adverse consequences, such as failed attempts to contact individuals or contacting the wrong person altogether.

Are you tired of calling wrong numbers

In the next few parts, we will introduce the best automatic phone number finders on the market, solving the problem of bulk phone number lookup. 

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We will start with the CUFinder phone number finder and then explain other famous phone numbers on the market.

Find the Mobile Number by the Name of the Person with CUFinder

CUFinder is a lead generation and business data enrichment platform with various online tools and bulk services to find new leads and enrich CRMs in real-time.

With its various features, CUFinder enables organizations to efficiently identify potential customers and enrich their data.

CUFinder has a bulk cell phone finder that can find mobile numbers by the names of persons on a large scale and in real-time.

The CUFinder's phone finder tool is your solution

CUFinder offers several benefits for finding phone numbers of people:


Instead of manually searching through phone number directories and social media, CUFinder provides a convenient online platform where users can quickly find someone’s phone number with their name.

CUFinder has a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for individuals to search for phone numbers without requiring specialized technical skills.


CUFinder’s services save a significant amount of time compared to traditional methods of searching for phone numbers on Google and social networks, especially when trying to find contact information for multiple individuals.


CUFinder relies on up-to-date databases and algorithms to provide accurate cell phone numbers, reducing the likelihood of encountering outdated or incorrect phone numbers.

CUFinder guarantees +98% accuracy rate of phone numbers

Wide coverage

CUFinder has access to extensive databases containing phone numbers from various sources, including public records, social media platforms, and other online sources, increasing the likelihood of finding the desired contact information.


CUFinder is available 24/7, allowing users to find someone’s phone number and name at any time, regardless of location or time zone.

Additional Information

CUFinder has many lead generation and business data enrichment tools. It provides additional information about the individuals and companies, such as their name, address, or social media profiles, which can be helpful for further verification or contacting the person through alternative means.


CUFinder is available at a minimal cost, making it a cost-effective solution for individuals and startups.

Legal Compliance

CUFinder operates within legal boundaries and adheres to data privacy and protection regulations, ensuring that users can conduct phone number searches lawfully and ethically. 

This service follows the rules of GDPR and CCPA for data privacy and protection.

How Can I Find Mobile Numbers by Names with CUFinder?

The process of finding cell phone numbers is so straightforward in CUFinder.

Login and enter the dashboard. Click “Enrichment Engine” at the top.

You will see over 28 bulk services. Find “Person Phone Finder” and click it.

In the first step, you should choose a name for this project. You can add any name you like to find this project based on the name in the future. Then, click “Next.”

Upload your file with the persons’ names and locations. The allowed formats include *.xlsx, *.xls, and *.csv.

After submitting your document, identify the information contained in each column from the top menu. In the image below, the first, second, and third columns respectively contain the persons’ first names, last names, and locations.

Afterward, click “Next.”

Your request review is shown in this step. If it is OK, click “Run Bulk Request.”

The result is ready in seconds. Click “View.”

Your request report is demonstrated instantly and can be downloaded in bulk with a click.

CUFinder offers a range of tools and services to assist with your marketing responsibilities, making your tasks more manageable.

CUFinder is a quick and straightforward service that helps find someone’s phone number and name. 

This platform streamlines the process, making it swift and user-friendly to obtain contact details for specific individuals. With CUFinder, users can easily search for someone’s phone number without encountering unnecessary complexities or hurdles.

Not sure yet? Try signing up for a free trial now.

Achieve victory with CUFinder's Phone Number Finder. It saves time & money by avoiding manual searches

Other Popular Phone Number Finders in the Market

In addition to CUFinder, introduced in the previous sections, there are many other famous phone number finders, some of which are explained in this part.

1. SpyDialer

SpyDialer is a free phone lookup tool for cell phones, landlines, and VOIP and searches for information based on phone numbers, people, addresses, and email.

SpyDialer is a free reverse lookup tool to find someone's phone number with name

To receive people’s phone numbers through SpyDialer, you need to go through SpyDialer and opt for the people option. Then, you must enter the first name, last name, city, and state of someone you contact. Finally, you can see phone numbers by clicking on the search box.

To get a person's phone number, click "People" and enter the required information

Also, in the Address field, the user should add the street address, city, and state to get the name and phone number of the owner of this address.

Select "Address" to find a person's name & phone number based on her/his address

And the last one needs an email address to show the phone number of the owner of this email.

Select "Email" to find a person's phone number based on her/his email address

✅ SpyDialer Upsides 

  • No payment is needed.
  • It has the landline phone numbers of companies as well as the cell phone numbers of people.
  • A reverse phone number check can be done in SpyDialer.
  • Phone numbers can be given to the user based on an address or email.

❌ SpyDialer Downsides 

  • It has collected the phone numbers from public sources, so if we see errors in the results, it is not strange.
  • It provides the numbers of USA organizations and people. Other parts of the world are not included.
  • One important deficiency in SpyDialer is its inability to support bulk requests, the feature which has many fans and most marketers look for.
  • Its search process is slow and manual.

2. Whitepages

Whitepages is a directory website of phone numbers that works based on phone books, and it’s an excellent way to look up landline phone numbers in some areas.

Whitepages is one of the tools that can provide phone numbers of business people free of charge.

It asks for the name and locations of individuals to find their phone numbers in real-time. It can also tell you to whom any phone number belongs through its reverse phone number finder.

Whitepages is a free directory website to lookup landline phone numbers

It only gives the phone numbers of people in the USA, but it has a unique feature that compensates for the location limitation.

That is its ability to check the background of business people. If the requested person has any criminal background, Whitepages tells you! Interesting, isn’t it?

✅ Whitepages Upsides

  • It checks the background of people to find out if they have any criminal history or not.
  • This service’s price is fair, making it more interesting.
  • It can find the people’s names based on their phone numbers.
  • It is free of charge as it provides public data available on the web.
  • Both people’s and companies’ phone numbers are available in Whitepages.
  • Simple to use and fast.
  • Huge database in the USA.

❌ Whitepages Downsides

  • It only provides the phone numbers of American people and businesses.
  • It doesn’t support bulk requests, which could be very useful if supported.
  • The data given about the background of business people are not complete and very reliable based on reports of some marketers.
  • It has not mentioned the percentage of its data accuracy rate. Today people look for verified and guaranteed information in any field, especially when it is about business.
  • There’s no bulk lookup feasibility of contact numbers.
  • The data given about individuals is incomplete, and frankly, it is not very worthy.

3. BeenVerified

BeenVerified has the data of people, vehicles, and property. With the help of BeenVerified, you can check the phone number behind any missed call on your phone to find out who has called you.

BeenVerified provides the phone numbers of people

People’s location, email, age, and social media profiles are some other data given in BeenVerified. It only performs single requests to detect the phone numbers of businesses and individuals.

✅ BeenVerified Upsides 

  • Both the landline phone numbers of companies and the cell phone numbers of people are given.
  • It provides public data, so it is free of charge, helping startups to reduce costs.
  • It offers many other services, like email lookup, vehicle search, address lookup, etc. 

❌ BeenVerified Downsides 

  • As I said before, we cannot expect a free tool to provide contacts with a high accuracy rate. BeenVerified, which has gathered public data for free, is not an exception, either. It doesn’t guarantee the provision of reliable data, and if we face a low accuracy rate, we cannot complain.
  • It has the data of American people and companies. Therefore, it is not a recommended tool if you struggle with people of the whole world.
  • It is time-consuming if you want to search many names one by one in BeenVerified. However, compared with the manual methods explained in the last parts of this article, it takes less time.

4. ZabaSearch

ZabaSearchIt is a free database that provides phone numbers and contacts for people and firms in the USA.

The names and locations of individuals are required as the inputs to find their phone numbers. Also, it can convert phone numbers to individuals’ names too.

ZabaSearch provides the phone number of persons

It has designed and created a new feature named “View Full Profile,” which gives some more data about the individuals like their social media networks.

But to be honest, the speed of this interesting tool is not acceptable and causes some marketers to ignore it.

In addition to slow speed, it is also expensive, and it doesn’t guarantee the data to be accurate and valid. 

✅ ZabaSearch Upsides

  • Public data of both people and companies, like their phone numbers, are available in ZabaSearch for free.
  • It only needs the names and locations of people to find their contacts.
  • A reverse phone number check is also possible in ZabaSearch.
  • More data, like leads’ social networks, are given with an extra fee.

❌ ZabaSearch Downsides

  • It only provides data on the American people.
  • It doesn’t support bulk requests. Only it is used for single searches.
  • More data about leads are provided by ZabaSearch, but this feature is expensive, and the given data is not guaranteed to be valid. 

5. Aeroleads

Aeroleads is another suitable tool that focuses on exploring phone numbers of businesses and prospects. Besides, Aeroleads is a great choice for looking up the email addresses of companies and businesses. Meanwhile, this lead lookup platform works with a Google Chrome extension.

Aeroleads finds email and phone numbers

The unique feature of Aeroleads is that it is an easy way of finding any lead.

✅ AeroLeads Upsides 

  • The phone numbers of both people and companies are provided by AeroLeads in real-time.
  • Single and bulk searches are supported.
  • It can convert phone numbers to individuals’ names, too.
  • We should consider that working with AeroLeads is easy.
  • Searches are done based on various filters, helping us to have more relevant data.
  • Like many other phone number finders, it has a free trial.
  • It can be connected to your CRM for data enrichment.

❌ AeroLeads Downsides 

  • Only the contacts that are visible to the user after a LinkedIn search are given.
  • It doesn’t guarantee the accuracy rate of its data, and I saw some complaints published by marketers on the web about inaccurate contacts given by AeroLeads. Even it may tell you that an email address is untrue while it is correct!
  • Some marketers reported on the web that the speed of AeroLeads in data extraction is not high enough.
  • Only the emails and phone numbers are given. If more contacts were recorded in AeroLeads, it would be better.
  • High-priced, as some marketers believe

6. ZoomInfo

ZoomInfo is a sales intelligence platform that offers marketers and professionals general business information to assist them in coming across their ideal prospects. It’s worth noting that the particular feature of this platform includes its seamless CRM integrations.

Although ZoomInfo has a far-reaching database of firms and business information, it doesn’t guarantee data precision on its website.

ZoomInfo is a lead generation and data enrichment platform

✅ ZoomInfo Upsides 

  • Both single and bulk services are supported in ZoomInfo.
  • Good CRM integration.
  • A free trial is available for quality check.

❌ ZoomInfo Downsides 

  • It doesn’t give business people’s phone numbers; only companies’ landline numbers are provided.
  • If you get the data of international companies from ZoomInfo, then you have to transfer them manually to the CRM.
  • The data accuracy rate is not mentioned on the ZoomInfo website and is not guaranteed.
  • It doesn’t have a reverse phone number check system.
  • Based on the opinion of marketers on the web, the support team of ZoomInfo is not good.
  • Its website is complicated and difficult to use.

7. LeadIQ

LeadIQ provides one of the fast and most convenient solutions to reach leads and potential customers. Accordingly, bringing quality and up-to-minute information concerning business is one of the remarkable features of LeadIQ.

LeadIQ provides the phone numbers of leads fast

With the help of wide sources of emails and phone numbers of companies, LeadIQ allows its users to connect with their target customers.

✅ LeadIQ Upsides 

  • LeadIQ can be integrated with sales tools.
  • It supports both single and bulk requests.
  • The phone numbers of companies and individuals are provided.
  • The whole world is supported. 

❌ LeadIQ Downsides 

  • Offer prices by LeadIQ are not competitive.
  • Lack of access to reverse phone number lookup.
  • Restricted access to all contact phone numbers.

8. Lead411

The phone numbers of individuals are prepared by Lead411 in real-time and in bulk. Lead411 both provides and verifies phone numbers, but it doesn’t mention the accuracy rate on its website.

Even the number of contacts available in its database is not declared.

Lead411 provides phone numbers in bulk

It provides unlimited capacity for the users and covers the whole world. Just select the filters offered by Lead411 and get prospects’ phone numbers in real-time. Easy and fast.

✅ Lead411 Upsides

  • A 7-day free trial is available to help users test this service’s quality.
  • It supports the whole world.
  • Easy API integration with CRM.

❌ Lead411 Downsides

  • The number of contacts recorded in its database is not specified by the owner, and many believe that its database is limited.
  • Also, the accuracy rate is not declared and guaranteed.
  • It doesn’t have a reverse phone number lookup service.
  • By a simple search on the web, you see that many people are unhappy with the high prices of Lead411 services.

9. Lusha

Lusha provides the cell phone numbers of people and landline phone numbers of firms. Based on people’s names, their contacts, such as their cell phone numbers and emails, and the data and contacts of the company in which they are active are given.

Lusha is used to find phone numbers of leads

✅ Lusha Upsides 

  • It integrates with your CRM.
  • Both companies’ and individuals’ numbers are given.
  • It gives 5 free credits to the users as a quality check.

❌ Lusha Downsides 

  • One important issue which many marketers complain about is the low data coverage of Lusha. For many searches, it doesn’t provide a result.
  • Another important downside of Lusha is related to its customer service, which doesn’t support clients after purchase as much as they should, based on the idea of many marketers on the web.
  • Some marketers are not happy with the quality of data given by Lusha. They believe that the data accuracy rate is low.
  • Some people on the web complained that after giving their cell phone number to Lusha at the time of signing up, they received a lot of spam robocalls!

10. UpLead

UpLead has been designed and created as a lead generation tool that guarantees to provide a data accuracy rate of 95%.

UpLead is a B2B lead generation and phone finder

One of the main tools of UpLead enables users to find anyone’s number in real-time. Also, it has a Chrome Extension, which can be installed on your browser to extract the phone numbers recorded on any web page.

✅ UpLead Upsides 

  • UpLead has provided a 7-day free trial for all newcomers to check the services and quality before any purchase.
  • It guarantees the provided data to be 95% accurate. 
  • It has provided a Google Chrome Extension for phone number extraction in web browsers. 
  • It has both single and bulk services that can provide the phone numbers of individuals and companies.

❌ UpLead Downsides 

  • Some marketers complain that Uplead has a limited amount of contacts, and this causes some or even many searches to remain with no result.
  • Some people believe that Uplead caters to the masses, collecting data from many platforms and websites, some of which are not updated.
  • The UpLead support team is not responsive, as some marketers have said on the web.
  • When it provides the contacts of people working in a company, the result may include the contacts of employees who had left the company many years ago!
  • Sometimes, the actual number of contacts exported is less than what you see after you filter. For instance, it shows 1000 contacts, but only 300 are given when exported!

11. InfoTracer

As its name suggests, InfoTracer can be used to track the American people as it is a complete database of people’s contacts like their profiles on social media and even their criminal backgrounds!

InfoTracer provides the phone numbers of leads

As you can see in the picture above, the user can search by:

Name: Add a person’s full name plus its city (optional) and state (optional) to get that person’s phone number in seconds.

In addition to phone numbers, many other contacts are available, too, from email and social media profiles to some interesting data like his/her relative list, arrest records, education, image, professional licenses, or even traffic violations! Amazing, isn’t it?

✅ InfoTracer Upsides 

  • Not just the phone numbers of people and companies, very other interesting data is given in InfoTracer.
  • One of the features I appreciate in InfoTracer is its ability to provide the data of people based on their images! Get the image of a person from his/her social platform, upload it in InfoTracer and see the background!
  • A reverse phone number check is possible in InfoTracer.
  • It provides public data, so it’s free. However, only common data is given for free. Details require money!

❌ InfoTracer Downsides 

  • The given data by InfoTracer is public, so we cannot be sure of its correctness, and it is often worthless.
  • It only provides data on the American people.
  • Detailed data from InfoTracer, which I like so much, is not free, and frankly, it’s so expensive.
  • Sometimes you will find missing information in some areas of the reports with the notation “Not on file!”
  • Many marketers on the web mentioned that the amount of data given by InfoTracer is not enough compared with the money they pay.

12. AnyWho

AnyWho has a free phone number finder that supports reverse phone lookup too. It means that the user can give it a name and get his/her phone number or give it a phone number and get its owner’s first and last name. It only supports the USA.

AnyWho doesn’t mention how many contacts are recorded in its database on its website. Both companies’ and individuals’ phone numbers are provided by AnyWho, but it has limited capacity, and only single requests are covered.

AnyWho provides the phone numbers of leads rapidly

Individuals’ first names, last names, and zip codes, as seen in the picture above, are the inputs required by AnyWho.

✅ AnyWho Upsides

  • It is free, so it can be a good choice for startups with low budgets, but I believe that free online services may not be as reliable as non-free tools in terms of data accuracy.
  • It also has a reverse phone number service.
  • It is a very easy-to-use service. So if finding a number very easily is essential for you, test AnyWho.

❌ AnyWho Downsides

  • It only supports the USA. This means that only the phone numbers of American people and businesses are recorded.
  • Based on the opinion of some marketers, the amount of data recorded in AnyWho is limited and not enough to reply to all requests.
  • Very limited options. However, I believe that we cannot expect a free tool to be perfect.
  • It doesn’t support bulk requests, so the job of marketers who look for large amounts of data becomes very difficult.
  • This website was more reliable years ago, and now its quality is not the same as before based on the review of some marketers on the web.

13. RocketReach

This B2b lead generation tool, founded in 2016, gets the name of people and converts them to their contacts and other interesting data like the name and address of the company they are working in.

RocketReach is expertise in phone numbers extraction

✅ RocketReach Upsides 

  • It works based on both single and bulk types.
  • Chrome Extension of RocketReach can be installed on your browsers, and contacts can be extracted from web pages directly.
  • Free credits are available.

❌ RocketReach Downsides 

  • The phone numbers given by RocketReach are not error-free, and many people do not like it because of its low data accuracy rate.
  • Offered prices by RocketReach are higher than other similar tools.
  • If the user’s input is not exactly the same as the data that RocketReach has recorded in its database, it won’t help you find your requested contacts.

14. Intelius

Intelius provides public data on people living in the USA. The input can be an address, a phone number, or a name.

Intelius is professional in finding leads' phone numbers

If you enter a name plus the city and USA state where he/she lives, it checks the federal, country, and state data sources and finally provides public data, including that person’s phone number, fast.

By entering the name, city, and state of a person, you can find her/his phone number

While it checks your inputs to find the relevant data, it asks some questions to narrow down the results, which can be seen in the picture below.

For instance, if you search the name of a person like John Smith, it asks you some questions while checking its database like:

  • Is John Smith an only child?
  • Is John Smith over 30 years old?
When searching for a person's name, Intelius asks you some questions

These questions help Intelius to have more details about the individual you are looking for, so it narrows down the results and provides more relevant information about John Smith.

✅ Intelius Upsides 

  • It provides various types of data about people in the USA, such as their contacts, background, criminal records, etc.
  • It offers a mobile app for Android and iOS
  • The user can trace the source of a phone number through the Intelius phone number reverse lookup.

❌ Intelius Downsides 

  • Data inaccuracy is the most repetitive complaint we hear from the users of Intelius. It doesn’t guarantee the correctness of the provided contacts, and it’s very probable that it gives you inaccurate data.
  • We should consider that a few of its services are free. But generally, its price plans are confusing. It is hard to find pricing data on its website.
  • It only provides data on the USA’s people.

15. Clearbit

Clearbit has the contacts and data of around 20 million companies and businesses from all over the world. It sends the leads’ data including phone numbers to your CRM fast to increase the speed of marketing and stop time delays.

Clearbit is a professional tool for phone number discovery

✅ Clearbit Upsides 

  • Clearbit integrates with Salesforce, Marketo, and Segment.
  • Its database contains a huge amount of data, which can be efficient for lead generation, but keep in mind that it doesn’t guarantee data accuracy.

❌ Clearbit Downsides 

  • It doesn’t provide the cell phone numbers of business people, and only companies’ landline phone numbers are given. So, connecting decision-makers of firms directly through phone conversation is not met with this service.
  • With a simple search on the web, you will see that many people complain about the low accuracy rate of the data given in Clearbit.
  • To find companies’ phone numbers with Clearbit, the user should purchase Clearbit’s “Enterprise Plan,” which costs $24k per year- so expensive! Therefore if the main target of the user is phone extraction, to pay this big amount of money is not fair! But if other services offered in Clearbit’s “Enterprise Plan” are required too, this high price may seem a little logical!
  • It has no reverse phone number check.
  • First, to show you a demo, you have to sign up with an email and send a message to request the demo! While other similar services let you use free trials much faster.


In this article, we investigated the importance of finding phone numbers for business purposes and how to do so in bulk. 

We’ve explored various methods, both free and paid, and introduced the services offered by CUFinder and other popular phone number finders for finding verified and accurate phone numbers. 

Do you have a better method? We’d love to hear it in the comments section.


Is There an App to Find Someone’s Phone Number?

Yes, there are some number phone finders, like CUFinder, that look up people’s numbers based on their names for free.

How Can I Find Out If a Phone Number Is Legitimate?

You can find out if the phone number is valid by calling it. But if you have thousands of phone numbers, you can use phone number validator tools to verify them and check all mobile phone numbers or landlines in bulk.

What Is the Easiest, Fastest, and Most Accurate Way to Find Someone’s Phone Number with Name?

The best way is to use the phone finder software or Chrome extension tools like CUFinder.

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