This page introduces a reliable URL to IP converter through which the companies’ domains are converted to their associated IP addresses in bulk and seconds.

Also, the free manual strategy for converting website URLs to IPs is explained.

Enhancing your analytics with URL to IP converter solutions can offer valuable insights. These tools allow you to convert website URLs into IP addresses, providing more accurate data for tracking website visitors and analyzing their behavior. By understanding the origin of visitors through their IP addresses, you can gain deeper insights into their geographical locations, network providers, and potentially enhance your targeting strategies.

URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is a web address. It is used to locate resources on the Internet. It consists of the protocol (e.g., HTTP/HTTPS), the domain name (e.g.,, and the optional path (e.g., /path/to/resource).

IP (Internet Protocol) is a unique numerical address assigned to devices connected to a network. It enables them to communicate and exchange data over the Internet. It serves as a locator. It identifies devices and facilitates data transfer across networks using a set of rules.

You can see more data about IP, URL, and DNS at the end of this article.

How to Convert a URL to an IP Address Manually?

The user can manually convert the URL (Uniform Resource Locator) to an IP address on the computer. This manual process is free but very time-consuming if you want to find the IP addresses of hundreds or thousands of website URLs. That’s why using a URL to IP converter has become common nowadays.

To manually convert a domain to an IP, you’ll need to perform the following steps:

Step 1: Identify the URL components

The URL consists of the domain name and the path to the resource you want to access.

Consider the URL you want to convert is:

1. Protocol: “https”

2. Domain name: “”

3. The path to the specific resource on the server: “/path/to/resource”

Step 2: Resolve the domain name to an IP address

You need to make a DNS lookup to get the IP address of the domain name.

DNS lookup can be done manually or by computer networks. For manual DNS lookup, the following options are available for window or Linux/macOS:

Option 1: Use the ‘nslookup’ command (Windows)

Open the command prompt on Windows. Use the ‘nslookup’ command as follows:

Use the 'nslookup' command (Windows)

Option 2: Use the ‘dig’ command (Linux/macOS)

Open the terminal on Linux or macOS and use the ‘dig’ command as follows:

Use the 'dig' command (Linux/macOS)

The output in both options will include the IP address of the domain name.

Look for the line that starts with “Address” or “A” record. It displays the IP address.

The output in both options will include the IP address of the domain name.

Step 3: Record the IP address

Now you have obtained the IP address from step 2.

See also  Cracking the Code: The Journey from Domain Name to IP Address Unveiled!

You can manually convert the URL to IP address without using a URL to IP converter.

In this example, the IP address is

The URL will be converted to the IP address

Please note that IPs are subject to change, especially for websites that use load balancing or have multiple servers.

So, if you need to access the resource frequently, it’s better to use the domain name, as it will be automatically resolved to the updated IP address by DNS lookup each time.

How to Convert URL to IP Address Online with CUFinder?

CUFinder’s business data enrichment service has various services for bulk data enrichment. One of them is an advanced URL to IP converter.

Simply put, CUFinder gets the companies’ website URLs as input and converts them to their associated IPs quickly. Users can download IPs in bulk.

For using CUFinder’s URL to IP converter, enter your dashboard on the CUFinder website and click “Enrichment Engine” at the top of the dashboard.

How to Convert URL to IP Address Online with CUFinder?

Select “Domain To IP” from your list of enrichment services.

Select “Domain To IP” from your list of enrichment services.

Write a name for this project. I wrote “Bulk 13”. Click “Next.”

Write a name for this project. I wrote "Bulk 13". Click "Next."

Afterward, drag or browse your Excel file of the inputs (companies’ website URLs) on the page you see below.

drag or browse your Excel file of the inputs (companies' website URLs) on the page you see below.

After dragging the file, the inputs are demonstrated in a list. Select the category of this list, which is “Company Domain .”In this way, you tell CUFinder precisely what the data in these columns is. Then, click “Next.”

Select the category of this list, which is "Company Domain

In this step, you will see a summary of your request. If everything is correct, click “Run the Bulk Request.”

If everything is correct, click "Run the Bulk Request.

The resulting file, including the IP addresses of the given domains, is prepared in a short time with no pause. Click “Download” to get the output in no time.

including the IP addresses of the given domains, is prepared in a short time with no pause. Click "Download" to get the output in no time

The picture below is a part of the Excel file of companies’ IPs provided by CUFinder’s company URL to IP converter.

The picture below is a part of the Excel file of companies' IPs provided by CUFinder's company URL to IP converter

Free URL to IP Converter vs. CUFinder URL to IP Converter

As you read, the automatic URL to IP converter of CUFinder is more efficient than the manual converting of many URLs to IPs because of:


CUFinder’s URL-to-IP converter can process multiple URLs simultaneously and quickly retrieve the corresponding IP addresses.

High Accuracy

CUFinder is built on a robust and reliable infrastructure that ensures accurate and up-to-date DNS resolution.

Manual conversion might be prone to errors, especially if DNS records change frequently.

Handling Complex URLs

CUFinder can efficiently handle complex URLs with various protocols, subdomains, and paths.

Manual conversion might be more cumbersome and error-prone.


For large-scale tasks, the URL to IP converter can handle the load efficiently. Manual conversion becomes impractical in such scenarios.

What Are the Uses of Domain to IP Converter Online?

CUFinder’s URL to IP converter helps users get the IP addresses of customers’ websites for further analysis and investigation.

What does an IP address tell us?

Location Detection

Understanding the IP addresses of companies plays a significant role in determining their geographical locations.

An important question arises:

How does the geographical location of your customers’ websites help you?

Imagine I have a list of companies’ domains, and I converted them to their IPs. The IPs show the location of these customers, which are our customers.

See also  How Are Domain Names Resolved to IP Addresses?

Let’s read what I achieve:

Relevant Content Production

When I find the customers’ approximate country, I can produce content suitable for my audience based on geolocation strategies to engage more users.

I can tailor the content and offerings to be more relevant to the customers’ culture and localized.

For instance, I can display region-specific promotions, advertisements, or product availability information to users in different areas.

This personalization improves a sense of connection with the audience. It increases the likelihood of customer conversions.

Adhering to Local Laws

Moreover, it helps me adhere to local laws and regulations. It ensures compliance with specific regional needs.

They can vary from one region to another.

Market Analysis

Geolocation data is valuable for market research and making informed business decisions.

I can analyze user trends and preferences in various locations. I can identify potential new markets and adapt their marketing strategies accordingly.

Helping Network Administrators

It enables network administrators to monitor traffic, troubleshoot connectivity issues, and implement security measures tailored to specific locations.

However, it is worth noting that while geolocation based on IP addresses can provide approximate location data, it is not always precise. There are limitations to its accuracy. Users may use VPNs to hide their actual locations, and IP addresses can be dynamic. IP addresses may change over time.

Website Access

In certain situations, a company’s website may become temporarily downtime or encounter difficulties with the DNS server.

It prevents users from accessing the website by using the regular domain name.

However, individuals can bypass the DNS resolution process using the website’s IP address. It can directly connect to the website’s server.

Using the IP address to access the website can be helpful during DNS server outages or when the DNS servers are being updated or experiencing delays in propagation.

It ensures that users can still interact with the website, view its content, and utilize its functionalities.


Knowing the IP address associated with a specific DNS server can be immensely valuable for IT engineers and computer network professionals.

This information enables IT professionals and network administrators to identify server-related problems more effectively.

When a problem arises, knowing the IP allows for targeted testing and diagnostics. They can verify if the issue is localized to a particular device or extends to the broader network.

For instance, if a website is inaccessible, determining the IP address of the web server allows them to conduct ping tests to check the responsiveness of that server. This data helps in diagnosing connectivity problems and identifying potential points of failure.

Security Analysis

IP addresses play a crucial role in security analysis. They help to detect threats and suspicious activities with a company’s online presence in the following ways:

  • Tracking malicious activity
  • Tracing the source of the attack & understanding its scope
  • Finding blacklists and whitelists
  • Identifying and combating botnets
  • Detecting unusual or abnormal activity
  • Identifying real-time threats for immediate response

Network Management

Within a company’s internal network infrastructure, IP addresses are fundamental tools for efficient network management, monitoring, and overall security.

IP addresses are essential elements in network management because they identify every device connected to the internal network.

With distinct IP addresses assigned to each device, computer network administrators can effectively organize and control the flow of data.

See also  How Domain Name Is Converted to IP Address

IP, URL, & DNS Definitions

In this part, we define URL, IP, and DNS in simple words for more understanding.


A URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is a standardized address used to identify and locate resources on the Internet.

It is a unique link to web pages, files, images, or other digital content. A typical URL comprises several components:

  • Protocol: (HTTP or HTTPS) specifying the communication method
  • Domain name: ( representing the website’s location
  • Optional path segments: leading to specific resources

URLs facilitate access to information. They enable browsers to fetch the desired content from web servers. They are fundamental in navigating the vast and interconnected web. Users can reach destinations with a simple click or tap with the help of URLs.


IP (Internet Protocol) is a fundamental communication standard that ensures seamless data exchange across the Internet. It outlines the rules for how data packets are structured, addressed, transmitted, and received.

In other words, when devices connect to a network, they are assigned a unique numeric label known as the IP address. This address serves as an identifier for each device.

An IP address is typically represented as four sets of numbers separated by periods, like

The IP protocol is crucial in enabling global connectivity, as it enables computers, servers, and other internet-enabled devices to interact, access information, and communicate across the computer networks.


DNS (Domain Name System) is a system that bridges the gap between human-readable domain names and machine-readable IP addresses.

When you enter a domain name in your web browser, DNS is responsible for translating that domain name (e.g., into the corresponding IP address (e.g., of the website’s name server.

The DNS system operates through a distributed network of DNS servers that store databases of domain names and their associated IP addresses.

When your browser needs to find the IP address for a given domain, it sends a DNS query to one of these servers.

The DNS server then looks up the domain in its database and responds with the correct IP address.

Your browser uses this IP address to:

  • establish a connection to the web server hosting the requested website
  • allow you to access the desired content

Without DNS, users would have to remember and use numeric IP addresses, making the Internet much less user-friendly and practical.


You may need the IPs of website domains for various reasons, such as location detection, content production, market analysis, etc. The complete list is mentioned on this page.

If you want to convert a URL to an IP address, you can perform the abovementioned manual method.

It has some simple steps, but it won’t be easy when you want to convert many website URLs to IPs. This manual process is so time-consuming and tedious.

You can benefit from the automatic domain or URL-to-IP converters when you need to convert many URLs to IPs. It can find IPs in bulk to save time and energy.

CUFinder is a lead generation and business data enrichment website. It helps marketers to find prospects easily and computer network analysts to do market research.

One of the bulk data enrichment services of CUFinder converts website URLs of companies to their IPs in the shortest time and on a large scale.

You can use your free trials and test the CUFinder’s URL to IP converter. Soon, you will see how fast and straightforward converting URLs to IPs can be.


  • How do I convert a URL to an IP address? You can use CUFinder’s URL to IP converter. It converts many URLs to IP addresses in real time.
  • What translates URL to IP address? CUFinder’s automatic URL to IP converter can convert website domains to IP addresses fast and in bulk.
  • How to get an IP address from the URL using CMD? First, open CMD. Second, use ‘nslookup’ command. Then, view the IP address in the line starting with “Address.”

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