CUFinder has created a bulk domain to IP converter, which is a part of the CUFinder Enrichment Engine. First, let me define the IP address and domain. Then, I will introduce CUFinder’s bulk domain to IP converter and a manual strategy to convert URLs to IPs with their benefits and downsides.

IP (Internet Protocol): IP is a numerical label assigned to devices connected to a network. It facilitates data transmission and enables communication over the Internet.

Domain: A domain is a human-readable name associated with an IP address. It is used to identify websites and resources on the Internet. It provides a user-friendly way to access online content.

How Does a Bulk Domain to IP Converter Work?

The bulk domain to IP converter gets the domain names from the user as the input and converts them to their corresponding IPs in seconds.

One of the best URL to IP converters in the market is CUFinder. It has an advanced bulk domain to IP converter and IP checker to provide the accurate IPs of website URLs.

Continue reading this part to learn how to convert URLs to IP addresses on a large scale and in real-time with CUFinder.

First, click “Enrichment Engine” at the top of your dashboard on the CUFinder website.

How Does a Bulk Domain to IP Converter Work?

Second, click the “Domain to IP” service in the demonstrated list of CUFinder enrichment tools.

click the "Domain to IP" service in the demonstrated list of CUFinder enrichment tools

In this step, write a name for this project, any name you like, and click “Next.”

write a name for this project, any name you like, and click "Next."

Now you should browse your Excel file of URLs or drag it into this page.

Now you should browse your Excel file of URLs or drag it into this page.

The imported domains are shown in a list. You must select “Company Domain” from the top sidebar to inform CUFinder that the data in the list’s first column represents the domains.

This action will enable CUFinder to recognize and treat the information in the specified column as domain names.

This action will enable CUFinder to recognize and treat the information in the specified column as domain names.

After clicking “Next,” a summary of your order is displayed. Check it, and if it is correct, click “Run the Bulk Request.”

After clicking "Next," a summary of your order is displayed. Check it, and if it is correct, click "Run the Bulk Request."

Finally, CUFinder provides the results in real-time. All the projects you did on CUFinder are shown respectively in a list. The top row is the latest project. Click “Download” to get the file in seconds.

UFinder provides the results in real-time. All the projects you did on CUFinder are shown respectively in a list

The image below shows a part of the result file. As you can see, the second column of the Excel file consits the IPs.

The image below shows a part of the result file. As you can see, the second column of the Excel file consits the IPs.

Benefits of Using a Bulk Domain to IP Converter Tool

Via a bulk domain to IP converter, you can get the correct IPs of many URLs quickly and with no latency.

See also  Understanding Domain Hosting IP Address: A Comprehensive Guide

IP (Internet Protocol) addresses are unique numerical identifiers assigned to every device connected to the Internet.

When you access a website, your device’s IP address is sent along with the request. It allows the website to send the response back to your device.

Some of the benefits of IP lookup are mentioned below:


IP lookup allows you to identify the geographical location of an IP address.

This information can be helpful for various purposes:

Targeted Advertising

Advertisers can use the geolocation data obtained from domain to IP converter to deliver targeted advertisements to audiences. Advertisers can promote products/services, or events that are relevant and accessible to the users by knowing a user’s location.

This is particularly effective for local businesses that want to find potential customers within a specific area.

Content Localization

Geolocation helps optimize website content to cater to the preferences and needs of users from different regions.

Websites can automatically display content in the local language, currency, and measurement units. It makes the user experience more personalized.

Local Search and Maps

Geolocation data assists in providing accurate local search results.

When users search for nearby businesses, the IP checker helps identify their location and present relevant options.

Fraud Detection

Geolocation data can aid in detecting and preventing fraudulent activities. Unusual login attempts or account access from locations inconsistent with a user’s typical patterns may raise red flags.

Content and Licensing Rules

IP checkers can be instrumental in enforcing content copyright and licensing restrictions based on the user’s location.

Travel and Booking Services

Geolocation is essential for travel and booking websites. These websites offer flight, hotel, or rental car reservations. The user’s location is used to provide relevant search results and localized pricing.

Delivery and Logistics

E-commerce companies can optimize their delivery routes and logistics by considering the location of customers, warehouses, and delivery points.

Network Administration

Network administrators use IP addresses to:

  • identify devices on their network
  • diagnose connectivity issues
  • monitor network traffic

They can track the source and destination of data to identify and resolve problems.

Website Analytics

Website owners and marketers use the IP addresses obtained from bulk domain to IP converters to:

  • analyze website traffic
  • identify visitor locations
  • gather insights into user demographics

This data helps in optimizing content and improving the overall user experience.

Blocking Unwanted Traffic

IP addresses associated with malicious activity, spam, or botnets can be blocked to prevent harm.

Top Bulk Domain to IP Converter Tools

CUFinder’s bulk domain to IP converter is used by many market analysts because of the following positive features:


CUFinder’s bulk domain to IP converter handles large datasets. It is ideal for market analysts dealing with extensive lists of domains.

Its optimized algorithms and infrastructure enable rapid data processing and minimize wait times.


CUFinder’s URL to IP converter leverages a reliable DNS infrastructure, ensuring precise domain to IP resolution.

You can trust the accuracy of the retrieved IP addresses, which is essential for making well-informed decisions based on accurate data.


By automating the domain to IP conversion process, CUFinder eliminates the need for manual handling of each domain.

See also  Domain Name to IP Converter Online: Bridging the Digital Divide with Precision

This feature significantly reduces the time required. It allows you to focus on other critical tasks.

At the end of this article, I explained the manual way to find the IPs. The manual strategy is suitable for finding only a few numbers of IPs.


CUFinder’s bulk domain to IP converter is built to handle scalability effortlessly. Whether dealing with hundreds or thousands of domains, you can rely on CUFinder to deliver consistent performance and reliable results.


CUFinder’s user interface is designed with ease of use in mind. Its intuitive layout makes it accessible to professional analysts and those less familiar with technical aspects.

Enhanced Insights

The converted IP addresses obtained through CUFinder provide valuable insights for market analysts.

These insights can be used to assess online presence, track digital footprints, and analyze network-related factors influencing businesses.

Choosing the Right Bulk Domain to IP Converter

You should consider several factors when choosing the right bulk domain to IP converter.

Here are some essential considerations:

Data Accuracy

The most critical factor is the tool’s accuracy in converting domain names to IP addresses.

Look for a tool that provides reliable results without errors. Test the tool with some domains to verify its accuracy.


The speed of the URL to IP converter can be crucial. However, it depends on the size of your domain names list.

Select an IP checker that can quickly handle bulk domain name files without compromising accuracy.

Size Limit

Check if the tool has any limitations on the number of domain names you can convert in a single file. If you have an extensive URL list, you’ll need a tool to handle it.

User-Friendly Interface

The tool should have a simple interface. It allows easy input of domain names and provides clear and organized output.

API and Integration Support

A bulk domain to IP converter that offers an API or supports integration with other systems and CRMs is recommended.

Security and Privacy

Ensure your domain list is treated confidentially and the tool does not store or misuse your data.

Availability and Reliability

Choose a consistently available tool. Check for reviews to get an idea of the tool’s performance.

You can check the G2 website to read the user feedbacks about the CUFinder service.


The pricing structure of the tool is essential, especially for startups and small companies. Choose an IP checker that fits your budget and requirements.

CUFinder offers some free trials every month.

Additional Services

Some tools may offer other services suitable for marketers. Consider whether these additional services are essential for you or not.

It is worth mentioning that CUFinder is a lead generation and data enrichment tool. It offers many other tools, perfect for meeting marketing needs.


Ensure that the tool comes with proper support. A helpful support team can make a significant difference when you need assistance.

CUFinder is famous for its supportive and responsive team, which is available 24/7.

Free Trial

Try out the tool offering free trials. This allows you to test its functionality and quality. CUFinder provides free credits for users before any purchase.

See also  What Is My IP from Domain?

By carefully considering these factors and testing the bulk domain to IP converter with your specific domain list, you can choose the best tool that suits your needs.

The Manual Strategy to Convert Domain to IP

Although converting website URLs to IPs manually is time-consuming, it can be helpful when only a few numbers of IPs should be found.

Follow the steps below to convert domains to IPs manually:

Open the Command Prompt or PowerShell on your Windows computer. Type this command and press enter:

  • nslookup domain_name
  • Example: nslookup
The Manual Strategy to Convert Domain to IP

Or open the Terminal on your Linux or Unix-based system. Type this command and press enter:

open the Terminal on your Linux or Unix-based system

The output will display information about the DNS resolution, including the IP address(es) associated with the domain.

The output will display information about the DNS resolution, including the IP address(es) associated with the domain.

Sometimes, a domain may have multiple IP addresses associated with it, especially if it uses load balancing or has multiple servers. The output will display all the IP addresses.

Reverse DNS Lookup?

In this part, we investigate reverse DNS lookup, which is also known as reverse DNS resolution or reverse IP lookup.

What Is Reverse DNS Lookup?

Reverse DNS Lookup is a process used to find the domain name associated with a given IP address. In reverse DNS lookup, you start with the IP address and search to find the domain name.

In other words, it is the opposite of domain to IP converting, where you convert a domain name to its IP address.

What Is the Purpose of Reverse Domain Lookup?

The primary purpose of reverse DNS lookup is to provide human-readable information for an IP address. It makes the process of identifying the host associated with that IP easier.

This can be helpful in various scenarios:

Network Administration

Network administrators use reverse DNS lookup to verify whether an IP address is correctly mapped to a specific domain or host. It helps them confirm the validity of network configurations and resolve potential issues.


Reverse DNS lookup is commonly used by email servers to check the validity of incoming emails. Some email servers may reject emails from IP addresses that do not have a valid reverse DNS record, as it could show a suspicious sender.

Log Analysis

Reverse DNS lookup can be helpful in log analysis, especially when analyzing web server logs. Converting IP addresses to domain names allows easier identification of the source of traffic.

Abuse Reporting

In cases of abuse or malicious activities originating from specific IP addresses, reverse DNS lookup can help identify the responsible party.

Manual Reverse DNS Lookup

To perform a reverse DNS lookup manually, you can use the following commands:

  • ‘nslookup’ on Windows
  • ‘dig’ on Linux/Unix systems

Some online tools and websites provide reverse DNS lookup services, where you enter the IP address, and they display the corresponding domain name.


The automatic and manual strategies to convert URLs to IPs, with their advantages and disadvantages, were explained in this article. Additionally, reverse DNS lookup and the manual way were explained.

CUFinder is an advanced and high-quality bulk domain to IP converter, which converts domain name lists to their corresponding IP addresses in real-time. Sign up to test your free trials for quality checking!


  • How domain name is converted to IP address? You can convert domain names to IP addresses with the help of CUFinder’s bulk domain to IP converter in real-time.
  • How can I get all IP addresses from a domain? With the help of CUFinder’s bulk domain to IP converter, you can get all IP addresses of a domain in seconds.
  • Can multiple domains point to the same IP? Multiple domains can point to the same IP address. This is a common practice in web hosting and DNS configuration.

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